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A member registered May 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks! 🧡

Funny enough, before release I actually had some criticism about the footsteps sounding too much like a basketball, but I opted to use the sounds anyway. Glad to hear it paid off haha

Thanks! 🧡

Also best of luck with your all endings run!

(1 edit)

Honestly, I don't really learn anything specific in game jams, it's more of a slow buildup of experience.

But I guess if there had to be something, I guess my takeaway is this: it's OK to interpret themes in an unconventional way.

Previously, in game jams, if there were themes, I'd make my game very closely tethered to the most literal interpretation of that theme. But this time, I was a bit more abstract with my connection, and most people seemed to enjoy the unique take on "diving deeper". Whether my game would've been better with, you know, a more close, obvious or literal tether to the theme, we'll ever know, but I tried something different and it still made for a solid entry.

So if I have a less obvious interpretation of a theme, no matter how abstract, no matter how unfitting it might seem at a first glance, I might be more inclined to do it in the name of standing out. But I'm not gonna make, like, a game where you play in a housefire when the theme's "car wash" because that's TOO far-fetched.

This game was actually pretty fun and relaxing!

The art was simple, but clean and very appropriate for a mobile game. The sounds also complimented the art style perfectly, with both being kinda cartoony.

My only real critique is the fact that the music sounds kinda solemn and mournful. I know the music wasn't made by you and it wasn't actually too unfitting, but it still just felt slightly out of place.

Other than that, fun gameplay loop, clean art style, nice job!

Hey, I don't usually do these kinds of rating threads but I think it'd be interesting to see somebody else actually play through my game. I feel like I could learn more from watching somebody actively play the game and record it rather than read comments of people's experiences after they've played it.

So, yeah, if you wanna check out my thing, here's Just Following Orders

The graphics were very well done and the music was super energetic! I also liked the idea of literally diving deeper into levels of hell.

My biggest gripe with this one comes down to the controls. After I do certain attacks, they just...don't work for a few seconds. I know this was meant as a cooldown mechanic, but it would've definitely worked better if there was some kind of visual indicator.

But overall, decent game! Would love to see this enhanced after the jam. 

I could see the obvious Pokemon Snap inspiration, and you meshed it pretty well with the theme!

The 2D art at the beginning was adorable! And I very much appreciate the fact that the game starts with a proper tutorial. Honestly wouldn't have expected something like that out of a jam game, just thought it'd take too much time.

I was pretty impressed with the fact that the fish themselves have at least a hint of AI. I've never actually tried coding anything like that because it seems daunting, but you fully implemented something like that in a week and still had time to make something this polished?

Only real issue I faced was the controls acting up. Sometimes I would forget to put away the photo I just took, sometimes when I moved right and forward at the same time I'd only move right, etc etc. But I was playing the WebGL build, maybe if I played the downloaded versions I'd have less trouble

Solid entry!

Thanks! 🧡

I set my name as "fart" because mentally I'm 2 years old

I already knew from the screenshots and menu that I was in for a polished experience.

The music, sounds and graphics on display are so good! And the gameplay itself was incredibly simple, but so fun as well. I love murdering fish. (that sounds bad)

I guess my only criticism is the fact that the How To Play text is really long to scroll through. I'd have preferred a bit of text showing up at the start that says something like "Use WASD to move, press Space to dive, collect pearls" and then fades away, or a fully interactive tutorial, though that latter idea probably wouldn't have worked in a 7 day jam.

Incredibly solid time!

Hey! Thank you for playing! 🧡

No, you didn't not get far enough, honestly the game doesn't have, like, actual deep lore. I couldn't write good lore if I tried so I just went the route of surrealist silliness. It was a lot of fun to write, but it's not, like, a deep commentary on anything, it's just "what's the weirdest stuff I can conjure?"

Sorry mate but this is meant to be a thread for linking other people's games, not your own.

Thank you so much! 🧡

Thank you! 🧡

Also you're the 3rd person who's commented that they focused mostly on the job portion. Not holding it against you, just an observation

Thank you! 🧡

I have always wanted to do one of those "angry narrator" games, they just seem like they'd be a ton of fun to write. I have started on some before but nothing really materialized

Thank you a lot! 🧡

Thanks! 🧡 Sorry about the maths tho

note to self: make job portion of game LESS fun next time.

(ty for the comment tho 🧡)

Thank you so much! 🧡

(2 edits)

Honestly, in my opinion, this is one of the best entries to the jam!

All of the music was incredible, the concept is incredibly creative, the graphics are lively, and the polish level is off the charts! Not to mention the game itself being fun to play.

If there was something to suggest, maybe some kind of "are you sure?" box for the stuff you buy with gold? I kept clicking it on accident and purchasing stuff I probably shouldn't have.

But I'm really reaching for stuff to criticise. Which speaks volumes about how good a job you did! Bravo!

(1 edit)


So there are a lot of "let's rate each other's game" posts and I wanted to do something different.

Reply to this post with a game made by SOMEONE ELSE that you enjoyed this jam! It can be any game, it can have any high points, the only rule is that it has to be someone else's.

Let's give some shoutouts to our fellow Jammers!

I'll start with the (frankly incredible) detective story-based entry: Vanta Noir!

(1 edit)


Mate, you need to release stuff on Steam. The graphics, the story, the audio, the aesthetic, the polish, hell, YOU EVEN INCLUDED A GAME WITHIN A GAME. Most people struggle to finish 1 in a week, and you made a little minigame as well?!

My only complaint is that I legit want more of this. I don't know if it has multiple endings, it doesn't seem like it, but I want to know how this story continues. So badly.

Massive friggin kudos dude. This is incredible.

(1 edit)

This game was a pretty relaxing entry!

The controls were pretty smooth and the graphics weren't half bad! Though, I feel like if you changed the colour of the background (it kinda looks like the default Unity skybox) and changed the font to something pixelly, the graphics could look even better than they already do.

I guess my biggest gripe has to do with sound, and feedback in general. The game felt a bit hollow and empty without any sound effects or music, and I didn't know if I was actually harming any enemies because when I fired at them, there wasn't any kind of feedback, like a flash or chiefly turning red. 

Hitboxes were also a little weird, because each level ends with an arrow that points down, implying that's where you go, but I finished each level just a little bit outside. Hitboxes should be forgiving, but when you have an arrow pointing in a direction that you don't actually go in, that kinda throws me off a bit.

But yeah, enjoyed my time with this one! Good entry!

Thanks for the comment! 🧡

As for the "numbers lower than 5" comment, do you mean the individual digits of each number shouldn't be more than 5? (eg: 1324 would be acceptable, 2786 wouldn't)

If so, honestly, I personally liked that bit of difficulty. But I guess I could add a hypothetical "Easy" mode where those kinds of numbers don't appear. Otherwise, if you meant something else, def let me know! I'm curious.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the compliment! 🧡

Honestly the camera didn't feel that fast for me, but I definitely get where you're coming from. I was aiming for controls like FNAF, but I was operating just on my memory of what the controls felt like, and rewatching some videos...yeah FNAF's camera is a bit slower than mine lol. Probably should've added a sensitivity slider.

Hey! Glad my game helped you learn something about yourself!

But, uh, you really should go back and do the distraction routes...there's 3 extra endings there, and some interesting content. ;)

Ah, hello fellow developer of a "shady company" game! Nice to meet you!

The controls were pleasant enough, and I especially respected the ability to use your mouse to skip through dialogue. The notebook entries were also pretty interesting.

However, unless I was paying attention to the dialogue at the start of each level, I had no idea what to do. So I'd get caught in some trap or find my way back to base and not know whether or not I did the right thing. I think some sort of interface in the corner of the screen would've done wonders for this issue.

Another gripe is that the game just...feels empty. There's barely any music and the only sound effects are the diver. Some sort of underwater ambiance or slow-moving background music would've made the game feel a bit fuller.

Overall, it's a novel concept and a clever extension of the theme, but I felt like it just felt a bit amateurish in presentation (especially with the spelling/grammatical errors). I'd love to see an enhanced version after the jam tho!

This game was pretty innovative and I loved the art style!

The idea of actually diving deep into the human mind is an idea I kinda wish I'd thought of. But you definitely did the idea a good amount of justice!

A few things I'd like to note though. First, the game feels a little empty without sound effects. The neuron thing probably took a lot of time, so I get that you might not have had time for audio, but it really does make all the difference in how a game feels.

Second, sometimes the same word appears multiple times, which can be a bit annoying when you're trying to go one path, but the duplicate sends you down another.

Third, the typing seems a bit buggy as well. Sometimes it just doesn't type the word, and depending on your Caps Lock setting it might start one word, then jump to the next, but not actually finish until you realize you had caps lock on.

Fourth, the difficulty setting was a bit confusing. Why is it that when I drag it all the way to the left, I get no time, but all the way to the right I get all the time. Shouldn't it be reversed?

And lastly, I wish pressing space showed the entire dialogue and THEN skipped it, rather than just instantly skipping it. This caused me to miss out on the last bit of dialogue.

I know I complained a lot, so I'll end this review on a positive note: the game was pretty fun and I feel like has some legs as an actual Steam game!

(1 edit)

I'm terrible at video games so I only got to wave 5 :/

I saw this game go through development on Discord and I have to say, the final product is incredibly fun! I especially love the mechanic of your gun actually propelling you backwards. That was so much fun once I discovered it.

My only real gripe is that the graphics are a bit basic. They're just colourful rectangles which, while it has a distinctive style and looks great on screenshots, I can't help but wonder what this game would be like with original characters.

Other than that, excellent game! If this was on mobile with tilt controls, I'd def play it

(2 edits)

Thanks! 🧡

Ah, instructions. A historical struggle for me. I did try to alleviate that a bit with the emails at the start of each day and always having on-screen instructions, but I guess I just figured "intuition is enough so I'll not tell the player about swapping back, they can figure it out". Thanks again for the comment. I've already been making a strong effort to make things clear to the player, so I guess all I can do is...make an even stronger effort to make things clear to the player! :D

Thank you!! 🧡🧡

Thanks for the comment! 🧡

Also thanks for indirectly letting me know that the multiple endings wasn't working properly. That bug should be all patched up now!

Thanks for the kind words! 🧡

Sorry about the math lol. I wanted something that was just easy enough for most players, but just hard enough so that it doesn't just become completely redundant

(2 edits)

Thank you! 🧡

Just a note, after you get an ending, you need to refresh the page in order to reset the game and get a different ending. That feature's bugged and I'll issue a fix later today

Update: Bug should be all fixed!


Thanks! 🧡

I might expand on this at some point cuz I definitely do feel like if I made it longer and added more stuff to do, it might work as a steam release

As for how it fits with the theme, it's a more abstract interpretation, because you find lore about your company and it gets more surreal as you go along, since you "dive deeper" into the rabbithole of conspiracy.

Thank you for the kind words! 🧡

Also...yeah....the work totally adjusts to you getting things right or wrong....hahahaha... (it actually doesn't but that'd be a brilliant thing to add if I ever expand on this!)

Thanks for the compliment! 🧡

Don't worry, I won't tell M.G.A.T that you used a calculator...mainly cuz theyre a fictional company

Thank you! 🧡

(1 edit)

Thank you! 🧡

I've probably said this in other comments but I've got a few ideas for new creatures and games and I'd love to put those in a far more expanded mobile version of SiL... 👀 (I don't think it'd work on Steam, it's far too simple for that market)

(1 edit)

A Jam game where controller input is not just there, but encouraged?! I don't see those too often!

The graphics and music were awesome.

The game controlled super well and I was, honestly, unnecessarily happy that there was coyote time.

It was also pretty hard, but the fact that there's a death counter means that this game knows its audience, which is always a plus!

The only thing I can really nitpick is the fact that in cutscenes, I think only PlayStation buttons were used. I was using an Xbox Controller to play this game and that was a little weird. Maybe some sort of setting would fix this.

But this is a super polished game and an excellent entry to this jam! Super good job!