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A member registered Jul 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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Sweet! Thanks

Yeah sometime it crashes because there's still a bug lurking somewhere in the quadtree behind the terrain. 

The way trimming is suppose to work is that it allow to select an area like in the leveling tool but instead of changing the height of all the points (LOWER and HIGHER) to the height of the point you started the selection from. It just bring the points HIGHER than the point down to it. So let's say you create two hills and want to turn them into plateaus you can use the trimming tool, click on a point of the height you want the plateaus to be at. Drag over the two hills and release the click. 

But I'm thinking of changing it by using the AOBdev idea of clicking and move the point up or down with the mouse. So that with the levelling / trimming tool, you will just click and drag a selection, release, move it up or down using the mouse, and finally click to lock in the modification. Hopefully that will be a better system. 

Having people play your game makes you realize that you "intuitive" controls weren't that intuitive lol. 

I didn't know what I was getting into but in the end I found a really enjoyable RTS. You even got the ability to select all the unit producing building, putting them in a group, giving them an attack move order and have the units produced execute it. Really cool! Also I like that the game mode expand on the map instead of just shipping you to another map. 

Is there a way to heal your champion? 

Also I find the fact that the map wrap over itself in the four direction to be quite confusing. 

And maybe just a polish critique but even though the sprites are good they're kind of all over the place. The game would benefit from a uniform art style.

Ngl I struggled alot using only keyboard controls. But once I picked up a controller it was great fun. Also you got a good chuckle out of me with the stock scream. 

It now works out of the box on my system. It runs smooth, looks pretty good too. You got a pretty cool engine cooking up buddy.

Look at them wiggle around! 

Hello fellow Odinchad, sadly I could get your engine to run on linux. It fails to load the mesh shader, without really telling why. It also fail to create the font shader and load the font file. I understand for the font file because it tries to find it at an absolute path which is on your desktop. I tried to recreate the path and install the required font there but it still doesn't work for some reason. 

WOW! Awesome progress! I really enjoy the new prologue over the previous one, it explains the game mechanics better. Also have you improved the wall jumping? It feels better than it was last time. 

Once again, great visuals, the fact the character move slowly enhance the sense of weight. I suck at the game, the last boss killed me lol, but I still had a lot of fun and I can see it be even more fun once I master the controls and start jumping around, parrying attacks, using the bullet ability. 

The only minus is that some sprites are blurry, one that came to mind was the snake miniboss. But that's just a question of polish. 

And to finish, the linux build works flawlessly out of the box. 

Keep it up!

Really cool Pong game! It looks good, plays smooth and overall a solid game. I find the decision to use the Z key to interact to be odd though. I couldn't get it to run through wine, but that's most likely a skill issue on my side, but it did work on my test windows machine. 

It ran first try. I got the most handsome smiley face ever on my screen which brought me great joy. I try the add_quad command without seeing anything change, mostly likely because I was sending it all ones. Got confused and closed the program. 

The mad lad used gotos in his code!   

Really cool stuff! 

Takes some skill to play but you can get the hang quickly of the mechanics. The snake boss of stage 1 took me two tries, I mostly struggled to parry the red projectiles. It's much fun to kick enemies while in mid air or managing to parry missiles and seeing them spin out and explode. Big props for the art style, I really like it. The player character make me think of a tyranid from 40k. Just one bad thing I can say is that some sprites appear blurry in the game, which make them stand out badly in my opinion. The liquid spent casing is very nice touch!

I enjoyed my time with your game and can't wait for more levels in a future demo day. 

You have a nice gem of a game.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the comment!

I'm happy that you enjoyed the terrain editing. It's the only thing that you can do yet. The terrain editing will be improved in the future by adding brushes that will help you edit more than one tile at the time. I don't know if you found the special mode you can use to edit the terrain by using left shift or left control?

The camera controls are indeed janky for now. You translate with wasd, rotate with q and e. look up or down with r and f and zoom with shift w and s. It won't stay like that in the finish product hopefully, but for debugging it's good enough. 

For the shadow, the generated shadow map is looked in place and don't follow the camera. I have yet to implement this. So anything outside of shadow map frustum is considered to be in the light. Which resulted in the artifact you got.

P.S I tried to run your game but I'm missing the file. I got it working by building the lib and putting the so file in the game folder.

Very cool game, I found some bug like when I go to the castle thingy or when I finish a battle. I like the look of it very much, got that old rpg game look down real good.