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A member registered Jun 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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LOVE the designs of the 3 forms, they're all distinct and the transitions between them are great. I really liked how the levels encouraged constant swapping back and forth.

Great Idea,  sort of a "Papers Please" for a robot assembly line. I'd love to see it expanded!

Great style, gameplay felt very polished. Have the difficulty scale based on enemy stats is fun gimmick.

(1 edit)

Snipping the parts off was the first thing I implemented. You can't have the true model kit experience without the trees. 

Two features I really wanted to add. 

Originally you could disabled the strict attach setting, then I disabled it because it tended to look weird. I probably should have just let people be creative.

Posing, it wouldn't have been too hard, but I just ran out of time .

Thanks, yeah, second kit was definitely the most rushed, it was riddled with bugs.

Thanks, I didn't even consider stickers, would be a fun addition. Not too hard to implement either, outside art. 

Beautiful, cozy, really like the character designs. I love underwater exploration games.

It seemed to bug out for me at one point, preventing me from scanning, not sure if that because I kept getting banged up.

Certainly nothing terrifying at the bottom of this ocean.

Really cool and creepy.

Controls were a bit awkward.

Great ending.

Yeah I meant to add low graphic options to the game. Apologies to computer.

Very creepy. The waves flowing around the earth were great. 

I also just noticed the Luna-cy pun.

What a great idea, I'd love to see the concept expanded.

I was particularly impressed by having to create platforms by playing with the text auto wrapping.

I was a bit annoyed that dragging panels near the player would sometimes reset it, I assume that was to cover up all sorts of potential glitches.

Great Job.

Brilliant idea, excellent execution and good banana. 

Really like games about operating big machines.

It was a little unclear at first that you needed to use the hose to extract fuel.

Very nice artstyle, I love how creepy the tree is. I stories with evil plants.

I think the growth rate could have been sped up a bit.

Lovely artstyle, the main character is very cool looking. The other god, Zelu, was perfectly insufferable.

At one point one of my responses fell off the scale, I'm not sure if that was intended, I like to think it's the other god just talking over the player.

I can't think of many games where I have to try to be as boring/ middle-of-the-road as possible, it's a fun concept.

Very cute art, love the character designs, especially North.

Took me a while to figure out I had to wait for turn changes.

A card game perfect for someone who sucks at card games.

Thanks so much, cool color scheme btw.

Great art and sound. Controls are responsive.

Sometimes it seemed like I couldn't build things even with enough money, not sure if I was doing something wrong.

I felt bad killing the shark monsters, they were kinda cute. Otherwise great.

Great presentation and fun concept.  Curious if there is another lizard thing crawling around on the enemy robot.

It probably could have used a tutorial or slower start to ease the player into the game loop, it's a bit overwhelming at first. 

Good job overall.

Great atmosphere, terrible swing clearance.