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A member registered Dec 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Had a great time with it, very fun concept. I agree adding some more complicated puzzles would go a long way. The presentation was also great!

That's extremely kind of you, thanks so much

(1 edit)

Neat concept, visually cluttered. It was easy to lose the player character in all the commotion. The take-damage sound is also much louder than the rest. 

Just replayed it, it was much much better with some direction!

Enjoyed it a lot, neat little brain teasers. 

Thanks for playing! The grass/wheat is a food source for the villagers. They prioritize the campfires but will wander to find food when hungry. The tesla coil wasn't super clear, but using it will kill all enemies in it's AOE. 

Really cool, the dual-end control scheme was fun. The game felt intentionally frustrating but not in a bad way, it was rewarding to clear a level.

Really enjoyable, the art and sound design were great (I did the the tasing effect was pretty harsh). Not being able to manually trigger the electric shock was a cool twist on player control.

The goal of the game is very unclear, and so are the controls. I think there could be a really cool concept here, but I really don't grasp what I'm supposed to do. 

Loved it, the art/music/general presentation is top-notch. Hitting enemies, linking combos is super gratifying. 

I enjoyed it! The timer created some really tense moments, so rewarding to make it to a safe zone just in time.