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A member registered Jul 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Wow... The style is really cool, the progression is great.


It is real for sure.
But the way that super mega rich corporation couldn't afford for moderation - just funny.

I wouldn't even notice that so far there around 600~ participants.

I didn't get it, how to find people to discuss this jam or to find a team?
Why there is no "Forum" thread in this jam!?
It seems huge enough, but yet like fake one.

I thought about, imagine creating snake like game using this principle?

So we already kinda could have basic mechanics : connections and following.

Only thing there would be need to add is restriction on map movement.
And we could add jump mechanics, where they jump one after another to avoid some obstacles?

What you think?

Hey, cool site you have.

Share it here, please, so people would save time by looking at your portfolio.
Not an offense, you just would get more views from it.

Cool game, feels old style of it, only it is very easy compared to old game of such genres. Still enjoyed it, remember me good old times.

By more response what do you exactly mean? More intuative design on how to show to a player what he does?

I seen on discord server, there was a guy for this game jam with over 30 people on board XD

That one out of ten dentist on a back seat

Yo, add my discord, please Apokalipcic2012#3653

Hello, is there any restriction on how many members can be in one team?
Can I create a team with 100+ members :D?
Can I be in several teams?

You forgot to include screenshots