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A member registered Jun 25, 2014 · View creator page →

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Nice game, I like the movement, music, and polish. I had a few minutes and enjoyed my time


Mac build released!

Thank you for the feedack - it could definitely use more balance. But, a game jam is a game jam

We will fix this asap!

(1 edit)

As a fellow game-dev, it feels nice to know someone plays your game after you spend all that time making it. FYI, still playing it. I'll try to beat it one day.

Your game is actually the only mobile game I have installed

Did you happen to take the 1-bit godot course by heartbeast?

I've been playing it for a few days, messaged you on Reddit. Good job, I hate it lol

Glad you enjoyed! Great score, getting to wave 5 is that farthest I've seen so far

Thanks for the feedback!

Good job mate!

Good score!

The blue bar under the player indicates the ammo-meter, as explained in the in-game help menu, it regenerates over time and if you fully deplete it there is a penalty

In the options menu you can enable hints

One of the rule changes is reverse movement. If you enable hints in the options you can learn more about the rules

Thank you!

"RULE CHANGE" lol Thanks for playing

Thanks ;)

Thanks, your game was pretty good too!

I'll look into it and see how difficult that would be to implement. Whilst developing it that thought had ran across my brain but never got around to it.

Is it a bug that I cannot shoot my gun? I tried throwing my weapon at the enemy, jumping on him, and shooting him but nothing worked (bullets don't fire)

I felt like it was tad confusing figuring out what to do, I managed to start the game but that's about it

Fun game, I was having an audio issue when I played only to discover it was my PC. Wish I had known that in the beginning lol

(1 edit)

Really appreciate the feedback, means a lot

Thank you! The original plan was pixel art but after we had some of the core mechanics down with these basic shapes we decided to keep rolling with it

No problem, it could have been a browser issue as well. I'm on chrome

This one was interesting for sure. I'm not quite sure how it was unexpected but the shaders were still pretty cool. 

This is probably my favorite game in the jam so far

I have a question, once the starfish presents itself what is supposed to happen? I think it bugged out because I couldn't escape and no one would talk to me

Glad you enjoyed!

Finally managed to get the last pizza slice! Fun game

Fun game, I got a D-

Had a lot of juice! Make this into a full game!

No problem, and for some reason I thought this was a Godot jam until just now. So ignore my Godot comment lol

I enjoyed it, definitely one of the better games in the jam so far. I think a better camera would go a long way though, either setting it to "smooth movement" in godot or just have it zoomed a little more out and not effected by player jumping.

WASD is bugged out with wall jumping

Now that was unexpected