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A member registered Dec 15, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing.  I'll take a look at that bug.  The monkey stage is the last one so you're not missing out on anything after that. 

Hey Sean, of course I remember.  I'm really glad you liked the game--the music is actually Andrew's (which might be why you played it in the first place?).  

Thank you for the kind comment!

That definitely makes sense and honestly is something I should have known to do.  Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it otherwise!

Kind words!  Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you for playing!

Really interesting puzzles and lots of charming eastereggs.  I got as far as the "momentum?" puzzle and couldn't figure it out, but still enjoyed what I did play.  I see you added a level select so I might come back and try it again tomorrow!

Charming puzzles and interesting use of the theme.  As somebody else pointed out, the spike hitboxes were a bit unforgiving, but overall pretty fun.

The hard coded 820x820 window is a limitation that I knew was going to mess it up for some people, sorry about that.  Glad you had fun.

You can actually click to the left or right of the screen to scroll through level select, but there should have been a visual indicator, sorry about that!  Glad you liked it.

Very clever!  Good polish and well designed puzzles.  Good use of the theme.

Thanks for playing!  There's definitely some luck involved in getting a decent string of phrases.

Feels really great to control and it's super well polished.  Good job!

Thanks for playing!  You're right about the white on black, I always forget I have my monitors set to easy-on-the-eyes and I need to see what my games look like on a normal monitor.  Palette swaps would probably have been a good idea—thanks for the feedback.

wtf (5/5)

Very well polished and I love how santa's sleigh has a horn.   Lots of small details to appreciate.  Well done!

Thank you so much!

Great game!  Very difficult, on theme and well put together.

(1 edit)

Cute graphics and the first few levels did have some genuine strategy to them which was engaging.  Once I could afford the super dwarf it seemed like just spamming those was the winning strat.  I would have liked a bit more audio/visual feedback on the buttons and the fights themselves, but I know those things always fall off the priority list.

Sweet little tale—seems very personal and introspective.  It's always hard to share feelings like this in a game!  Hope it was cathartic making it.

Thanks for playing!  There's definitely a bit of luck involved in the phrases that get picked.

Clever and on theme!  Well done.  Love the sprites.

Very lovely!  I ended up spending the most time with Cornelius because she ordered the stuff I would order.  The sound design in particular was nice.

Thanks for the feedback!  I hadn't considered clicking on things to interact with them, but it's an interesting idea.

(1 edit)

This is your first project, right?  It's very impressive if that's the case.

As far as the game itself, it desperately needs more SFX and walls to stop players from walking off the world.  I understand it's supposed to be inspired by some old game, but I dislike the way weapons work and would prefer if the equipped weapon was on the screen like all modern RPGs, or at the very least displayed somewhere in the HUD. 

Combat is not super engaging, but may be helped by adding a larger variety of enemies.  If there was a ranged enemy attacking at the same time, the slimes wouldn't be so trivial (boring) to fight.  Also proper sound effects and a recoil animation would go a long way towards making combat feel good.

The art style is charming in a retro way, but the gameplay needs more attention and the lack of sound effects is seriously hurting the game.  Even some generic looping background music would improve things a lot.   If I were to suggest what to prioritize, it would be getting a few more types of enemies and seeing what kind of combinations make for the most engaging combat, as well as working on sound effects.  Also the "exit" button on the menu made me think it would exit the game, not just exit them menu.

Looking forward to see how this project evolves over time!  If you're this far on your first project, you seem capable enough to turn it into something great.

Incredibly well polished, good job!  If I can think of one thing to improve on, it would be some kind of effect emanating from the acid pools that makes it more obvious that they hurt to walk on.  A heat wave or bubbles + a steaming or boiling SFX would help.

Thank you very much for your feedback!  I appreciate it. 

I see what you mean about gated from certain dialog options, from the writing perspective it has been more "what information needs to be conveyed" and less "how does a natural conversation flow" which may be frustrating.  Instructions for minigames is definitely something in the TODO column, although I want to find a way to avoid the wall of text most games do.

That's a weird bug!  I'll take a look.

Sorry, it seems like there's a bug where sometimes the conditions aren't satisfied for some reason... I'm looking into it now, in the meantime here's a video of the ending (you're not missing out on much...):

I'm really glad you like it (: !  There is a hidden path that leads down to the underground.. check for cracks or weird lines in the walls. 

Nicely done, although it took me a while to figure out that pick axing the money was destroying it and not actually picking it up.

Really clever mechanic!  Very hard, but not unfairly.  Well done.

Bonus points for using the harder modifiers, for sure, but easy is about as far as I can beat. 

Very lovely game.  The one minor gripe I have is I don't love the sound effect of the electric purple ball, but other than that it's on theme, the idea is original and fun, art is great and music is awesome.

I added some extra instructions to the description.  Hope it helps.

Well done.  On theme and there were some surprisingly tense moments.  It'd be nice if there was more variation and presents and objectives, but I'm sure that's just a matter of time.

Really great!  Solid idea, well executed and on theme.

Good effort, cute animations, but not very much content.

Thanks!  I'm planning on trying to do non-repeating and ranked by difficulty phrases if I can get enough content in in time.  I'll check out that bug...

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Good Job!  I love the cutscene at the start.  It would be nice if the game automatically reset when you die / fall off the screen, though.

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