Your are welcome dude...It is interesting seeing how everything came to be.
And BTW I've showed the video of your game to Mark Brown and he said "looks interesting!" I think you are in the right path.
Hey dude, it is me the guy who commented "We totally need a "makes you FEEL like Spider-man" genre..." on Mark Brown's siper-man video.
Just wanted to say your game looks awesome and ofer some feedback that I can tell for by the video(I can't download the game where I'm now).
-The Swing looks great and fun.
-The costume and fighting style are still a little too much like Spider-man...Maybe something more shinny in his costume and graple based regular combos can fix that?
-Story wise, something Spider-man's PS4 where the most of the story was done by phone and the player can talk while swinging is the best thing I can think of for a game like this.
-Something like Mario odyssy ballon mode where the players can creat their challenges for other players(I know it is a lot more extra work, but it is something that not even the PS4 Spider-man have)
-The song in the video is quite nice.
Anyway I whish you good luck and I will keep an eye on the game...Also if would like to share the story of this started as a Spider-man game and if you learned anything interesting with Mark's video that would be nice.