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A member registered Apr 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Bravo pour ce jeu.
Ce qui ressort en premier pour moi : je suis très très (très ?) fan des graphismes : le trait des persos, les expressions, le choix des couleurs, les textures. Excellent boulot.

En deuxième, la musique et l'ambiance sonore. C'est fin et riche à la fois.

On apprend aussi, bien sûr, et c'est bien amené.

I had a really good time playing this ! Sometimes it's quite hard, and for me it was not on the highest levels.

Polished game, that kept me in the flow. Very enjoyable.

"spread out the clues rather than giving them all at once" => ok I agree, but then I would suggest increasing time delay (for me it was too fast), and re-working the ui / ux of receiving / browsing mail.

Hmm, ok, maybe something to try as a first step :

- after the piece is dropped, some machine cuts what sticks out of the container, and it is counted as waste score. If the piece is too big to fit the container, everything goes to waste

- then some machine fills the holes with some liquid, and it is counted as a unfilled score

(maybe you don't actually see any machine, and it's just abstracted for a score)

- player has a waste "life bar" and a unfilled "life bar", whenever one gets to zero, the game stops. Otherwise, you keep playing

- simplified variant : waste and unfilled are counted in the same score, only one life bar. But I think it's interesting to keep asymetry, it adds tension and a bit of tactics.

Games like this are why I like lurking in game jams submissions. The art, the vibe, the idea, all great.

You could improve on the controls. When I try to scroll through my mails, it zooms / unzoom the view behind.

And I was wondering why I was getting mail so often.

how a stylish twist this is !  The concept is so great. Now it misses some balancing to live up to the great idea.

You used letters to fit the theme "SCALE", but outside of this jam, I imagine you could redesign the final shapes to help balance the game and add more twists.

I liked that the E shape needed some planning to have blocks in the branches.

wow ! you did great. It's has a "Celeste" feel : difficult but doable, very well balanced and thought. Clever level design.

Full of clever ideas. Could easily be turned / tuned into educational game for kids.

ants against Eiffel tower ?? this was funny. With a lot of twists : current level number, current score.

I liked the asymetry of the scale : a bit too heavy and it's not acepted.

hey ! you and I had similar ideas for this jam ;-)

Yet, different takes : you went the real 1:1 scale route.

Perhaps you could integrate some not well knows stuffs : like exotic animals

"build to scale" : wow, you don't mess around with the theme, it's straight to the point ;-)
As everybody says : simple yet so fun ! It misses some kind of mid-term / long-term gameplay, please keep going !

Interesting idea ! 
At first I thought I was guessing wrong (because of the screaming).
I think it would benefit being more difficult (with more variations on the eyes weights). Could it become somewhat a logic game ? Like : guessing the weight of an item give us clues when using this item to weight other things. 

In the vein of mini-metro, but more minimalistic. This is good, with nice polished visuals. Played 4 times, delivered 330. But I wonder if there is much better strategies than connecting fast to the closest point. If there is, maybe showing me a much better score than I did would have made me eager to improve.

It's funny you mention this, I plan to add a  more abstract "chapter" on probabilities and big numbers, not related to objects scales like the current game : chances to throw 5 dices doing only sixes, chances to die from a shark, chances to win the lottery...

So simple, but refreshing and cute. Well done !

This game is sooo good looking !

Minimalistic, and so well executed. Great job !

This was close to my first idea for this jam (I switched to something else). But I never would have done it as well as you did. My idea was without pixel art, and your style makes all the difference. Kudos to you !

This was close to my first idea for this jam (I switched to something else). But I never would have done it as well as you did. My idea was without pixel art, and your style makes all the difference. Kudos to you !

ha ha ha !

Liked the moment the music comes with the camera zoom-out : great sensation.

I did read your block of text ;-)
You did really well. It's a great idea, having a microworld in the backpack. I love it. Please extend the game further !

Another idea could be that the guy in the backpack has a backpack as well, and we could zoom inside it too... 

It's a good start, very nice theme, and it would benefit from more polish. 

I LOVE emergence and I LOVE ant simulations !
So I was quite happy playing your game. It's the type of game where 96 hours is not enough, to fine tune the different algorithms, so this game needs more work to be fully enjoyable. I really hope you will make an improved version : this kind of game is really too rare and it has so much potential.

I liked the minimalistic approach a lot, with only one ressource used for everything. Clever.

Nice to play. I would suggest starting with a bigger difficulty. The first 20 seconds are too easy.

It's  tense. The way the guns are stacking and stacking is so funny ;-)

It's  tense. The way the guns are stacking and stacking is so funny ;-)

A nice puzzle, how twisted !  I enjoyed figuring it out. Even the first level is a challenging. Well done.

I tried to play on the browser, but couldn't manage to find controls

Nice and funny. The inertia makes it tricky and interesting to pilot.

Very funny idea, nice music. As a bonus to the rythm, I was hoping to see the character respond to my controls, to fit your idea better.

Rigid body physics ! Very clever, nicely done. It gets a bit difficult too fast, I would have liked to enjoy my character longer when it is working.

Kudos to you. This is very polished, clever, and could be pushed in several directions : puzzle game for everyone, or puzzle game to practice additions / subtractions for children.

Very good idea. Would like to play a full game like this a lot.

Very fun and epic, the music fits the theme very well. It misses some calibration, as expected for a jam game, but with a good calibration it could become awesome.