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Springroll Games

A member registered Mar 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Yes, it doesn't use any extensions, just the built-in packet functions.

Sorry, the description should have also said "Windows only" because that is the only platform it has been tested on. Theoretically it should work on any platform that allows for the UDP functions, but it hasn't been tested.

Oh wow, that's actually correct 😂

I'm also getting that style element popping up on my dashboard. Really strange.

The number of columns in the palette is the number of recolors/skins you can use in-game. The number of rows is how many colors are in the original sprite.

Sounds like a palette issue

1. Gamemaker uses GML, not Javascript.
2. Open "rm_main_menu". In the Inspector, click on "Instance Creation Order". Make sure "obj_menu_background" is above "obj_main_menu_ui" on the list.

Check the Instance Creation Order in the room, and make sure "obj_menu_background" is created before "obj_main_menu_ui" (note that this is different from the Layer Order)

Make sure that the color hex codes match exactly. If the issue is hard to recreate it could also be a caching issue, in which case you should Clean the project with the brush icon at the top.

Can you post an example image of other colors getting confused for white, with the palette & sprites used?

Make sure you're following the correct palette format. The first column is the sprite colors, while the other columns are the in-game colors.

You can resize the sprite in GameMaker and add more colors.

I'm not a Github expert so I'm not entirely sure. I know that you can make a new repo, download the old version of PFE you based on the project on, commit, then download the new version of PFE, and that will show you all of the changes. But I don't know if there's a way to go from that to adding all the changes to the project. Maybe if you use a separate branch for it and then merge the branch back into main.

(1 edit)

It was only a few attacks, you can do a Ctrl + Shift + F for "is_reeling" and see which attacks incorrectly used that variable name.
As for updating projects, unfortunately there's no universal way to do that, it depends on which scripts you have changed in your project. You definitely want to use some kind of source control program like Github Desktop. If you haven't made too many changes yet, it would be easiest to make a local package of all your changes and then import them into the new version of PFE, but if you already made a lot of changes, it would be easiest to take the updated files from the new version of PFE and move them back to your project.

Yeah, just keep in mind that the more changes you make on the free version the harder it'll be to move to the paid version.

The free trial version is missing online features, as well as some offline features that use the same functions, such as being able to rewind replays.

There are no time or size limits; it's just a downloadable GameMaker project file.

Transferring a project from the free version to the paid version is difficult (you'd need to merge the two projects with a source control program, which is very time-consuming).

That would be in "move_bouncing", though the issue is hard to recreate.

Discord is here I'm not sure I would call this a Mugen alternative, but it's similar.

If you look at the code and the amount of features it doesn't compare to PFE, so that's why it's free ahaha. Also, auto turnaround is already in PFE, look at "auto_turnaround_passive" 🙂

Well, I finally got around to it.

Please read through the tutorials on the website, they cover all of the basics for modifying the engine

You can modify any part of the game and do (almost) anything that GameMaker supports.

You can use whatever assets you can import into GameMaker. Try it on the free version.

That isn't supported by default, but you could give the character a custom "draw_script" that checks which way they are facing and draws a different sprite instead.

Right now there's no support for having 2 players on 1 keyboard - the issue is that it allows you to rebind the entire keyboard, so there isn't a defined "split" in the keyboard. But that's a good idea for a new feature.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

You can join the PFE discord and then send a DM to Yosi if you want to talk about PFE stuff in a private space.

I don't have experience with console porting. Most of the gameplay logic should transfer easily, but there could definitely be issues with the graphics and networking.

  1. Generally ports should work, but GameMaker is known to have obscure platform-specific bugs. There are also some functions (mainly the ones dealing with the file system) that only work on Windows or Mac.
  2. You should be able to test online with 2 windows on the same machine if you do it in this order:
1. Open the game exe. Set the "Target Port" to a different number. I usually use 63567.
2. Open another game exe. Set the "Ingoing Port" to the same number.
3. On the first game, do "Join with IP" and type in your local IP address.
4. Accept the join request on the second game.

First full release is already available on the page, it's the "[Older Version] Platform Fighter Engine 1.0.0.yyz" file.

I don't have the time to work on something like that right now, but I'll think about it.

Which version number do you want specifically? The first beta version or the first full release version?

If you look in the character init scripts, the "sprite_scale" variable is set to 2 by default. This is because all the characters in base PFE are scaled up 2x. If you change it to 1, then the sprites won't be upscaled and you'll have more pixels to work with. Also, make sure the camera is zoomed out enough.

In "game_settings", change the macro "player_hud_type" to "HUD_TYPE.legacy"

I've removed older intermediate versions from the page to reduce clutter. If you need to download an older version for whatever reason, send a message and I'll add it back to the page 👍

This is the minimum code required to add an option to the menu. You'll still need to add code that checks the setting, as well as modifying "match_settings_save", "match_settings_load", and "match_settings_default" so replays work as intended.

You'll want to

1. Add a new variable to the _settings struct in game_settings for the new option.

2. Add the name of the new option to match_settings_choices in obj_css_ui: Room Start.

3. Change the Step and Draw End events of obj_css_ui to handle the new option.

Once you've added all the rules to the menu, you can decide where to put the code that checks the match settings and applies the rule. That'll probably be in game_object_setup.

What part in particular are you stuck on?

Add these lines after Line 5 of obj_fspec_shadow_flare_ball: User Event 0

if (!instance_exists(_target) || _target == noone)

Depending on the version you're using, you may not have (or need to set) that macro.