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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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The quality here is incredible! I have been using your assets from the first PSX mega pack for nearly a year now, and I just bought the full grand bundle yesterday. It's easy to find low-poly or "PSX" themed assets on itch, SketchFab or but it is not easy to find assets this good. Feels like a cheat code having your assets available to build levels, because the style and consistency is nailed down with such fine attentiont to detail.

I'll be sharing and recommending this to anyone I can!

If I could refine some aspects it would be to make the gameplay more clear, and make the actual win/lose conditions better communicated in-game. I'm going to update the description of the game soon to at least help out a bit in that regard. Thanks for playing and taking the time to leave feedback!

Thanks for checking it out! Definitely spent a big chunk of time polishing the visual layout and the "feel" of the game that in retrospect I would have liked to better spread towards getting the gameplay more refined and clear.

Very cool game! I found the mechanics well telegraphed, and I picked up what to do after a couple of battles. The presentation of the map is great, and for the timeframe of the jam this is a really well laid out game - Really nice sprite work too, it all felt wrapped up into a cohesive style and theme.

Don’t feel bad, the rules got a bit lost in general by the end 😅

We liked the idea of discovering the objective while playing, but we also didn’t get to include as many context clues or direction as I would have liked. I will update the game page soon with some basics!

The main thing in this final build for the jam is that the imposter crew will set fire to the ship when interacting with it, and the real crew will simply interact with no change, or repair active damage. 

The goal being to use the limited field of view to try and keep track of who is causing damage and getting rid of them, while not accidentally killing a real crew member. If the progress bar on the top fills without >=10 work areas damaged it’s a win. If you kill all the real crew, or the imposters damage enough of the ship, it’ll be a loss.

Thanks for taking the time to check it out!

Thank you!

This game rocks. You absolutely nailed the vibe of SF64 (Quite enjoyed Corn Area lol)

I got the same excitement from getting that sweet, double blue laser as I did 20 years ago playing SF.

I'm amazed that this game is so polished considering you made so many playable planets. You used the 64x64 space very well, and made the most of every pixel.

I am also a sucker for trying to make a complete game from my ideas, and I struggle to get the real meat of the game through. This is very inspiring work.

Having played through to the end I have just a couple things to leave as feedback:

  • I found Aqua to be the hardest stage because it seemed to rely on the luck of getting an upgraded laser to be able to survive, and the first time through it I never saw one so it became too much to handle.
  • The only bug I found was that sometimes the whole screen would get stuck in the "damaged" effect red tint. I think this would happen if I accidentally clicked outside the game window while being damaged, and I could undo it by clicking inside the window a few times - but holding down the fire button would not resolve it.

Overall I played through half the game with the red screen anyway because I was having a blast. Awesome job!

This game rocks. You absolutely nailed the vibe of SF64 (Quite enjoyed Corn Area lol)

I got the same excitement from getting that sweet, double blue laser as I did 20 years ago playing SF.

I'm amazed that this game is so polished considering you made so many playable planets. You used the 64x64 space very well, and made the most of every pixel.

I am also a sucker for trying to make a complete game from my ideas, and I struggle to get the real meat of the game through. This is very inspiring work.

Having played through to the end I have just a couple things to leave as feedback:

  • I found Aqua to be the hardest stage because it seemed to rely on the luck of getting an upgraded laser to be able to survive, and the first time through it I never saw one so it became too much to handle.
  • The only bug I found was that sometimes the whole screen would get stuck in the "damaged" effect red tint. I think this would happen if I accidentally clicked outside the game window while being damaged, and I could undo it by clicking inside the window a few times - but holding down the fire button would not resolve it.

Overall I played through half the game with the red screen anyway because I was having a blast. Awesome job!

Sure! I'm crims0nc0bra on Discord if you use that

(1 edit)

Thanks, I missed that!

Love the assets - mandatory or not, we will be including a credits section for anything we didn't make ourselves come the full release.

Nothing on your end - that is as far as is functional right now. We didn't get to finish in time for the jam deadline, and spent most of it building the atmosphere and the framework, but still wanted to show what we had so far. 

Thank you for taking the time to check it out!

This was awesome! The combat flow is fun and easy to drop right into, and the visuals and SFX really spice it up nice. The animations and lighting are excellent. I appreciate you including the controls at the start as well, something I should have done with ours and will learn from for next time. I went through the run a few times and didn't encounter anything that felt problematic or confusing, my only thought is that I'd like to see it expanded with more stages  - combat could potentially be a bit more challenging as well :)

But with only a week, we can all only fit so much! Overall awesome work here.

Thanks so much! We are still working on it - the pace of getting it all done in time for the jam deadline just wasn't going to be enough to do it justice without getting completely burned out. The atmosphere and environment were the main goals to flesh out during this period, and I'm happy with what we got done :)

He oozes creepy vibes. Not much else right now though lol.

I just added a brief overview to the game page of the controls, and where the experience hits it's end of what you can do. Thanks for taking the time to check it out!

Thanks for taking time to check it out! I just added a brief description of what is playable and where it "ends" to the game page description. Should have been included from the start - appreciate the feedback.

Thank you! I added controls to the game page following the feedback here - oversight not putting those in there at the start. 

Thanks for the feedback - there isn't much to do yet beyond that, mostly the room / atmosphere / visual look is what we have built thus far. I just added the controls to the game page, I overlooked doing that before my bad. WASD for movement, CTRL to crouch (not really much purpose for this right now), E to interact, and ENTER to proceed on the PC.

I hope the linux build functioned properly - this is the first build I've done that included more than WebGL or Windows, and I was not able to test it.

Thank you!

As much as I'm happy with the visuals and the bit of polish I was able to throw in, I did learn my limits and that next time I should focus more on the content first, because I just didn't have the time to implement it all. I posted a couple images above in another comment that lay out what the system would look like if I had been able to get all of them implemented in time. As this build stands, the only abilities that do anything more than deal [x] damage are By The Book, Meditate and the enemy's Taunt ability - this naturally leaves the majorty of the abilities feeling like little more than the same button with different images.

That reflection on what was able to be completed was worth doing though, gave me a lot of experience to move forward with!

Unforunately in this released form there isn't too much of a reason to do so, outside of this one enemy presented has a shoe-horned weakness to left mode abilities but that isn't telegraphed or informed very clearly outside of one small line in the combat log.

The idea was originally formed around having to dyanmically shift between the two modes. When you reach the max intensity of one area you are forcibly returned to a neutral mind, and temporarily would have the one you just exploded out of be weakened, but the opposite mode would be boosted. Reaching either logic paradox or lucid daydream would also enable additional effects from certain abilities for their duration. An example would be By The Book not just protecting you from debuffs, but it would reflect them back at the enemy for a few turns increasing it's effectiveness.

I posted a couple images in a reply to another comment above that shows the actual diagram that was the basis of the build.

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah! So my biggest shortcoming via the jam timeline was not getting all of that content that was planned into it - I spent most of the time getting the structure of the combat system, the logic if where your current brainstate was at etc.  

But there was more planned around this mechanic. Enemies that represented one style, or would shift around themselves, upgrades/perks that could modify or replace abilities etc.

This is some of the initial design planning that started things:

At first I died.

Then I died again.

But then I came back and became king of the beeg frogs.

10/10 much epic, very big

At first I died.

Then I died again.

But then I came back and became king of the beeg frogs.

10/10 much epic, very big

(1 edit)

I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game.

I began recording because I thought that I had lost the ability to grow any more mushrooms, then accidentally learned I could make the fire bigger. I rejoiced in my new-found time as they resumed growing.

Good job dude, simple but fun mechanic. Not an idle game, but still a good time. I think the hit boxes on the spikes could be adjusted a bit to be slightly more forgiving, but that's the one quick takeaway I have after finishing it.

Indeed, there isn't much of one in the current state, to be sure.

When I first threw it together the ship actually did not move and was the center point where all ships flew towards from around the edges. I did like that style too, which didn't even bother to include movement, but then I mostly wanted to add a different input method and movement seemed logical. Starting on the right edge was done just because if the planet gets hit 4 times that can cause failure as well.

I also would have liked to have the player ship shoot a lot slower to start and upgrade over time, but that felt like an unnecessary complication to the gameplay for something that would be over in 20 seconds regardless. Not certain if I'm right or wrong about that, but that's the reason for it being the way it is now. My goal for the final product was to just feel good to play and to look nice with the particles, which probably took at least 50% of the development time lol

Thank you for giving my game a try, and for the feedback! I appreciate you taking the time for both.

Thanks! I actually had a few different control styles in mind, one being just up/down and spacebar or similar key to fire directly left, but once I had this made it seemed like a foolish idea to try and do more than was realistic for the snippet of gameplay. I appreciate you roughing it out on the laptop to give it a shot 🤠👍🏼

Simply having completed and uploaded this feels good; it’s more than I’ve done with any previous project. I learned so much of the inner workings of Godot that will really help with whatever I do next.

Very cool! I like the concept, it works great for a 20 second game. Really well polished and presented too. The rules are clear, easy to pick up by playing, and the loop definitely inspires multiple retries.

Delivered on exactly what was described! This is an authentic Sisyphus simulator, and it's an excellent addition to any Gameboy collection. Solid controls make you truly feel like Sisyphus and the rock physics are modern and sleek.

Bonus! If you are a parent, bring this one along for long car rides. Kids asked one too many times how much longer the drive will be? 

Let them play this game. 

Promise them that you'll tell them exactly how much further it is as soon as they get the rock to the top of the mountain. Then, relax and enjoy your well-earned peaceful drive.