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A member registered Dec 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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I'm a freak, I love weird control schemes. But yeah, if I do something like this in the future, it'd probably be best to include normal controls as well.

Thanks for playing!

(2 edits)

Basket Boy's sprite changes to be angry when you hit a fence because he's mad that you're keeping the egg (cursor) out of his reach. Getting stuck on walls occasionally was a byproduct of jank code but I didn't try and fix it since it felt like a punishment, since he was angry it tracked he'd be a bit rebellious... but yeah, a month in retrospect I'm not so sure that reads or plays well to the player. Especially with bigger player size upgrades it gets really annoying.

Thanks for playing!

A bit too laggy on my computer to play a full round (not indicative of anything necessarily, my laptop is really old and not made for games), but I really appreciate how detailed and ambitious this prototype is. Keep it up!

mmm, chemkers

You can jump pieces while it's not your turn, and it'd be nice if the board flipped around for red player's turn, but other than that it's some nice polished checkersing. 

had to manage 9 lights with no upgrades, gained negative 400 dollars, was told that was my training?????

10/10 most stressful experience of my life


Very ambitious to make a level editor! 

I enjoyed the sample level campaign. Gameplay and art are simple but it's nice and polished.


Fun little arcade game!  I really like that your vision at night is tied to the cars position because it forces you to be moving constantly at night so you don't miss any upcoming obstacles, while during the day you can just carefully plot your path. Makes both phases feel distinct, in a good way.

Maybe there could be some kind of mechanic where your headlights dim over time, and you need to collect batteries to make your headlights stronger? 

(6 edits)

Spent a loooot of time on this in the first few days of the competition rather than working on it throughout (like I should have...) probably like 8 hours per day. First day was spent on the dodge roll animation, eggs, egg spawning and their bullet patterns. Second day was spent on the day/night cycle, tilemap art, and egg timer animation. Third day doubled the number of eggs to have some to act as roguelike upgrades because I felt like "Day Time" was too uninteresting (Still mixed on some of these, and some might be buggy) Fourth day spent on some silly art stuff and polishing. :)

This is my second game project ever (Unless you could my scratch projects from ten years ago when I was like twelve...) Any advice would be appreciated! I really enjoyed this concept but halfway through I kind of hit a dip in motivation around day 3 where I almost wanted to scrap it and make more prototypes instead, but I'm glad I stuck with this. 

I spent an embarrassingly long time on the final level.

Fun game! I thought the writing was very witty.

(3 edits)

Thanks for the advice! The blue pits are something I was mixed on too. I brought this comment up to a friend and he mentioned having animations run one frame each turn and having a number appear above pits counting down turns to when a grave/rock reappears. And that feels like the obvious solution in retrospect. Some levels might have to be changed to account for that but I think it’d feel a lot less janky than having random speed challenges.

And yeah, admittedly the undo button is only that weak because the first version of the undo button, while infinite and functional 99% of the time, also occasionally warped reality sending you to previous stages (graveyard rush was originally a 4x2 blue pit rectangle and it was too miserable with only one undo and real time blue pits so it got nerfed)

But I just made this as a quick learning experience, and while I think updating those two things would be a fun challenge, if I stop here I’m happy with the progress I made :)