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Rafael Ignacio

A member registered Mar 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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That's not broken it's just the minecraft pre 1.9 pvp experience

So since apparently this game is everyones favorite in my list of weird shit, I'll be making an update soon because God has cursed me for my hubris, and my work is never finished.

Shhhh that's an advanced secret for pro khag speedrunners only...

I'm late cant rate it but I want you to know I had so much fun playing this,,, my dumb college requirements held me back from fully commiting to the jam but im glad i found your game :D

I played it late because college is killing me but while i cant rate it it's so good a a a a a a a

Great game man!

I don't know but I'm gonna say that you did owo

I think kirby has 5 arrest warrants out for him

Same Man... Same...


I used to take 21 minutes but now im at 14,,, what is yalls cps how did someone get 12 minutes what???

Pizza ships are hard. good game.

Really fun and simple game. As said before this would make a great casual mobile game with a bit more polish.

really fun and interesting concept!

I remember playing this in ludum dare and several months later I'm back here glad knowing it's getting updates! Truly one of the best games from the Jam!

Thanks! It's not intentional sadly, I wanted to have indicators but I'm not too used to 3 hour jams but I'll definitely be adding that in the future!!!

That would actually go a long way! I'd love to see this game with that feature

It feels smooth and is very impressive for 3 hours! good job!

21 minutes of me furiously clicking left click. Worth it

Dude this has no end goal but it is SO addicting I've spent a solid 30 minutes here clicking as many bugs as I could and ideky. Good job yo!

Controls are really hard but I found it extremely enjoyable!

Interesting concept! Feels good, but you should probably disable screen maximizing.

Looks cool, I just don't know what to do. but keep working on it I'm interested in seeing where this goes!

Really simple and fun! maybe adding indicators would make it absolutely amazing.

Pretty fun, would definitely be better for mobile! a bit confused when I should swipe but enjoyable nonetheless.

Great game, I have no idea what the character is but it's cute. Pog.

Really fun and polished game for just 9 hours! Plus it's infinitely replayable lmaoooooo! Good Work yo!

Really well made and polished game! I really think this has a shot at winning! Personally the quadshot seems very OP to me but imo just make the map bigger and give guns a range and itd probably be perfect. Its already amazing tho, just a few random suggestions from this stranger.

Really cute game! add an ai and it's p much complete imo!

Very Interesting. A little bit more polish and this would be amazing! It's already great as it is tho.


Really fun game! Exploding good stuff. May I suggest exploding giraffes next?

This is a really cool game! good job!

Seems like a great update idea to me ;)

pretty fun game yo!

from one kirby game to another. yes.

Great Design! not exactly my style but its beautiful anyways.

This is really fun! Wish the timer was slower and had some sort of indicator when you're about to end but otherwise it's great!