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A member registered Mar 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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This was a very cute entry. Had you added some sounds and music to it and it would have been great. I think your levels were really thought out and you managed to convey the mechanics of the game quite well, so you actually did good design. In that regard, the only thing I would have changed is added that the blue character can crawl in the level where you're first supposed to use it. I did figure it out, but I wasn't sure for a while what to do.
Also, your last screen is just imposter syndrome. Like I said before, your levels conveyed the mechanics well and were fun. Give yourself more game design credit ;)

Good job on submitting something to the jam.
I hope in a next jam you manage to make a more complete entry. Like others said before, I just fell into the void once I reached the end of the platform.
Good luck on your godot journey.
If I were you, after the jam I would try to make a few levels to finish the game. I would also add a camera to the ghost and have the cameras switch with the character.
I think if you make 3 or 4 simple levels to showcase the mechanics, you can have a whole experience and a nice first game to show others.

The game was really pretty and the fact that you had voices added to the game blew me away.
I did not see how you interpreted the theme of two points of view. I could change between characters but in the end I didn't really saw how that impacted gameplay or the story.
I hope you keep making games, cause from your work here you have a lot of potential :)

This is probably my favorite entry in the jam. Great job :)

I think that there is an idea here, but I couldn't grasp the concept at all. The game could probably use a tutorial and a different way of playing in way to convey the game idea.
Good job on adding music to the game. Wish there were some sound effects to guide me.

Good job making a full game.
Nice little platformer.
I think it is a shame that you didn't explore the theme from a more mechanical point of view.
Good job on adding sound effects and background music.

Great game!
Loved the art style, the sound design and the game itself. Wish there was more :)
Good job

Good job on making a full game.
The artstyle was nice, but I feel like some of the objects did not clearly convey their presence. For example, in the first level I only saw the spikes after touching them. It would have been nice to have used the red tones here to show danger. In the second level I didn't see the jump pads, and had no idea why my character was suddenly jumping. It would have been nice to make the jumping pads a bit more visible, maybe in the form of a spring.
I must have missed something, cause I couldn't figure out how to open the door in the second level. I changed to ghost form, tried using the interact button, to no avail.
Like others mentioned, a small background music would have also been nice.

Nice entry.
It is a shame that you did not make a few more levels. I must admit I was stuck for quite a while in the last level not realizing how changing between characters would allow me to put the white character on the top platform. Once I figured that out the level was easy to complete, but it feels like a similar, yet simpler puzzle should have prepared me for that situation.
Clean controls, good sound effects, even though you were missing a background song and on theme. Good job

I think the main mechanic of the game is interesting enough that you might be able to make a fun mobile game out of it, but right now it all feels a bit like a prototype. I failed to see how the theme of the jam (two points of view) was incorporated.
Good job, hope you develop this idea further after the jam.

Good game. Well done.

Nice game.

Great game!
It had a great sense of humor, the controls were good, the visuals and sound were good and the mechanics were on theme.
Nothing else to say than great job.

Good game. I was pleasantly surprised by the use of only 2 keys to move and having to change views to be able to move in all 4 directions.
I am not sure if this was a bug or if I missed something, but at some point I placed 2 squares in the cylinders but the red wall didn't disappear.
Nice usage of the background music, I just wish there were also some SFX in the game.

I think you managed to capture the theme of this game jam very well. Good job.

One thing that threw me off was the loud bang sound of the gun. I was using my phones and RIP my ears.

I can see you're passionate about telling stories, so I hope you keep making them and I'm looking forward to what your games will look like in a year or two from now.

Great game! Very polished.

I enjoyed the fact that you had multiple levels allowing to experience the mechanic fully.
The whole experience was good, but I feel like there is something missing. I felt myself going through the puzzles, sometimes by trial an error, never experiencing those satisfying moments you usually get from these kind of puzzle platformers, when the mechanics click in your brain. Sorry I can't give you more concrete advice than this feeling.

Hi zwieb4ck!

Thanks for playing the game and thanks for the kind words! 

I did grew up with Warcraft 2, Age of Empires and Starcraft, so it is funny that you mentioned them.

You probably experienced some kind of bug, cause you're supposed to win the second level by defeating all enemy units. If you have the time and manage to reproduce the bug, I would love a screenshot and some details about it (I intend on fixing some stuff after the jam is over). The objectives should be listed on the bottom of the screen, let me know if you had any trouble finding them.

I am a godot developer, so I might have a hard time navigating the repo, but I would love to take a look. I intend on redoing most of the cam and controls for this game, as I based them on a tutorial that ended up not giving me what I was looking for.  Feel free to reach out to me on discord, bsky or mastodon. All links should be on my itch page.

Great usage of the theme and the art style is quite catchy.
I played the game for a while, but at some point it gets repetitive and there was no real sense of progression. I am not sure if the game has any form of ending, but if does there should be something that lets you know how you are progressing and how close you are to the end. For example, after every 10 souls it would be nice to have some form of statistic of how you are doing overall, and the game progressing to adding some form of variety. By the end of 3 or 4 stages the game would end and let you know how you did.

Thanks for playing! 

What kind other information would you like on the game page?

All units can attack, but Ancients (blueish green) are weak, whereas Artisans are strong (but cost you crystals).

Unfortunately right now units attack one unit and then stop. You need to micro manage them. It was in my list to add "attack back it attacked", but I didnt have time.

I will add at least this info to the page, let me know if you think I should add something else

Thanks a lot for this comment ^^ It made my day.

I will try my best once the jam is over to address some of those issues :)

Regarding the weakening of the void, new void units do have lower hp and attack power if you have more crystals. My original idea was to have different units that would be spawn depending on the percentage of void and at different rates, but in the end I feared that would be too hard to develop and more importantly, to balance.

Regarding the extra time to plan before the enemies attack, I totally agree, but only noticed was a problem after submitting though.

Anyway, I'll try to post a new version of the game once the jam is over. Would love to have some more feedback then :)

Really enjoyed this game. The only thing missing for making this one of the best games I played was an ending.
At some point in the game my babies got a huge range, power and rebirth rate so then I was just walking around with nothing to do than get points, but if I got to that part of the game was only because the rest of the game was really engaging.
Great job

I think it is amazing that you managed to put a full game out in time for the gamejam, with two different genres. I think that as you progress as a game developer you will be able to make better games, but this is already a good start.
Some of things I would change in this game.
Using F as a target finder feels like more work than needed. Had you just made the triangle always visible it would let the playerfocus more on the actual gameplay of flying the ship.
As for flying the ship, if your enemies are that fast, you should probably increase the field of view of the player. Several times the enemies would show up just to immediately collide against me.
Given the first part of the game is an asteroids like game, this is one of the view game examples where I would like for the controls to feel more like real physics an less like player input. I feel like the spaceship should keep the momentum.
With that said, good job on making a full game!

Any problems I might have with this title are irrelevant to how good it is. I am giving you a full 5 stars across the board cause this title is very polished and I would definitely play a longer version if available.
That said, sometimes it was not obvious that switching back would put you into a trap or some other form of hazard.
It is also a shame that you didn't do an ending. Didn't need to be a full ending where everything is resolved, but at least a point where the game ends.

It's a shame you didn't manage to make more of the game, because theme wise this is to me the best entry. The story telling was really on point with the theme two points of view. The conflict between mother and daughter, respect and autonomy was really well written.

Great job!

Good use of the theme. The game had good controls, though sometimes jumping would not work if you were moving. The mechanics are there, just needed some visuals, sound and a theme/story to make it a whole experience.

Great job.

I loled.
Art Style amazing.
Game: Insert confused travolta pulp fiction meme.
I would love to know what was the original plan before the time of the jam ran out.  Started following you in case you decide to finish the game one day :)

My favorite game of the jam so far.
It's simple, yet has a very great game loop that makes you keep playing to get the upgrades.
The art style is just phenomenal.
Great game!

Great game!

Had a lot of fun playing it.
The only thing I would change is add a reason to play in the robot view. Right now you start the level, go to the thing you need to analyze and enter spaceship mode. Once you are in spaceship mode there is no reason to go back to robot mode.
Maybe having some power ups, or having to analyze 2 things in the same level (causing you to have to pick the right moment to switch to robot view) could add that extra depth of play.

Good game. I don't see the relationship with the theme two points of view, but the game was fun.
This is the kind of game that I can see myself definitely come back later to play a little bit more.

One of the better games I have played in this jam.
I loved the art style and the sound design is also very good. 5 stars on both ends.
I really like the flip the duck and flip the camera mechanic, and the starts a really nice to have to incentivize the player to play the game in a "harder" way.
Like others mentioned, the game is too hard and it is not always clear what hit you. This is particularly frustrating in the end of the level, where I have no idea what keeps sending me back, independently on what camera view I am at. At the end I was just trying to end the level (not getting any starts) and still I couldn't finish it. It feels that in regular view it should have been easier (you could have kept it pretty hard for people trying to get all the stars.)
That said, I really liked the game. Great job

Great visuals, you managed to create a really interesting atmosphere.
I don't know if it is just on my end, but I didn't hear any sounds. It is a shame, cause given your strong visual atmosphere, a bit of sound could create a really immersive experience.
That said, this felt more like a proof of concept of the main mechanic than an actual game. If you add more content you can create something really interesting with this idea. I will keep an eye open on what you will make next, cause I can see great games coming your way :)

This is the best entry I have played so far. 5 Starts.
The only thing I would change is tweak a little the jumping mechanic. That said, it works really well.

Nice game and on theme. 
When going through the game I just felt that it needed something more to make it more engaging.

You had the scanners that forced you to go into top down view, but there should have also been something that forced you to go into first person view. For example a puzzle on the wall, or some kind of things that moved up and down so you had to shot it down on first person view.

Overall a great entry, had a good time playing it and actually finished it. :)

If this game was just the tank section, I would have rated it 5 starts. The tank section was really well made and a lot of fun. The controls were top notch and the music really enhanced the experience. The runner section, I wasn't much fan of, and it felt forced to switch to a completely different game without any relation to the first.
Overall, still one of the best entries I have played so far. GG

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing the game and the great feedback. This was my first time doing an RTS so I had to cut some corners, like relying on Godot native navigation and collision systems, to speed up development, which led to the problems you're mentioning. I might try to fix part of it after the jam :)

Regarding the goals and the mechanics, your feedback let's me know that my game needed a bit more of tutorials through the levels. The gist of it is that the green units are weaker and create crystals and the red units break crystals to make more units, but are stronger.

In the last level you need to find the right balance between creating crystals and sacrificing them to create the red stronger units. It is a hard level, as it is the last one in the game. If I end up having the time, I might make a play through the game. To be honest,  sometimes while testing I won that level fairly easily,  but sometimes I would lose it to a dumb mistake.

Thanks for playing. Can you tell me what issues you encountered?


I did some changes. Let me know what you think :)

Thanks for the kind words. I submitted it yesterday to a jam, so haven't had the time to do the final polish. Will try to add that tonight :)

The controls are:


- Right click for unit selection.

- Left click to Move and Interact

-Middle mouse button to pan


WASD - Pan

Shift - Pan with the mouse

As for the crystals the 2nd and 3rd level make their purpose clear ;)

Hi! Will you upload a browser version of the game before the end of the voting period?

Nice game :) Had a good time playing it.