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Spargit Studio

A member registered Apr 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Really glad you enjoyed the presentation of the game! You can't actually lose the game, you just need to survive 60 seconds. If you die, the game respawns you at Night (where there are no enemies!). I think it might be impossible to beat the game without buying any upgrades. In my rush to submit the game I forgot to tell players to interact with the beanstalk by pressing "E", which is what starts the next wave >.<

Thanks for playing, though! :)

Glad you liked the presentation and movement! Unfortunately in my rush to get the game submitted, I forgot to tell players to interact with the beanstalk by pressing "E" while nearby, which is what starts the next wave. Thanks for playing, though :)

Glad you had a good time! Thanks for playing and for the feedback, and sorry about the weird shader issues.

Thanks for playing, and for the feedback! The moaning was actually a last-minute sound effect I made for one of the enemies, but it gets a bit out of hand when too many of them spawn haha. Glad you had a good time despite the game's flaws, sorry about the shader issues!

Thank you!

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! Background music was on the to-do list but I put it off because I didn't want it to distract from the rhythm of the level. You can actually change the colours while the spikes are down, it's just a little harder to see them. 

Thank you! Even I struggled a bit on the first level when testing, but I, unfortunately, didn't leave much time for changes. 

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Yeah, I had the realisation of the hitbox windows being too tight a little too late. That's a good note about the rhythm, though. One of the later levels has a shorter interval and it's definitely easier to get into the rhythm there.

I'll make sure to check out your game, I'm interested to see the similarities :)

Very aware of the selection aura bug, it was one of the visual bugs I did run into. However this didn't happen in-engine, and seemed to only happen once exporting to HTML and running in-browser. So by the time I knew of it, it was too late to fix :/ 

The card graphic acts differently when you click it, this was intentionally left in, but it was actually a visual bug caused by a shader. 

I'm guessing that cards not playing is likely due to them needing targets selected (or in some cases, you need to select both an enemy AND a friendly character), and this was likely made harder by the fact that you couldn't see what was selected properly, due to the visual bug.

Either way, thank you for playing!

sorry to hear that! I wish I'd had more time to create a better tutorial , but that's what I get for overscoping haha

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing, I tested the game both myself and with  friends before submission, and experienced zero bugs. I also encountered no bugs during development besides visual bugs. Do you mind telling me what kind of bugs you ran into?

Thank you! :)

Thanks for playing! Yeah I only noticed that highlighting bug after exporting to HTML, not really sure of the cause :/

Glad you enjoyed the game, though! :D

there are a few different types of random encounters, so there should be a bit of variety with difficulty, but I did try to not make it too hard. Thanks for playing :)

thank you for playing! I definitely overscoped, yeah haha

Glad you enjoyed the concept, you have to take pieces in order to have a chance of rolling other pieces. Did you read the tutorial? Eg. If you get to a level with an enemy bishop, you can take that bishop and replace one of the sides of your die with a bishop. This gives you a 1/6 chance of rolling bishops, if that makes sense?

Either way, thank you for playing :) 

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! The later levels have other pieces like the bishop/rook/queen that you can take and replace the sides of the dice with. Not sure if that mechanic was clear? 

Yeah unfortunately I ran out of time to fix that bug, there's another bug as well where sometimes enemy pieces will hop over your pieces like they're knights. It was actually my first time making any kind of complex AI like this, and it was quite a challenge! So yeah the AI is a bit dumb, but at least it's functional ;) 

Thanks for playing :D

I love the presentation of the game, and it's simple and easy to understand (although I think the tutorial was paraphrased a bit, I actually thought I was controlling the pendulum at first), but I agree with the others it's a little too easy to master. Great job!

This was a little hard to follow and actually make strategic moves, but I think the presentation is good, and the concept is certainly creative. Good job!

Some really great puzzles, lovely aesthetics, great job!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Thank you so much for playing! Really glad you enjoyed it, and I'm glad you enjoyed the colour palettes :)

Hoping to come back to this after my current project, maybe add a leaderboard and some other stages!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it :D

Thanks for playing! More tracks are definitely something I would've loved to add, I just didn't have the time, unfortunately. That's an interesting idea about the pickups, which I'll definitely have to think about... Although at the moment your speed does incrementally every loop, making the car harder and harder to control, which is the slight increase in difficulty I put in the game. Unfortunately, I don't think it's actually noticeable unless you play endless and get to like loop 30+

The enemy car isn't actually designed to overtake you, it's trying to catch you. It's basically only there to stop you from driving super slow and collecting every coin easily because if you try and do that it will just catch you and you'll get game over.

Hmm... The music should work, it works for me and seems to be working for other people. You may have pressed "M" whilst playing? That's the button for muting the music.

Thanks again :D

Glad you had a good time with it! The shader I used can be found here:

Thanks for playing! :)

Thank you so much for playing! Yes, the car is pretty hard to control, but when I was making the game I thought that the fact it was hard to control sort of added to the experience, since the game itself is super simple. I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's not about being good or bad, just about having fun :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yes, the music adjusts to the number of rounds, but only in Score Attack mode :)

Yeah, it's really only designed for a quick 2-5 minutes at a time :)

Yeah, I was worried about the menu text, that's why I put that warning at the start of the game, the tutorial is also on the itch page!

If your inputs aren't working reliably, you may have clicked off-screen, itch is annoying like that sometimes.

Thanks for playing! :D