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A member registered Jan 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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The full game features a yoinky sploinky mechanic.

We present a new (but very small) infinite runner: FFFFFF.
This definitely has nothing to do with VVVVVV.

This is a cleaned up, web-ified fork of the Global Game Jam '22 submission from us and WeirdosKlamber. The audio is still a tad dodgy, unfortunately; we're trying to figure out how to get Godot mixing oggs together precisely.

We've got a bunch of features we still want to add, but it seems playable enough in the meantime - if you can stand the ol' HTML5 jitter. ;)


Hey people. We posted way back in December 2020 announcing our game's demo - at long last, it's now out for real.

Feral Flowers

We present Feral Flowers, a quick-fire rougelite platformer for hay fever haters.

An unhealthy marriage of I Wanna Be The Guy & Sega Rally Championship, it's 92 levels of fast-paced nonsense where permadeath lurks around every corner - but good news, you can tank any number of hits! That is, provided you've got some time left on the clock. Keep it topped up by killing enemies while dodging the pollen they're flinging your way.

Getting hit at 0 triggers an almighty sneeze (the protagonist, Quigley, has a rather unfortunate allergy) - this sends him all the way back to the start of the game! However, pressing forward will afford you ways to recoup your lost progress quickly...

It's been one and half years in the making - obviously not a huge stretch by indie standards, but when it comes down to it it's not a massive game. Just one that will (hopefully) keep you occupied for a while.

Steam keys will also be available soon; the game is available on both Itch and Steam, but we're awaiting keys from Valve.


Itch have finally emailed back and said they've manually verified it.

(1 edit)

I'm currently seeing this on the email addresses page:

When the 'Send verification email' button is clicked, nothing is sent. I've clicked it several times over a couple of weeks; nothing has shown up, even in spam. (nb. the above screenshot has a fake email)

I've tried contacting support via email about this 12 days ago, but haven't received a response.

Can anybody help?

Ah, fair enough - we use a different sending address so that'd make sense. If you're happy to take a look, the ticket ID is 75985.

This is definitely one for support! Thanks though - will try those if we don't hear anything for another few days.

(1 edit)

We emailed 3 weeks ago and haven't heard anything back, other than the zendesk autoresponder. We've replied to that a couple of times chasing them up, but still haven't heard anything.

The last time we got in touch (Dec 2020), it took 2 weeks to get a response.

Aside from this, is there any quicker way to get in touch?

(3 edits)

Hello Itch! It's our first post here, and likewise this is the first game we've released.

We present Feral Flowers, a game for everyone who loves twitchy platformers and hates hay fever.

It's still in development, but the demo's out now (click the link) and features the first 19 itsy bitsy teeny tiny levels of mild frustration.

Feral Flowers banner image

What is this nonsense?

From the game page:

Feral Flowers is a quick-fire roguelite bullet hell platformer. Traverse 92 overly-pollinated levels as Quigley the Gardener. Stomp on every flower you see. Battle against the clock to rid your nostrils of that which makes you sneeze.

The game takes a cue from the coin-op arcade racers of yore, where play time was limited by an inexplicably omnipresent timer. As such, you can take a beating from the barrages of bullets pollen that're coming at you - but once the timer hits zero, you're in serious trouble. Unless, that is, you're clutch.

And yes, it is permadeath: you dead you dead, back to the start with you, the quarters can't help you now. However, for those who've made it far, there are ways of clawing back your progress quickly…

Where'd it come from?

As is often the case on here, a game jam! TINS was held this summer, and the game was prototyped as 'Flower Follies' in 72 hours as an extremely simple version of its current form. As for us: we're an independent studio based in Bath, UK.


Hope you all have some good fun with this and end up absolutely despising that 10x9 dandelion sprite. We've tried to make it both beginner and speedrunner-friendly, so if anyone bosses it, we'd love to see your clear times. Cheers!