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A member registered Oct 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! and yep hah those are the two top priorities for a post-jam version! Glad you liked it and thanks for playing!

Hmm, I'll have to look into that! I must have made a mistake while writing it, I use a AZERTY keyboard so ZQSD is the default for me but its supposed to work with WASD too so it should have worked, thanks for bringing this up to my attention!

Thank you!

Thanks a lot! I think once I fix up a bit the inputs, it should be much easier!

Dammit, I'll have to look into that bug ! the boss seems to have quite a few issues I'll have to work out! thanks for bring that to my attention! and thanks for playing!

Love the mechanics! The assets really didnt go well with each other though, and seemed to all have their own pre-made behaviours, which felt weird. Otherwise, a lot of cool stuff in this! would love to see it get harder as time goes on!

Those bats are brutal!! Super well made though, the upgrades are really well balanced and the pac-man walls really add a level of challenge when dodging enemy bullets! Great job!

Loved the subway-surfer like music! Even though the mechanics are simple, I think the designs of the repeating sections is pretty good to make the most of what the player can do! Well played on that part!

Just managed to reach 1:15! Well done on this game! I think a quick restart button would have been nice to reset when you know you haven beaten your time!

I really didnt understand what was going on in the beginning, so maybe some sort of tutorial at the start of the game? But overall a very cool concept, and once i understood how the different spells worked, and how to choose them at the altars, it was super fun! A bit hard to hit and dodge though

Thanks a lot! I think if i manage to upgrade the controls a bit after the jam it will feel much better to play!

I think with a bit more polish this game would have a lot of potential! the boat easily clips and gets stuck a bit against the land, and the birds are very hard to hit! It's also pretty long, so I though it was neverending at the start. Overall still a nice little game thats fun once you undertand whats going on!

At first i thought the objective was to stay alive as long as possible by going from house to house, so I was really confused about the scoreboard.. Made much more sense when i finally found the exit! Maybe a bit of explaining could help the player? Also since it's based a lot on luck in the generation its very hard to find a method to get better!

I was super confused at first but i slowly got it, very interesting concept that might require a bit of explaining beforehand, well done though!

Incredible art ! but the controls were a bit overly hard, which seems to be the point but sometimes it felt like i couldn't do anything and just had to wait which was frustrating. Overall awesome job!

Nice little fun game!

Super cool concept! Loved the way of collecting resources with the different clicks! This has a lot of potential!

Fun tribute! A bit far from the theme, but otherwise well done its a nice game!

Got it to work! The control scheme is a bit strange, but theres a fun idea int here! wasn't really sure what the objective was, but still had some fun!

Loved it! Fun and simple, the FBI can sometimes get a bit stuck behind houses but still it works well! 

I think theres a lot of potential in this game! the aesthetics work well together too! I think maybe a bit more context or guidance would go a long way, or just a bit more time to understand whats possible to do!

fun little mini game, that gets the job done well! No idea how people got scores in the hundreds though lol

Very fun game! completely forgot i could jump over bullets which -did not help me- but still super fun! 

The game doesn't seem to be available..

Most enemies required hitting them a few times with spacebar, for the boss at the end you have to bait its hand to come down, and hit them until the heads drop. Once the heads are down you can hit them to defeat it!

thnaks you very much!

Thanks for all the precious feedback ! I'll be sure to take note of all of this for the upgraded version after the jam! For now the priority is fixing the delay in the attacks and jump that throw a lot of people off, and then music and sounds are next!

Liked the minigames! Had to try a couple of times for most to understand, but then it becomes fun to try and keep up as the intensity ramps up!

The broken screen noise was very loud though, ouch x)

The level design is nice and fits those mechanics, but man is that game hard! Well done though!

Amazing entry! the game looks super polished and is super fun to play! The only thing is I have no clue how the scoring system works. But thats very minor, I'd easily see myself playing a game like this on my phone or on a chill gaming night with friends!

Super fun idea! the controls were a bit hard for me to completely grasp, but still very fun! I'd have liked the enemies to arrive faster in the first waves, but i can imagine it becoming quickly overwhelming in the later waves. Great job!

Nice job! I didnt see the fact that everything cost 50 at first, but once i saw it i understood better how to interact with stuff and it started flowing really well!

Ooooooh that makes a lot of sense! To be honest i think the randomness was kinda perfect, and the budget balancing was great too because I always had to find a compromise between what i was looking for and what was available, which lead to some interesting designs haha

Didn't really understand how the scores worked, but fun still! Reminiscent of those old launching games from the olden days

Oh no sorry if i worded it wrong, I saw the comment but i was saying that I wanna see the upgraded version when it comes!

Awesome! Very fun concept, and really does make you lose by getting too greedy! The unlocked powerups also add a fun renewing aspect, love it!

Very hard to handle! But im sure theres way for people to get super high score once they get good at it!

Loved the concept! not a lot of variation, but still very challenging and fun!

I didnt understand for a while that the bottom of platforms has spikes that kill you when you jump into them, safe to say i was a bit confused on the first few deaths. Nevertheless nice game! the roulette wheel for increasing difficulty is a super fun idea! 

Super fun! lots of little details that make it interesting to try over and over, well done!