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A member registered Aug 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oh my god, just realized i had windowed mode on! Ignore my second report then, sorry

First, absolutely loved the game, it is very nice to play, with the charts and controls feeling very smooth, and the animations being just, top notch.

However, i do have some bugs to report.

First, when you tab out of the game while it's in the pink screen after it loads, it just crashes

Second, if i enter full screen using alt + enter, whenever i change to the settings or any other menu in the game, it goes back to windowed mode

Again, loved the game, and really wanna see it completed!

alt + enter to full screen

it has almost nothing to do with the president

Got 15 gems!


no, it lags


for the rest of the levels, level editor, better graphics, that sort-of thing


congrats! Maybe i will add some more!

The Minimum is 13 yo, so ur fine

he´s adding ai to the final version


I fixed the screen size problem in  the itch config, but the ball being stuck i can´t fix because i cant upload files

I will definitely play it!

I really loved the theme implementation, but i think the cars go too fast, but i give the game 9/10

(ps: Thanks for playing mine!)

just that

You know that showing the theme ahead of time can allow people to cheat, right?

it must be exe, and idk 'bout the mouse

There´s nobody here

Sorry to not respond earlier, but i lost my gamemaker studio login :(

if i can get it back i will contact you

oh, ok

Can i enter, i use gamemaker studio 1.4

I use gamemaker studio 1.4, you  can check my games at

Im a coder and use game maker studio 1.4, are you still looking for help?

hey, what engine r u using?

I sent you an email!

Looking for help with sprites for the full version of this game:

I will share 25% of the game monthly earnings with the artist

Contact me at: teugamer#1722


The game looks great! Downloading it!


Ei, eu tó fazendo um jogo comercial (pago) e eu queria usar suas pixel art nele, queria saber se você autoriza?

Looking for someone that can help me with a little project: a spaceship game where your shots are controled by a timer

My discord tag: teugamer#1722 

Just one question. At what time you will host the streams?


(3 edits)

Hey, im a novice game dev, and i created this game :

it´s an local multiplayer game, where one person plays with the mouse, and the other with te keyboard

the game is in alpha state, so im sorry for the graphics

would love your feedback, sorry for my english, im Brazilian

<3 loved the game

You did this on powerpoint!? Congratulations!
