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I'm sorry about some of these issues. I guess sometimes you just play-test your own game so much that things become second-nature. This game has a lot to it in terms of complexity compared to my previous games. It had a lot of problems near the end, so I had to kind of push it out as it was. I would have considered more player reactions to the different mechanics if I hadn't had those problems. I was glad that I was able to get it in working, playable order. I'll try to address some feedback specifics.
I don't know how I forgot to mention click to shoot. I added some additional instructions on controls to the game's page.
The ESC ends games thing is a trope of mine. I'm starting to think other people don't like that, but I personally prefer a single button to immediately end a game. If this was a bigger game with saves, loading, etc, sure, I'd have more with menus/esc menu, etc. I updated the game page on ESC.
Drops in the game work randomly, by killing an enemy you either get bullets, health, or money, it shows a little popup above the status bar for which one you received. Bullets are also in the environment in red boxes. There's one on the table. There are others that are hidden in secret areas. And also, in the dance hall, there is a machine that converts health to bullets. There should be enough bullets in the game, even not using the secrets. This game can be played with different playstyles and it can be rushed through. You don't get penalized for not killing the majority of the enemies, so you can save on bullets that way, like in a Resident Evil game. The only enemies that need to be killed are the ones that appear in the dance hall in a sort of rush/boss fight.
This game was a test for me making this type of game. I'm not sure I'll continue this specific project. But, I'll try to take forward the advice of consistent controls and being sure to mention all controls on the game page in future projects.
Thank you for your feedback. I'd like to see your video when it's posted, thank you.
When I saw the screenshots, I knew I had to play it because I love games with water--Subnautica, Bioshock. You had great visual FX and the music was very calming, it was like a juxtaposition when my boss told me I had to go out spearing water-creatures! I felt so bad when I speared an eel! Then the turtle! Oh! It was funny how the things all stayed on the spear the whole time like a shish kabob or like those Katamari games.
Great graphics! I beat level 2, but then it went to level select screen and I couldn't get further. I must have did something wrong. Also, there was a glitch where the day would keep going after it was done, like I could keep controlling my character and I'd hear them run into the thorns and die during the cinematic. Cool, original concept overall, good job!
Thanks! It was fun making it and I put a lot of thought into it. I wasn't sure if players would trade health for bullets, but I saw a playthrough video and someone did! I would have put more things to buy, but the demo didn't end up being long, so I didn't. There's some random things in it though that I put in. Like if you die, the enemies nearest to you will grunt, even the movie alien and the scientist have post player-death grunts.
Yeah, I wish the AI were smarter, too! I'm not too experienced with that. I did a thing in this where each iteration of an alien is slightly different in terms of behavior because the plot if about the alien clones differentiating from each other too much. Like, all the ones in the purple coat will act a certain way--but each a little different to each other. And the shotgunner is a powerful bruiser, but his two iterations act differently. The first one waits stealthily, then hunts. The other one stands still, but is stronger.
I think if I continued this game, I might change all the graphics of it. I'd love to make or have made actual like toy/clay/polymer kind of models like I think they did with Doom and Blood games, but that'd probably be hard expensive or both.
I had ideas for how to expand it, too! Before I decided on a dance hall, I was going to have a big 1930's/1940s gym. And I thought each floor would have another one crazy big room to it. Like one would be a baseball field, which I think would have been funny to see. Also, each floor would show like a continuance of the duck artist character having just made his way through the floor. He'd be a floor ahead each time and sometimes communicate with the player, but you'd never see him face to face. You'd just end up helping each other directly or indirectly. And each floor would have had more gunfights, more enemies, some more aggressive runner-types, but also more nice helpful aliens too.
If I continued it, I'd really like it to be VR and have great water/swimming creature FX outside, which neither of those I have no experience in at all. At that point, it'd probably be getting to team-level work!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! I like old fps games like the Build engine games and some odd ones I played here and there like Future Shock and Chasm and stuff like that.
If you're in the first area, you have two ways of proceeding. The main way is to shoot the spinning wheel thing, opposite of the main menu image. Or, the speedrun-y way is to jump on the bed, jump up to the top of the wall and you can get anywhere else you need to go--or anywhere else really, including the end section. I thought it was a funny thing to leave in.
The theme of decay is the ending (decay of humanity), the shotgun itself (decaying the environment by shooting through things), and the visual/downsampled audio. One time I tried to play an old FPS game and the textures didn't load at all, so what I saw was similar to this where everything was a single color. It was inspired by that partially, where a game I tried to play was decayed.
Thanks! Yeah, I like how the green palette looks, I did it before in ( ) and the only problem I have with limited palettes is stuff blending together/running out of shades to differentiate. I think using gradients helped in this one, but another problem I noticed was it looked easy differentiable on one monitor, but then on another, stuff blended in more making it harder to make out.
I'm not sure about shaders. About the gameplay, I kind of regret not having more enemies in it, but the one in it was the last new thing I added to the game.
There's only one tiny secret area in the game. After you get through the second keycard door, you can turn around and there's a tiny dark wall to shoot down, then a sign at the end of that hallway. And this isn't a secret area, but I also had some fun jumping from the bed to the top of the walls, then walking atop the whole level and jumping down to the final section from there.
That's really cool you made a fangame based on a movie you remember! I've wanted to do that before for obscure movies I like, but haven't yet. The moviemakers should be honored you took the time to make this revival of their obscure media. Even movie that get a low rating take a lot of effort from a lot of people, so that's really cool to celebrate it. You did a good job incorporating the clips and making them blend into the horror/grainy-footage of it.
I never thought I'd play a game where I'm being chased around by Meat Loaf.
I really liked the music and the animation on the cutscenes was well-done, very professional and matched with the music. Knifespinning for swagger was really funny.
The names of the characters above the dialogue kind of blended in with Sarah's arm. Maybe add a box behind their names so they don't blend in.
I saw your post that you wanted feedback, so I'll just note what I noticed here. Mostly editorial stuff that I think could help. Some might be just my opinion.
-consecuences (spelling)
-Good luck username (I would have a comma between Good luck and the username)
-Confront the wolves.
-Flee in the opposite direction
(Some of your passage links have periods and some don't. You should choose one and be consistent.)
-I trained relentlessly from that instant, shedding tears, blood, and enduring pain, but I never stopped my training. (I would make this two sentences)
-You have Died/You have died (I wouldn't capitalize Died. And I saw two instances of this. Once it was capitalized, once it was not.)
There are two endings, but just different based on which button you pressed.
There's a couple other little things to do that aren't related to the ending, but little secrets.
If you press e at the drinking fountain (dark green thing between the two rooms in the main room) it turns on. Also, there's a clock but it's just kind of spinning around, on the wall opposite the big windows in the main room.
And the graffiti on the next building over, the building on the left side of your video at 1:30. If you press e right by the graffiti, it turns into a screaming (LOUD) Frankie from my other game YOURHOUSE.JAR.
Thanks for playing the game and making the video!