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A member registered Oct 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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I really like the cute characters. The movement feels a bit delayed but this does not hurt the game because it does not rely on it. I enjoyed the puzzles and the relaxing music and of course the special characters and setting. 😊

Nice game! I like how you have to plan how you move each character that they wont get stuck. Sadly I get an error and the game crashes on the third level when they find Pedro.

Thanks to your game page I was able to figure out the controls. The last time I used GameMaker for a 2D platformer I ended up coding the platforming physics myself.

Well done!

I like the mechanic of having to choose which ability (friend) to use for the upcoming situation.

Nice puzzle platformer. When you will add more and harder puzzles it would be handy to have the restart functionality more accessible than in the pause menu. Well done 😊

Nice game! And a quite interesting implementation of the theme. Used the theme from the players point of view and not "the enemy". I can agree with some of the feedback but I enjoyed playing it multiple times. I like the little touch with the bite effect of the other fishes. It explained me visually why I was loosing more health. Well done 😊

Thank you very much! 😊

The driving around has something relaxing. Because of some unexpected camera changes I crashed once. Well done! 😊

Nice game! The platforming part is quite hard and like you already commented is intended. I was able to finish it after (i guess) 15 attempts.

I like the story and laughed at the moment I heard the "kick" sound 😂 that was a nice touch. 

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A fun game! I made it to Level 11 with a score of 142. At the beginning of the jam i came up with another idea but also with sheeps ^^ The game is fun to play and the difficulty does not spike up too quickly.

I would love some more feedback when you eat a sheep like a little effect to give the player a more rewarding experience (which was already mentioned). You did this already with the spawn of a sheep which is nice. It helps noticing that there is a new sheep especially if you reach a higher level.

What I noticed is that you can get stuck in the options menu when you press Enter on a volume slider. Or at least I wasn't able to recover any focus on the button at the bottom of the menu.

Overall a nice experience.

That was fun! I played it like 4 times in a row to beat my own score. I only reached a score between 500-600. It reminded me a bit of the fights in Undertale where you have to dodge projectiles too. Nice idea with the plus and minus as enemies. :)

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The game looks good. A game jam is about trying new stuff and experiment with mechanics and gameplay. I'm not sure how this game adds some sort of interesting twist.

Well executed but nothing special.

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Thanks for the comment! The visuals were made by leapero and Noiris.
I'm still working on it and fixed the physics issues, added a restart functionality if you get stuck and so on.

Fun game! I was able to get a score of 86! The visual timer which was already mentioned would be nice. I ran into enemies while the ability switched.

Nice game! I like the comic style of the game. On small screenshots it almost looks like it was drawn in 2D. The game is fun to play. Sometimes the guns clipped through walls.

I had to play it twice because of the fun :D

This was great! Usually I'm not into interactive visual novels but this one was so cute and wholesome I had to play it until the end. I like the pastel colored artwork and your drawing style. The music fits the setting and supports the emotional immersion.

Great game! It would be nice to have a bit of a zoomed out version. Sometimes i was shooting into an edge because i thought that the projectile will made it ^^

I had to play it multiple times because i wanted to survive more waves but I only made it to wave 4. 

Well done! The jump physics felt a bit off to me. I died like 4 times at the same spikes at the end of the 5th level. But I was able to reach the end :D

Nice concept! I would love to have this as a mobile game!

I was able to finish 14/16 levels.
I like the simple mechanics in combination with how complex it can get.