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Victor Annibalini

A member registered Nov 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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very nice concept and graphics!


This is so well done! I love the concept and the graphics, especially the perspective you used. Music is on point too.

This is very clever! Music is not real 8 bit, maybe if you update it would be better! very nice concept man, i want a sequel where you need to solder the various components to the pcb boards

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you! We have planned to do some updates right after the jam

cool game! I love the graphics, very pokemon-like. And the map is so big!



Nice game! these "gummy" graphics and animation are cool!

if you want, try my entry too

Nice idea and graphics!

If you want, try my entry too

(1 edit)

Nice game! these "gummy" graphics and animation are cool!

if you want, try my entry too

Nice game!

BEEtiful game!

Yeah, i use Edge. I will try with Chrome.


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it doesn'n work for me :(

Best game on this gb jam for sure! Loved it :)

Thanks for the feedback bro! I will update the game in the near future, so stay tuned

Thanks for the feedback bro! I will update the game in the near future, so stay tuned

Ps. There is nothing to do in the pentacle room for now :(

Pps. I will try your game too, seems nice!

well, it's a bit annoying for now but i know you can do more in the future!

ps. i used gb studio too for my entry, check it out :)

Haha thanks! I made the game with GB Studio, so i had a lot of limitations. I will update it in the near future, so stay tuned ;)

Lol thanks :) Yeah, there isn’t an end for the game yet, i surely will add a lot of things in the near future. Follow me for updates!


this is cool! I think if you would be able to craft a raft will be better! Keep it up

Cool! But only one shot to die is too much

Thanks! I think it’s short too, but i had no time for adding other levels :(

Ok i will add checkpoints in the complete game :)

cool, but 4 letters words are a bit too much difficult :)

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ahahah very cool! What about a longer version?

looks cool! I will try it