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A member registered Oct 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hehehe that's my cat - his name is Bread) and he is cutie for sure)))

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Thank you and your son for playing))! 
Yeah, level 3 didn't get proper testing and balance with the lack of time, so it turned out really hard...((
I don't think it can be beatable now without "Easy mode", which prevents void to accelerate (you can toggle it in the menu).
The way I beat it is climbing always up, using jumps and turn around cards, smth like that)

Very creative puzzle game) I love the UI and all the game vibe) 

Like the idea that you have to beat the lvl without using one of the mechanics, that's challenging and fun) 
The theme implementation is original) 

That was very fun to try different combinations to find out what will happen.  Visual clues was very clear.

I totally love your interpretation of the Void. I like the way everything becomes brighter with main character mood's rise)
There is a very big potential in that game.

I wish there will be subtitles to the notes or a diary, where all the notes you found will be placed, cos I'm bad at taking things with just listening.

The concept is unique, I like language-based games, but the font is unreadable and I didn't get what I need to do to beat the contracts...
The art is beautiful, though.

I like your game, the score table definitely was a hook to keep me playing more and more)
(I think also that summarize score points of different approaches is not very fair, but I used it as in my 1st game enemies stopped spawning at about 16800)
I wish I had and opportunity to move the void, but it's fun enough as it is.
Like the risk-reward balance for the special attack.
Well done)

Mb it's my slow brain but it was too difficult for me so I couldn't beat the game(. 

I like the idea of unlimited 3d space for tower defense and the start menu with keybinding is cool)

Very addictive game! I was trying really hard to beat it, but died( I wish there were a checkpoint system or a way to fulfill HP (at least once per game). But I definitely will try again to win)
Also, I like simple concept and a very good possibility of scaling with new features if you'd like to continue with developing.
Story part is also admired as cos of it I want to try again)
Good job)

Wow, I really enjoyed your game. Very polished. The color palette is nice.
I think I will come back to your game again to beat all the lvls)

I actually quite like the game) And I like the voiceover narration.
The moment I don't like is loading money...I think it will be more satisfying to get them at once, but make more expensive upgrades. But that's only my opinion)
Good job)

Thanks for your feedback) Hehe, nope, there are no dependencies with card parts) The deckbuilding aspect is a little light as we couldn't manage to include all the features we wanted in time) Hope you enjoyed it anyway)

Thank you for playing)

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Lol true) thank you, I will change it)
UPD: Done :) 
And thank you for your reply and playing our game)