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A member registered Feb 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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I like the feeling and graphics!
Very impressive for the short time span!

Hey, sorry to hear that...
For some people it helped running it from another hard drive.

It has something to do with the Java Runtime Environment.

Otherwise you could try to run it from the command line:

java -jar WeFindOut.jar

I wish you the best (:

I'm really impressed by the polish!

Very nice artstyle and intuitive mechanics.

Keep it up!

Thank you for your kind words! (:
This was our first jam so I am glad you liked it.

Also keep up the good work, hope to see future projects from you (;

Very creative idea, I like it.

The sound just works with me!

The most polished game with the most interesting game design until now!

Keep it up.

I really like the art style!

(1 edit)

I see a dog, i play (:

I find it really relaxing.

Thank you, I changed it! (: