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A member registered Jan 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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ur evil

who is thowing all these rocks? >:


(1 edit)

Wow, fun game

.                     /-------\

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             ....... /             /.............................

         /                               /-----------        \

       /                               L___                            ___/

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       |                               L___                           ___/

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       \                            L___                           ___/

This is a great paltformer, loved the music and the intro.  I had a great time playing this game.

this is a really cool platformer. I really enjoyed this game and all the levels. 

I really enjoyed playing this game and the art was great.

Wow. This is a great game. A very fun compination between snake and an exploration game. I do not know if it was a glitch or my headphones but I didn't hear any sound. Great job. 10/10

This game was really fun. I loved the sound and also how the tank fights. Movement was hard to get a hang of tho.

This is a really fun game. I love the music and the sounds. Great job.

This is a really creative and unqie game. I have never seen somthing like this before. 5/5

This is a unique and fun game. Great job. I really enjoyed playing this and look forward to what you will do next game jam.

fun game. 👍

this is a really fun and creative game.

Quite a fun and unqie game.

very fun game. Good job.

really fun but really hard to controll.

A really fun and sastisfying game

it was a pretty fun game

A very fun and creative game

this is a really cool game and I really ejoyed playing it.  So much fun. 5/5

This is a fun and cool game. Never really understood how the movment worked tho.

This is such a great game. So much fun.

A really fun and cool consept.

A simple yet satisfiing game. Good job.

This is a really cool game. I wish I could sprint or move faster so I would be able to finnish it. 

Please add more levels

Wow. This is such a fun little game.

Wow. Such a great game. I wish there we more levels.

A fun clicker game. A good game over all but maybe a clicker game dosen't quite fit a game jam.

This game is great. Not much to it tho.  Still a lot of fun.  

it is pretty fun. Please expand this game on your own time

Really cool and fun game. Wish I could just toggle witch area i'm controlling but that is also because i am bad at mouse tracking

A really cool and uniqu game with great music

i really enjoyed but but it wassn't quit that exciting.

my shadow wasn;t working  but it still was a fun game!

terrifiing end sound.

Cool consept. has some bugs

really fun