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A member registered May 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey all, just giving an update, hectic at work, but still working on next update

Running into problems with lists.. Mainly that a valid operation on the list keeps deleting the entire thing.

Anyway, just touching base so you know I am still here

0.02.5 is up and running

Yes it was lol. 

given its considered basically a leadership score, made more sense higher = more leadership. And it will be used in other possible storyline.

So taking our conversation to heart, i went back to try to come up with a better description on how Society will work.  Does this make it clearer? I removed the Paternal and Maternal and replaced with something much more neutral

"The first scale is the Society scale, and runs from 1-100.  The higher the number is, the more of a leader you are. The lower it is, the more of a follower. This setting partly has to do with whether you tend to be dominate or submissive in dating scenarios if you are trying to maximize your chance of success."

 "However, during relationship scenes you can choose your preferred approach! NPCs have their own preference though, and whether you tend to lead or follow may influence the chance of success."

 "What this scale does is help to make relationships and interactions feel more realistic. During a relationship check, both parties will perform a society check for that situation."

 "As long as one party rolls Leader, and the other Follower, then it may be a successful encounter! Your skills may also have a possibility of influencing this result, possibly turning a failure into success."

 "A success may not happen on the first attempt either, so keep trying! There is some randomness involved!"

"To a lesser extent, this will also determine Dominate and Submissive positions.  But this roll also deals with a lot more than just what happens in the bedroom. Again, as a player, you can choose at any encounter to "fudge" your society roll by choosing to take a specific approach if you want, though chance of success tends to be higher if you are flexible, just like real life."

"The story can change and impact what NPCS's preferences and reactions are, so don't get too upset if they don't want to talk if they having a bad day!"

yeah, I got a general idea in my head, and working in other mechanics that i know how will work too help get more experienced in what ren py will do.

Part of the problem is I'm not sure how to properly explain what's on my head on this subject. And doesn't help that I'm using terms in not happy with but havent found better ones

To be honest, you are asking many of these questions before I got answers -.- maybe the social scale may play a big role, may not. It may only ever be a value for npcs to compare their preferences to.

I know, if I was to take me personally, I'd have a social score of maybe 40. But that doesn't mean I want a submissive mate. My mate I'd score at about 30. We make it work. I like a strong willed mate who can challenge my thinking.

It does mean we got to work harder on our relationship as we can butt heads spectacularly.

It's this sort of dynamic I'm trying to emulate and show. Two "dominate" people can still be a match, just more effort will go into making it work


it won't. It really only affects dating mechanics

That has to be about social expectations.

In a patriarchal society, maker may be expected to rule, matriarchal the women rule. Both would have same social score.

I'd say, wait till I get more developed and see where it leads :)

Players will have actual character sheets, with stats, skills, flaws and edges. 

I'm using savage worlds rpg system as a base

something to realize is that everything is up for adjustment and play testing. Right now working on finishing character generation, and then I'll put up some "test dates" so the dating system can be experimented and tweaked using feedback from community members like you

given what i just posted.. yea, I can see this as a submissive businessman :)

you are right, i need to find a better term for Paternal and Maternal.

And Submissive/Dominate doesn't apply much either. open to suggestions!

The idea with the Social is about hierarchy. Dominate and Submissive play a role, but its more than that.  Maybe using Socially Dominate and Socially Submissive may be the right way to go, but even that doesnt cover the full array.  After all, you can have a successful businessman  who tends to be submissive in relationships

This is why there will be a skill based system added in as well, to help cover that.

To answer your question , id put a submissive businessman at near 50 Social.   That allows them to be dominating in the boardroom, submissive in the bedroom.

Identity would depend on  how the character sees themselves internally. Everyone has a mix of masculine and feminine mental traits. score of 0 would be a person who is so mentally male they cant even fathom anything else.  Same with 100 being so mentally female. Those extremes I see as being more in the "Toxic" territory.  I am not going to disallow such numbers, but there may be in game issues with having toxic masculinity or toxic femininity.   For your businessman, maybe somewhere between 25-40 if they identify as male, depending on how comfortable you think they would be if they were suddenly female as an example.  50 would be someone who would be comfortable as either gender.  Again, in game to remove the idea of binary labels, it goes between Apollonian and Aphrotitian

Physical?  I would probably put around a  30.  A 0 physical would be your professional weight lifters (both male and female)

and, as a side note, setting everything to 0 or 100 actually will limit potential opportunities.

A Binary Male would have 0 Identity, 25 Physical on average
A Binary Female will be 100 Identity, 75 Physical on average

Even Binary Male and Female can be anywhere on the Social Scale though!

Ahh! Seems to be a misunderstanding here

Your preferences absolutely do matter.  the dice doesn't determine what your character wants to do, that's entirely up to you. based on choices made.  If you are on a date you can absolutely choose whether to be submissive, dominate, or somewhere in between (as in let the dice fall where they may)

what you CANT control is how the NPC is feeling at the time. Their social roll determine it. If you choose to be submissive (or maternal) in the date, thats your choice regardless what the dice would have rolled.  There might be a roll to see how well you pulled that off though, and the date would have to be in a Paternal state of mind to be receptive to it.

Lets again use the dominating foxy business woman.  There may be a romantic reason for being on the date, or a story driven reason.

You want to give the date as much of a success as you want, and you are certain that the business woman likes to be dominate.

you may have these choices.

 -- Lean forward and attempt to give her a kiss
 -- Lock eyes with her
 -- Start to reach for her hand, but pull back. 
 -- Give her a warm smile (Neutral)

The first option would lock you into the Paternal roll, and your chances will be purely if the date rolls being in a Maternal state of mind

Where as the third option would be more submissive in nature.  Second one will allow random chance (and has best chance of overall success), where as last would be if you going for the Friendship route 

Now, Social is the ONLY slider that affects whether a date is successful or not. The other slides will help determine if an NPC would be interested in you in a romantic way, because the NPCS have their OWN preferences.

This wont be a game where every single NPC wants to get in your pants.  Some will have romantic potential, others friendship potential, based on those sliders.

Havent made a decision on this yet! It depends on what i settle on as the tech level of the novel. 

Android or Constructs will look very different depending on what tech level i go for, everything from futuristic synths to steampunk style gnomish machines


Chance of success = [your social * (1-their social)] + [their social *  (1- your social)]

(1 edit)

For a simple relationship test:

Let's say your character has a social score of 30.

This means you feel Maternal 30% of the time and Paternal 70% of the time, more likely to take the lead in relationships. 

You are on a date with a female foxy business woman who themselves has a social score of 20, making them Paternal 80% and Maternal 20%. They used to being the one in charge.

For there to be a relationship success, one person must roll Paternal, one Maternal. It doesn't matter who.

In this example,

There's is a 14% chance of you being Paternal and them Maternal, and 24% chance of you being Maternal and them Paternal.

Total of a 38% chance of this date having a success outcome.

There will be other factors, like the npc personal preferences that may boost success rates

Got a few races added in. For now this will be the limit of races, but i have built it to be very easy to add more (and more I plan to add!)  Next step, will be allowing selection of Flaws

As a road map for next few updates:

0.03 - Add Flaws
0.04 - Add Edges
0.05 - Allow Stat Selection
0.06 - Add Storage System

Yes, i plan to use the Savage Worlds system for building characters with, and yes, it means what you can do in game will entirely depend on how you build the character

Please leave comments as i work on this! I will work on the actual character generation, but will need to think about getting assets made for the game as well to replace the placeholders

No worries. I am enjoying it greatly. Let me know when the fixes are done and I can continue the game :)

Summary: Final Wren date scene errors
Day 2 and day 3 of Bethany Haloween not working

Will inform of any more i come across

``` I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:   File "game/script_1_FULL_SCRIPT_A4.rpy", line 793, in <module> NameError: name 'wen' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:   File "script_1_FULL_SCRIPT_A4.rpyc", line 793, in script   File "C:\Users\Valareos\Downloads\FurriesScaliesBears-1.0-win\FurriesScaliesBears-1.0-win\renpy\", line 914, in execute     renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,   File "C:\Users\Valareos\Downloads\FurriesScaliesBears-1.0-win\FurriesScaliesBears-1.0-win\renpy\", line 2028, in py_exec_bytecode     exec bytecode in globals, locals   File "game/script_1_FULL_SCRIPT_A4.rpy", line 793, in <module> NameError: name 'wen' is not defined

Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py ITCH_FurriesAndScaliesAndBears 1.0 Mon May 11 10:45:25 2020 ```

Also, third day is same, bethany_sh3 missing

I like the game, but I found a bug (version from

Second day of Haloween Preparations, attempting to speak to Bethany

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
ScriptError: could not find label 'bethany_sh2'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "scenes/script_PATH_BETHANY.rpyc", line 30, in script
  File "C:\Users\Valareos\Downloads\FurriesScaliesBears-1.0-win\FurriesScaliesBears-1.0-win\renpy\", line 1697, in execute
    rv =
  File "C:\Users\Valareos\Downloads\FurriesScaliesBears-1.0-win\FurriesScaliesBears-1.0-win\renpy\", line 898, in lookup
    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))
ScriptError: could not find label 'bethany_sh2'.

ITCH_FurriesAndScaliesAndBears 1.0
Mon May 11 10:35:35 2020

Also, if I had realized you had it on steam, ID have bought the steam version. Is it identical to this one?