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P.M. Studios

A member registered Apr 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is a really cool concept, and very unique. I think you got something here you could make in to a full fledged game if you spent some more time on it. good job I like it and think this is worth spending more time on outside of the game jam. 

I agree its a bit of a tight camera and spawning needs more variation. but thank you very much for the complements and playing my game! 

Good idea! if I move forward with this project I will definitely add some ty for the suggestion. 

Thank you for pointing that out I will fix that in the future build.

thank you for playing as well.

Thank you. Critique noted ty for that as well and you got it!

LMFAO forsure.

Thank you very much for the feed back. idk what a silent sound is but the rest of your suggestions I agree with. ty again.

Thank you, and upgradeable gun will be part of an update if I continue with this one.

Thank you, and I will defiantly take your advice if I continue with this project .

ty and I have

cool idea a little hard to see the pits but that is probably the point. Good job.

This was Great! Very tight and polished very nice job! this is something to be proud of and I agree with HK-Studio I want more of this.

nice game had a bit of trouble with a sizing issue also pretty cool that you used pygame nice!

Not at all what I excepted but I love it and that's all ill say.  very nice job!

Quite difficult but feels good when you do finally get it. and that game is obviously beautiful good job!

its pretty fun, remind me of how I drove on the highway when I was younger. Anyway this was the first game I played from the jam actually and  I busted out laughing the first time another car honked at me. Good job!

I've got nothing to add other then I really like this game!

Very nice, clean and handles well. A little punishing making me redo all size stages every time I mess up. But I had fun with it. good work!

Very nice took a moment to get the controls down. Now i have to wait for another day for the rest of the tale.  congrats on the game

controls threw me for a loop I haven't played a game like this in a very long time however I like it as a whole!

I Really like this one. controls were nice and it was satisficing having the enemies kill each other especially when you got 2 or more in a single shot.

bit confusing. but for the visuals you knocked it out of the park 

Nice chill game and no slop. I do agree with @fuscor about the difficulty. how ever very nice game! 

Its fun I cant fault you for UI,  Unity's UI can be tricky when resizing, good job! (side note the grey poupon commercial+  was a nice touch)