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A member registered Mar 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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Cool game! It reminds me a lot of the game Coffee Talk. I got stuck a few times and had to try random stuff to progress; it felt like there was only one specific solution per order, which I wasn't expecting. Still, I enjoyed it, and the story was great!

This is a fun little puzzle platformer! At first I couldn't figure out the bard's singing, but it clicked when I tried stacking the two characters on top of each other. It's a cool concept, and I like how the puzzles emphasize the need for both the chef and the bard to support each other.

Nice game! You really captured the essence of working in tech support.

(1 edit)

I really like this game! The shield mechanic is clever, and replaying the game to get the different endings made me notice and appreciate details like how the opening lines of dialog explain why Aiden's ship stalled in the asteroid field. The music and sounds were great too--they're perfect for a heart-to-heart in space.

The only thing I can think of that the game needs is a way to replay at the end so we don't have to close and reopen the game to get the different endings.

Well done on this submission! It gave me a lot to think about regarding game design.

I loved playing this game! The aesthetic is beautiful, and its story is fantastic. I don't play platformers much, so I'm not very good at playing them, but you made the controls feel nice and satisfying.

Excellent work! It's really amazing that you got this done in three days.

Thank you very much for playing!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback!

As for my background, I do have some experience in game dev with Unity.  Most of it came from taking a couple online courses over the past few years, but only recently (last month) did I start actually making games on my own. I'm sorry if I misrepresented my experience; I didn't mean to do that, but I really did just start using Godot this past week.

This is a fun defense game! I like the combination of shooting arrows and building defenses; it reminds me of the games Orcs Must Die and Dungeon Defenders. The sprites look amazing, and the other existing assets you used match the aesthetic really well. The gameplay is also solid, though I must admit that I expected the arrows to be affected by gravity instead of flying straight (I think it would be a neat addition if you choose to develop the game further!).

This is a top-notch game! It's incredibly polished--much closer to a release game than a jam game. The movement and attacking feel great, though they would benefit from gamepad controls (I saw you already mentioned in another comment that the game had this but it wasn't working for this submission). One thing I encountered that might be a bug though is that when attacking while standing still, the character steps forward only either left or right (depending on the sprite facing) even if the attack itself is pointing up or down.

Excellent work! I had a lot of fun playing.

This is a cool defense game! The art, music, and sound are really good. At first, I wasn't too excited about how there was a significant chance of missing each shot. Then I read the comment about how the accuracy works, and I liked the deep-dive into the math behind it. It made me better appreciate the design decisions you made; they heighten the tension and contribute to the last stand theme. Nice work!

Thanks for playing! I appreciate your kind words.

Thanks for playing! I appreciate your feedback.

This is a neat shooter game! I like how movement feels, and having to stop to shoot arrows adds a nice bit of tension when you're trying to kite the enemies. I had some difficulty with the shooting controls, but I see from the other comments that you already intend to address that. I also ran into a minor audio bug where if you press space quickly, the shooting sound plays multiple times even though you only shoot one arrow.

Overall, nice work!

Thanks for playing!

I just replayed the game and experienced no bugs! Thanks for letting me know of the patch!

This is a great visual novel! I'm impressed with the amount of writing in it given the time restriction for the jam. The story was engaging, and the multiple endings were fun to discover.

I love the atmosphere of this game! The story is simple, but it's interesting and presented really well. Having the different monster parts correspond to different cookie ingredients is a neat twist on the serving gameplay. I would love to see the game expanded to have more monsters and cookies (maybe even other kinds of offerings).

This is a cool survival game! I really like the tap and hold mechanic. It's deceptively simple, but the strategy lies in timing the pulses correctly. I can see it being extended to different patterns or even different notes/buttons if this game gets further development.

Other folks have already mentioned it, but it would be nice to have some sort of indication of how long to hold the button for the long note. I feel like it's important for when different types of enemies attack simultaneously so the player can sequence their pulses correctly.

Excellent work on this submission!

This is an awesome game! I really like the story presented at the start about how the player came to manage the last hotdog stand. The sounds are also great; they took me back to all those times I walked around the city and passed by the street food vendors.

I skimmed through all the previous comments and pretty much all my concerns have already been raised (mainly the non-pausing timer and customers during the tutorial as well as the kind of sluggish early game). Despite those, this game was a gem that I enjoyed playing.

This is a nice arcadey game! It has a simple and fun gameplay loop. I like how cohesive all the art is, and the music is catchy. I kept losing because I didn't expect how big the bomb explosions were and how long they remain on the field. I had a good time after I learned how they worked though. Well done!

Thank you very much! I'm glad you loved it.

The music in this game is awesome! The platforming was really tricky, and the falling eggs really liked to just casually nudge me in all the wrong directions. It didn't help that jumping down slopes didn't always work. I had to try multiple times, but I eventually got to see the egg wizard himself in all his yolky glory. Overall, it was a fun time!

I quite like this game! The concept is great, and I found it very engaging to read the rumors and try to figure out which weapons to stock. The  weapon stand is also decorated well, though it was hard to see which weapons I could click on at first. Having labels or some other way of making them visually distinct from the decorations would help. Also, some text didn't have backgrounds, making them a little hard to read. They could benefit from the same style of backgrounds used in the popups when you hover the mouse over the weapons. Overall, nice work!

This is a nice shooter game! I like the wide variety of weapons available and how each one feels like a substantial upgrade. It's also neat that we can climb up the towers, though the sharp angles of the stairs made it tricky to aim. Actually, the aiming took me a bit to get used to, since in most other top-down shooters I've played, aiming is done directionally rather than based on a raycast. I ended up shooting the ground instead of the enemies quite often 😅. Besides that, I found the game quite fun. Excellent work!

Thanks for playing!

This is a cool management game! I love the atmosphere established by the art and music; it really feels like a last stand against insurmountable odds. The resource management feels balanced as well, with each resource is crucial to survival. The only thing I thought was missing was a summary of what happened each day with the amounts that each resource changed. Besides that, the game felt complete. Excellent work!

Thanks for playing! I really appreciate the feedback, especially about the power up. I didn't realize people might think it's a kind of enemy; I'll work on making it more obvious that it's helpful not harmful.

This was a well-designed tower defense game! The maps were interesting, and having limited places to build due to the terrain added strategic depth. I liked the overcharge ability; it's a nice emergency button, but I also used it to switch out towers instead of recycling them. The assets all mesh well with each other. I wished there were some sound and music, but besides that, great work!

Thanks for playing! I appreciate your feedback.

Thank you very much!

This is a great game! I really like how your performance affects which ending you get. The introduction of new enemies was paced well, and the different styles of movement were really good (the jumping one was tricky to hit). Overall a very good submission!

Sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by, "if the choices were 'navigated' on each screen".

One of my favorite systems for navigating text is the one used in the game Disco Elysium. It allows you to choose options either by clicking on the choice with your mouse or by pressing the corresponding button on the keyboard (like what your game does). The choices appear just as regular text, but when you hover the mouse over them, they change color.

At the end of the clip, I pressed 5 on my keyboard to end the dialog.

Thank you very much!

Thanks for playing! I appreciate your feedback.

This is a neat game! I like the music and the little story about the teddy bear. The controls are okay; I didn't really like having to switch between the numbers at some parts and the spacebar at others. I think maybe having a "1 - [continue]" option instead of the spacebar would help make navigation more consistent.

Thank you very much!

This is a well-made survival game! I like your choice of assets; they all mesh together nicely. The controls felt really good, though I did accidentally restart my game when I pressed escape out of habit thinking it would pause the game instead. I couldn't finish the game, but I liked how the rooms gradually became greener after the checkpoint; it made me want to keep going despite dying so many times.

Thanks you very much!

This is a really cool survival game! I particularly like the art; the sprites are all very readable despite the limited color palette and the level of detail. The gameplay is fun, if a tad stressful. I couldn't get much higher than 200 despite my best attempts at circle strafing when the vampires inevitably broke through. The high score tracking at the end is a nice touch! Definitely motivated me to keep trying my best.

Thanks for playing! I appreciate your feedback about the difficulty. It seems to be hit or miss with different people, so I definitely have some room for improvement there.