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A member registered May 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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8.5/10 game. Short, fun and sweet

Linux release coming??

Hey thanks mate! I really appreciate that you enjoyed it

Hey, could you upload a zip containing all the files?

Hi, it depends on your engine of choice

This game is SUS! A good game, it has a replayability factor but could get repetitive if played for long. It was immersive, I found myself holding my breath when my character was underwater. It is a simple game but it is engaging. The implementation of the leaderboard was a touch of brilliance, people like competition and would like to immortalise their names on it, THIS increased the replayability by a significant amount. Not to mention the simple art and fluid (pun not intended) animation. 

(1 edit)

It is a fun little arcade game.  A bottle of fresh air?!😂 looks like someone is a fan of "The Lorax". The grid-based movement was a drag, to say the least as it kind of felt unresponsive as the timer was ticking away. This kind of movement does not go well with timers (in my opinion). My recommended fix to this game would be to make the movement free (not grid-based) or to not deplete the oxygen as a timer, but with each step the player makes as this would give the game a touch of strategy and planning.

Thanks! we are glad you like it

Loved the animation, art style and gameplay. I didn't like the controls tho. Couldn't get the second ending. Hope the poor guy wakes up. Its a nice game

Lovely graphics, I loved the environment and feel of the game but I couldn't play it as the camera is very unstable and I kept falling while trying to jump the first two clouds. I would love to play the game

Niceeee..... Couldn't finish it though

Cool graphics and gameplay. Could see this as a full game with a little more polish. The animation has a bug and the controls felt a bit clunky but its a cool entry

I'm really glad you enjoyed our game

A very great game, the graphics, music and gameplay are nice. The flying is so smooth but the barrel rolls while cool are overpowered. I really enjoyed this. Well done!

I like the sounds and the arcadey feel of the game and you did a good job in applying the wildcards to your game. You should also check mine if you can

Cool Zombie dude

It's having an issue so I took it down. Try the downloadables. Thanks!

Sorry, didn't have time to test the html version but I know the downloadable versions work. I will reupload but till then please try the downloadables

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Was it the html version you played?

oops. Might have seen this a little to late. I'm glad that you enjoyed my game. I'll still check yours

I now understand how this won first place...haha!..... I almost died laughing when I swallowed a cat

Thanks for playing the game and yes, I do have plans to release it for mobile/touch devices. You can also check a devlog I posted on the project for more information

I enjoyed this game, not gonna lie.

I enjoyed this game, not gonna lie.

Love the aesthetic and all but I found aiming to be difficult. I guess I'm just used to aiming with the mouse. 

I like how simple the game design is, loved the level design but it was a tad bit hard. maybe you could add a feature that allowed the player to go a bit higher the more the held down the jump key because there was a part that felt like the jump wasn't high enough.

It's a good game overall. Can't wait to see it when you release it as a full game

Wow. Thanks for the kind words. You don't know how happy I am to hear that you like it. And of course, expect a review from me

Thanks for the feedback and more importantly, thanks for playing my game. Expect a feedback from me

Hello misterG420. I'm really happy you enjoyed my game. Expect a review from me on yours

Arrgh, Dang. Really wished it was a browser game. I'll come back to play it. Hopefully it works on WINE

The music is  fitting. Got a highscore of 6. Wonderful art! Fluid animations, not so fluid jumps. Flies are easy to miss(they are literally black dots and i suck at this game). The gameplay is nice. Thanks for the experience. If you can, also check out my game.

The music is surprising fitting. Got a highscore of 6 lol. And the scenery is wonderful! The gameplay is nice really nice. The jumps could be more fluid

Hey, I really tried to play your game. It didn't work in browser. I tried downloading and playing it on wine but I got an error saying something about missing data

Thanks a bunch!

Thank you for your kind review. We are glad you enjoyed our game!

Glad you liked our game. Hope to see you when push our update with more contents

The game looks like a fully published game, the UIs were marvellous and the melody used were heavenly. The graphics are cartoony and I'm strangely drawn to games with this kind of graphics, I do have a little complaint though, maybe it's just me or maybe that's how it's designed but moving the car wasn't easy at all. it seems like the controls invert with the car. This is not really bad and I could get used to it but the camera angle doesn't help with this type of movement. Just my thought though.

Congrats on getting this much work done in a week!