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A member registered Apr 20, 2017 · View creator page →

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For the visibility true/false stutter... modulate alpha from 0 to 255 and maybe disable the collision. I found out that visible goes through the whole tree to check stuff... for some reason.

As for the balance thing... yeah, that is always the hardest thing to figure out. Especially if something you really wanted is what is unbalancing the game.

(1 edit)

Hey! Love what you did with the course! I was looking for my own twist to make the concepts my own and I loved your outcome!

Here are a few notes/ideas/bug fixes:

  • When you purchase a weapon after having purchased all the weapons, you get stuck in an empty menu. A back button, would be nice to back out of the choice, but also, if encountering this bug, players can get out of it.
  • Items collected in areas where you cannot see... maybe negate any damage to enemies until they reach a specific point on the board? Make the modulate on the sprites black then white signaling the change? 
  • Increasing the number of projectiles was the key to making this game very easy. Maybe you only need a single upgrade? 3 seemed to be overkill.
  • Once you get all the weapons unlocked then you are pretty much unstoppable. To promote replay, maybe allow only a certain number of them to be unlocked, like 5.
  • The lag might be caused by instancing all the resources for an attack for the first time and maybe the enemies. Maybe preload those scenes so it only effects the start of the level.
  • Buying a knight at the beginning of the game causes them to kill everything in the darkness. As to my previous point, maybe restrict the knight's movement to only half the scene length.
  • The magic/flame wave upgrade description was vague compared to what it actually did IMO.
  • Maybe enemy health needs to scale or something. There needs to be more balancing or the game needs to end with a score card after a set point of time.

Over all I really enjoyed this game!

Can we get a retry after playing the game and losing?

(2 edits)

How do you get plain planks? It almost looks like I need plain planks to unlock wood in the forest but I could be wrong. I am unlocking as much as I can and I can't seem to gather any.

Figured it out: In the dark forest you need to scrap equipment to get the planks.

I started figuring that out after posting. Isn't really related to the issue I posted, but the custom modifiers still crashes pretty consistently on apply after some use. No errors are written that I could see that are specific to that issue.

But I do appreciate the speedy reply.

Hey, I am learning the engine and finally figured out the custom modifiers and how to build levels with the floors configuration in mind. I would love a "copy" option for the custom modifiers, but it isn't too big of a deal, just a bit of a slow down. 

Anyways, every now and again I get the following error and the editor shuts down:

Source: System.Drawing
Reason: Parameter is not valid.
Stack trace:    at System.Drawing.Image.get_Flags()
   at System.Windows.Forms.ControlPaint.IsImageTransparent(Image backgroundImage)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor, Point scrollOffset)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle rectangle)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e, Int16 layer)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

The engine crashes but it does save the change. I thought, at first, I was using too many objects, but this happens even with two or three objects in the modifier. 

I appreciate all the hard work!

I have been using this addon for a couple days now and I have a few suggestions:

  • Locked the location for the position information. When zooming in it is hard to get a good precision pixel placement if that information is off screen. (suggestion: lock or make the left side of the layout scroll separately)
  • Marking the middle of an image on the edges. I have been trying to make circular things and I don't mind the lack of a shape painter, but figuring out the alignment of the sprites without this little detail is tough
  • Add a clear option, allow the painter to clear that color too or allow transparent color switching. Per pixel deleting isn't very efficient.
  • Add the ability to undo

I can't think of much else really. For rapid prototyping it works great. I just would like a few quality of life changes.

I could use this! I wanted to add controller support to my last project but had no idea how to do text very easily... Daisy wheel has been the ultimate in text input in my headspace for a while but rarely do I see it used. Even if it is just something I like as a personal preference being able to see it actualized and provide the option to players is fantastic! The consideration for cursors being any node type is awesome and I can't thank you enough!

I ran into the same issue as others. Glad to know it is fixed now. I will have to test it out later. I love the concept! This was a pain and something (coming from Java) always seemed too different for me in Python and GDScript. So anything to ease my having to look it up every time is welcomed!

I haven't tested this one, but it looks super useful. Worth sending 10 bucks your way to get a great quality of life solution for 3d games.

My first attempt at dialog like this was node intensive. This is very nice since I can focus on dialog as god intended... in text. A wrapper to visualize the branches is great for team project readability but for fast solutioning for smaller projects sometimes you just need a straight forward solution like this. I picked it up right away and didn't need to learn something totally abstract to get it working.

What!?! I don't have to create a custom version or figure this stuff out piece by piece on my own? Looks great!

As someone who dreads going back into coding after prolonged periods of using low/no-code development, this would definitely help make the process more engaging and fun!

A time saver for sure. Great for retro style games and not having to think too much about how your sound files need to be configured/modified/etc.

Nice quality of life tool to prevent your UI from being inconsistent in different resolutions... an issue I didn't realize was going on until weeks into development on my last project. -_-* I will have to try it out!

The fact this genre has bled into RPGs, Souls-likes, and the success of Vampire Survivors makes this a very appealing plugin for a new project. Looks well thought out and documented, which is vital for someone who hasn't considered integrating this kind of concept to their game until recently.

That jump to tagged comments makes this worth while above other solutions out there. Not expected for a Jam, but a way to update the whole team by synchronizing with a web solution like Trello would be an excellent way to elevate this project to a full blown team solution... it looks like the JSON files are a great step in that right direction. Since all my projects are solo projects I am looking forward to using this in my next project for sure!

Looks like a great prototyping and fast development tool! Looks fairly robust too!

Ooooh... My favorite way to customize UI via services! You can retroactively keep all your games up-to-date with security requirements of your services without having to change the applications themselves. Might not resonate with everyone, but I can see how this could be extremely helpful for online games or apps or just with folks who love JSON or are using another tool to define their fields.

This looks like a great short cut for updating your games settings without having to dig for it.

Looks like a great solution to accelerate game development in the genre! Can't stand working with Unity so I love seeing Godot alternatives.

Gimme! I absolutely needed this about 3 months ago! This is an amazing idea!


When buying things from the soul shop when you scroll... later in the game, the costs don't scroll with the rest of the screen. Really enjoying the game, but it could use a few improvements. Addicting.

Fun concept. I can see this being expanded into a larger game. I like the finding broken objects concept. Maybe the better you audit the more moves/skills you unlock or something. It's a great game slice!

Very fun game! It took me a bit to understand what to do to get the correct colors, but once I got enough resources I was able to figure some of it out... still not sure how to get that second blue color though.

(1 edit)

Really fun time waster. Only gripe is that buying some of the explosives instead places the selected explosives and to select another explosive you need to buy one... lead to a few places where I got stuck. Other than that, sides of buildings should net some sort of earnings... it takes a lot of effort to bring a building down.

Love it. Great work!

Nice game! I am not sure how to get a higher rank than F though. The concept is great for a game jam. I couldn't break it either which is a plus.