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A member registered Mar 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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Glad foi enjoyed playing! Good luck with the jam!

Thanks a lot for playing and also for the pretty lengthy comment lol

Thanks for playing! Love the art for your game btw!

Noone has mentioned the easter egg yet, damn


I understand the start being confusing, I tried to make it as intuitive as possible to not have a wall of text

Glad you enjoyed!

It was at the cost of the codebase being a mess lol

I wish lol

thanks for playing!

Do you mean the mid boss fight is too slow or that the boss fights are mid?

I only polished it this hard because of u lol


This was really weird, took me a bit to understand what was actually happening

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You can resize it in settings by pressing ESC!

Really hard. the music fits the world and the art was fine; The bosses need some major reworks, they are way too hard and your health is way too low.

Did not understand a single thing but I did win.

Lovely artstyle. The controls have a major delay problem on my system; The boss was fine but it's attacks were too simple to get me engaged enough in the gameplay, the boss was also way too spongy taking really long to kill, so after 2 attempts I couldn't bother trying again; Why are the health bars in attached to the entities? You can't see them if you're at the right-side of the screen that way; The music was nice and the SFX were fine.

Interesting. The exchange idea although not finished is unique enough in my opinion; The combat felt too stale and the ending was too abrupt for me to care; I like the animations, are the characters 3D models?

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Thanks for replying!

I'd like to make it clear that I don't find the ending bad, maybe disappointing wasn't the right word, unexpected might've been better? The ending does give the message that you wanted to deliver, I lied when saying that there's "no progression", there is some, even though it's very little and that's what I take issue in.

I feel like this game's story suffers a bit from the game's genre as you pointed out in .2, you don't get enough time to understand and know the main character due to you being sent straight to the bosses, so maybe you could've told something about the character through environmental story-building? I don't know if that would work, just giving some ideas.

The ending doesn't need to be happy or sad, maybe it could've been currently it just feels neutral if you get what I mean, while the main character does get some development, it doesn't feel like enough for the reader know how they'll end up in the future, all we know is that he'll figure out it later, that while is realistic, and does make sense given you don't just figure out things out of nowhere and so quickly, I think given the context of this being a game (which isn't supposed to be realistic), the could've been a bit more improvement, it doesn't need to be like an answer to all his problems, as that doesn't exist, but something.

Sorry for not responding to everything, I just woke up lmfao, also sorry if I'm saying bs.

Thanks for playing!


Glad you enjoyed!

Vlw por jogar!

Thanks for playing!

Really good writing, the story captivated me. Amazing boss design specially the last one, mechanically and visually; The exchange mechanic was the weakest part of this game, it does fit the narrative but the parts felt unbalanced and not being able to keep a part you already have is a bummer; I myself identified with some of the struggles of the main character, I used to feel that way (And still kinda do) but the ending felt a bit disappointing (Which might've been intended) as the character did not go through any development, at least it seemed that way.

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Tried playing but the controls were awful. The description is completely inaccurate.

Fine for a first game. The controls were pretty intuitive which I enjoy but the having to spam-click to shoot was kinda annoying; The sounds were nice and fit the game's atmosphere; The boss is way too close to the player and spawns way too many ships, I managed to kill it by jitter clicking; There doesn't seem to be an end? And the game does not fit the theme unfortunately.

Solid game! I was immersed in the story (sad it ended so soon) and I like the characters (sup donut); I liked the boss designs, they felt creative and unique but their attacks need serious reworks, they need to become more predictable and they also need telegraphing; The art was nice and reminded me of OFF. Good job!

I love the concept of this game, it's a really great mechanic that I feel should explored and polished more, this would go great as a mobile experience!

The boss design is really good and the mechanic it solid but it needs lots of polish. One time the boss just stopped attacking and another I just fell through the ground.

Not a boss rush but still fun! Great choice of assets; The controls were nice and the attacks felt juice; The game was really easy, you can beat the boss as soon as you start the game; You can get softlocked on the menu screen if you use all your spells before breaking the pots. Overall I feel like you should've focused on the bosses.

I did not understand what was happening. The controls are unusual to say the least and it seems I cannot die.

Great use of theme can't deny that. The art and animations were pretty good even though I really dislike the use of memes for the characters; The controls are a bit wonky and the moves system felt unintuitive; The stamina bar really ruins the experience to me imo, it's impossible to actually do cool moves because it takes so long to refill; The bosses were really spongy and the attacks were a tad overwhelming; I don't think you should link your game to some crypto thing.

Had fun playing it! I like the use of the theme it feels unique and original! The art was nice and the boss designs were good as-well specially Vega; I'd say the bosses where pretty balanced except for Vega, he's basically a bullet-hell lol; The music was nice but I feel the menu music could do some work. Good job!

A really great experience. I really love the art direction for this game, the sprites, effects, music & sound design are all impeccable, the boss designs are great, unique and creative but some of the attacks can be a bit too difficult and sometimes kinda unfair sometimes; The controls are quite finicky, I didn't like it them at first (and I still kinda don't) but they are easy to get used to; This game is really juicy, like, how tf did you do the blood effect lol, imma become a vampire after playing this; The game does have some bugs, some more noticeable than others and unfortunately I wasn't able to beat the game due to one of them that crashes the game after you beat the third boss on Linux (I'd like to make it very clear that it seems that it only happens on Linux via Wine).

The same way you do in the main menu

That's not supposed to happen, although I know why it did, it's a rare bug.

A character gives you a key to open it

The physics are a bit janky, but you get used to it for a while, the controls are also a bit unintuitive, Z to jump and X to dash would be much better imo. The graphics are extremely good and so is the music although it didn't loop for some reason. Really liked the level design, it was tough and challenging but not too unfair.