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SlimeMaid ๐Ÿ’ง๐ŸŽ€

A member registered Apr 14, 2017 ยท View creator page โ†’

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That was SO CUTE! The concept for the game is unique and adorable! I love it!

Doesn't run in WINE. I'll try again soon.

Wow this was so cool! Neat idea!!!! Felt well executed. I had a lot of fun!

I had a hard time figuring this out... but you did a good job nonetheless!!!

WOW! So the controls and looks are a lil rough, but I absolutely adore the concept of the game! This is so fun! Great job! Would love to see a more polished version of this! Soo cool!!!!!!

Runs well in WINE!

Having trouble getting past the first guy...

I love the art and how you made them bounce around and the slimey noisees! very cuuute game! such cute noises!

was very slimey and nostalgic for me to play a throwback dating sim like this! purple slime was very cute! unfortunately i'm not much for furries and stuf... good job!!!!!

I don't have Windows... I'll cycle back to this.

I really love this game! I think it's original and I like the aesthetics a lot! I really love that you only use the arrow keys. I haven't really played many games like this. I like how weird everything looked and how the game unfolded as I play it. I hope to play more games by you in the future!

Can't run this on Ubuntu. Will try to play later.

if you talk to the right side before the humies start, u will have an inventory most fierce

your medidation and dream dial is: moon circle circle star circle