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  1. Generally ports should work, but GameMaker is known to have obscure platform-specific bugs. There are also some functions (mainly the ones dealing with the file system) that only work on Windows or Mac.
  2. You should be able to test online with 2 windows on the same machine if you do it in this order:
1. Open the game exe. Set the "Target Port" to a different number. I usually use 63567.
2. Open another game exe. Set the "Ingoing Port" to the same number.
3. On the first game, do "Join with IP" and type in your local IP address.
4. Accept the join request on the second game.

Piggybacking off of this, would you extend this answer to consoles as well? I understand that PFE is not designed for consoles as it stands, but does porting seem plausible with educated devs behind the wheel?

I am currently weighing my options in this area for a commercial product, so your insight as the original dev would be deeply appreciated.

Thank you.

I don't have experience with console porting. Most of the gameplay logic should transfer easily, but there could definitely be issues with the graphics and networking.

So, largely, the limitations of PFE for consoles may be traced back to Game Maker's own porting foibles and, understandably, a lack of testing with console hardware? Is that a fair evaluation?

By the way, does Springroll have a business email? I would love to get in more direct contact to discuss the possibility of building out PFE further.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

You can join the PFE discord and then send a DM to Yosi if you want to talk about PFE stuff in a private space.