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A member registered Jun 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Which level?

This is good feedback,  to re-consider movement and objects which could somehow play off eachother for puzzle solving .. interesting

Your comment is becoming a meme on here lol

That's a good idea as it's not always clear who you are. Thanks for the feedback!

Liked the idea and the visuals, would like to see the balance of the game improved a bit so it doesn't seemingly go on and on, good game for the jam!

Would like more strategy than being affected by randomness, but liked the slightly sinister concept mwhaha

Somehow more frightening to me :)

Haha good idea .. not the helpless princess anymore!

I was wondering if someone would do this.. good going!

Cool idea and nice visuals and level-building!

Liked the art style, my game needed a little more style

Cool idea and style.. underrated game I think.. maybe try to build as WebGl next time, I tried building as WebGl this year and got much better response.. apparently people just filter on Play In Browser since it's faster to play.

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Voice acting, impressive visuals and animations, how many people worked on this during the 48 hours! It ran a bit slow on my computer and needed some Unity runtime installation and computer restart to load it but very impressive

I liked the visuals, could use some development, keep it up!

Liked the visuals, my game could have used a little more style.. impressive!

Yah I wish i could move more to pursue but overall good concept and follow-through in the jam..good going!

Interesting idea, take that adventurer.. who says the main character never dies.. mwahah

Really liked this idea, unique take on a common trope, would like to see more development of this

Love the art, instructions unclear but good overall

Visuals and media was impressive, my game needed a little more style but didn't have time. would like to see this more developed!

Cute game and visuals.. good idea and implementation of theme too

Cool concept

Never liked those plants anyways.. good game!

really good strategy-shooter type game for a jam! Fun and clean

loved the idea and the game.. so fun!

Good application of role reversal theme

I was wondering if someone would do this.. nice haha

Good idea and loved the visuals, wow.. makes me think I should have put more style into my game.. good going!

Great game for a jam!

Go Team Hamster!

Nice, and good implementing role reversal theme of the jam!

Fun and clear idea implemented in this game, good going

(1 edit)

Fun idea.. does he not like his job?

I'm a sucker for grid-based games, loved it!

Wow! Really fun!

My character went awol but still liked it and the idea.. keep it up!

Unique sim game that takes a perspective I haven't really experienced.. this makes a good sim game! Good going!

I also couldn't get past the title screen, didn't give bad marks still. I see the potential in what you wrote below

Liked the idea, reminded me a little of the game I worked on, just your style was a bit better I think