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A member registered Jun 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Super cute and cozy! Very meditative!

This is so great! Loved the mood and the atmosphere, and the role reverse moment was super well done!  I wasn't great at keeping my momentum up, but when I did get a little streak going it felt super satisfying!

This looks gorgeous!! A little tough to control, but that kinda works in its favor. Will the pottery in small fantasy video game towns ever be safe!

So great! Love it!

Absolutely Beautiful Game! Such a great world to explore,  so much emotion packed in, and the music is fantastic!

So fun! I want to give the black hole a hug... but that probably wouldn't work out too well

Cute and fun and waaaayyyy too relatable :p Really enjoyed it, and now I want a pastel colored os theme that looks like this!

Absolutely gorgeous game!

This is so great!!! Super original concept and the execution is really well dont! Love the art! That first move where I accidentally flung a poor house into it's neighbor made me feel so much wonder and panic! Fantastic!

Liked it a lot! Gave me flashbacks of spending hours playing marble rollers with the wii motion controls... I think I like the arrow keys controls in your game better :p

Good stuff! The procedural levels really make this work well, adds some nice variation even on multiple attempts! 

That's so great thanks!! 

(2 edits)

Super fun and strangely relaxing! I can barely control the chainsaw, but like, I don't mind, cus I'm just gonna chill out and carve strange shapes and listen to the good tunes! Love it (also voxel/ volume stuff like this is pure wizardry to me so, wow impressive!) (also also if you released the music on its own I would definitely buy it )

Loved it! The transformation moment was really funny and the puzzles are really fun and challenging! Sprite art is great too!

Really fun! The controls are tough but fair which makes you want to keep playing to get better! (also i'd love to see this control scheme modded into outer wilds as a challenge mode :p )

The sound design and and art style and animations are gorgeous!! Love that beat that plays when you get a match, kept wanting to keep up my matching pace just to keep the beat going! Real fun, and super polished, great stuff!