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A member registered Nov 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Didn't have a gamepad handy couldn't figure out if it's playable with a keyboard.. looks interesting!

Very pretty game could use some enemies. I had a glitch where I could just hammer on a box and generate infinite bolts without it breaking. I like the magnetic pickup effect it feels satisfying.

(2 edits)

LOVED the bear animations.  Kinda easy but quick and funny game :)

Not sure what the controls are or how to get the fuel from the ships maybe it's unfinished?

Anyways looks promising!

Really nice little pixel platformer.. I liked the artwork and the movement felt good. I used the sword guy for fighting and the other guy for parkour. Not too hard, not too easy.  Well done!

Well put together game.. nice artwork and levels.

As a parent I can confirm this is a totally accurate baby simulator!

Glad you had fun.. yes games like this really need lots of upgrades I wish we had time to add more.

Yeah the only upgrades are the health pickups and the machine gun pickup.   We were working on a flamethrower but we ran out of time.

Glad you had fun!

Very nice.. enjoyed the game. Not too hard, graphics were great despite your disclaimer at the end :)

Well done.

Beautiful game! A bit easy, I played for ten minutes and never felt like I was in any danger.

Cool concept.. I got stuck on the second level but really matches the theme!

I couldn't figure out how to move the sheep until I came here and read the review saying you need to hold the button down.  Other than that.. perfect!   One of my favourite games in the jam.  Just the right level of difficulty that kept it relaxing and fun.

Didn't enjoy this much then read about healing in the reviews and realized you can right click to heal. Gave it another try and it was way more fun!  I got a bit of a hand cramp spamming the right mouse button but very fun.  Artwork was original and nice variety of guns.  Must have been a lot of work to get that all in such a short timeframe.  I liked the biting head it felt like pacman.   Plus the squeaky toy drove my dog nuts which was hilarious.   Would love to see a score/high score system!

Haha I went the other way and maybe made mine too hard.   I didn't have time to add a difficulty setting.

Wow this is amazing for a game jam entry. A lot of fun, matches the theme.  My game glitched and it wouldn't let me pick up the last artifact but still a great game.

I like the look of the game it does seem a little easy.. could be the start of something really great!

Enjoyed your game! A couple suggestions.. keyboard input and faster movement.. I didn't realize you could bring the settings screen back up to change the speed until after I played through the whole game. I imagine if it wasn't a quick gamejam a rook and bishop would crank the difficulty up! Nicely done.

Love the art style and the look.. the game restarted after the trap I guess I finished it? Would love to see this fleshed out into a full blown game think you are on to something here!

Great game.. I agree it would be nice if the horizontal mouse was more sensitive.  I had a smile on my face the whole time I played it.  The graphics are really unique and spooky and using the scroll wheel to adjust the contrast looks fantastic.  

Halfway through the games and this is my favourite so far. Beautiful level, right mix of not too hard and not to easy and the shadow puzzles are really creative. Well done!

Great Job especially considering the time put into it. Loved the artwork and the concept of having to toggle the light on and off. I guess I'm a bit of a lightweight because I only can manage to get one lock unlocked. A difficulty setting would be awesome.

Solid game great job!

Neat idea could maybe use some more levels/puzzles?

Enjoyed this a lot. Not sure if I was supposed to see a guy at the end but I didn't.  This must have been a lot of work! The camera was a neat gameplay element.

Love the art style and the game but for some reason my muscle memory just can't accept W is jump and Space is not jump.  If space was jump and some other key on the right was to switch dimensions I would have had an easier time but I had to give up on the first level.

Played about a dozen games and this is my favourite so far.  Really polished and very fun to play.  What an original idea and really matches the theme! 

Spent way longer than I'd like to admit slaughtering chickens. Well done especially for 8 hours.

Really cool mechanic swapping worlds.  As others pointed out there needs to be more hints about where it's 'safe' to swap worlds. I wound up giving up before finishing the game because there was some trial and error to get past sections, but for the time you put in this is very impressive. Congrats!

Yeah that's a big scope to tackle for a game jam but looks like it could be the start of something cool if you keep at it.

I had no idea you could make something like this in unreal. Is it just the older versions that can generate webassembly? Very cool.

(1 edit)

Glad you had some fun with it.. this is our second game and our first gamejam.   The rifle can be hard to spot if we revisit the game we should add an effect to make it easier to see. It does spin around 360 so watch for that. The good news is that once you upgrade to the rifle, no more clicky-click it's full auto.