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A member registered Jan 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sorry folks, the video for DEMO above is the wrong one.

The improved DEMO is this one:  Archipelago Sim DEMO Version 2.6

Done! Thanks for the feedback!

Archipelago Sim is a sailing simulator where you can create your own scenery: add terrain; add any number of boats and structures; step into your boat (or sailboat) and then control it to navigate your awesome 3D world.  You can also change the weather and time of day. The emphasis is in physics realism waves and boat dynamics.

It is a fun solo game to chill on.

I have added new Demo video and by user's request I am also adding Tutorial videos for Archipelago Sailing Simulator.

See the Demo in YouTube  here:     Archipelago Sim DEMO

Download Archipelago Sim from

Also a reminder that there is a zip file with Examples of several Situations

I have added new Demo video and by user's request I am also adding Tutorial videos for Archipelago Sailing Simulator.

Check them out at

Also a reminder that there is a zip file with Examples of several Situations

Hi folks! You must try Archipelago Sim

Took a lot of work and I am very proud of it .  BTW: It is FREE!  The only catch: if you want me to continue developing it, please give me some feedback and like it!

Any feedback is appreciated but please be courteous.

Thank you for your feedback Rezneps! Yes, you read my mind as for the next release I have planned to add random weather option that will change with time. But I am also working on more realistic water refraction and adding wind shadow  so wind is reduced behind terrain or other obstructions including  other sailboats! I'll have to think about the "speeding time" option , but it would [obviously] not be too realistic (that'd be a bumpy ride ...  ha ha!), I am open to any ideas!

For all of you sailors reading this post, remember: I LOVE YOUR FEEDBACK. Please let me know your wishes and please press some LIKE buttons :-)  that would help to spread the joy!

Please try Archipelago Sailor Simulator and let me know how you like it!

(1 edit)

Hello Folks, I am PapaySailor and I am much older than most of you! Retired Electrical Engineer but love realistic simulation Software, and this is my project:

Please contact me if you'd like to contribute to this project.

This latest version 2.5 contains this beautiful SailBoatIII :

FluidOS community · Created a new topic General Feedback

You are welcome to give me any feedback about this project. Please be courteous.

Nice simulation. Thanks for sharing! I've been working on similar CFD but I gave up on plain Navier-Stokes because it is hard to implement in the GPU shaders, and then it becomes too slow to compute. So I've been working with LBM (Lattice Boltzmann Method). Have you tried that approach?

Have you tried Java using OpenGL with JogAmp ? Java and C# are quite similar.  Check out my game here:

Thanks! Try it and please let me know what you think. It is a free game.

Yeah it is not the fastest. The CPU code would run somewhat faster if in C or C++. But the heavy lifting in my code is done by the shaders in the GPU so the game is not affected at all. Congrats on doing the hard work of writing your own engine. At the end it pays back with less bloated software, smaller foot-print distribution and you also have full control.

Hi leafo! First of all, THANKS!  I DO LIKE this DevLogs board very much. Brilliant!... but.......hey, you knew a "but" was coming....:

Among this Board's (DevLogs) rules, one is is for allowing only  "unfinished" projects which is somewhat confusing to me; because, there such a thing as a "finished" project? (meaning done 100%). Seasoned Software developers say: "there is no such a thing as a completed project....only ABANDONED projects. To what you might reply: "if you released the project, then you consider it 100% done so it doesn't belong in this Board".  But then I would say: "No, it is not done.  It is USABLE and/or PLAYABLE and/or STABLE; so I released it but there is a lot to come after the release (specially once you get user's feedback) and it is impossible for me to know at what percentage it is right now".

Some of us want more visibility for our projects, and this would help:

 I think you could allow any "completed" games in this DevLogs Board if the author think there will be ANY improvements in the future. I'd like to see what others would comment about this.

I do understand that for Released Games authors have the DevLogs in the games's pages. But there you, as an author, do not get as much "traffic" or "views" as you might get in this Board. On the other hand,  you were asking "how to make this board better", so... IMHO,  again,   I think allowing authors to post their progress HERE would make this board better.

Thanks again!

You are so right in your reply. But some people think that "scope creeping" is a bad thing... it isn't!!! That's EXACTLY how big projects are made: they start small and depending on partial results and feedback they "creep" into larger things. Even for games. Nobody is capable of pre-defining every single aspect of a project in advance. It is impossible.  You start with something simple.... then you make it better. Ask the makers of Microsoft / Apple / Google / Facebook etc...

You know what's more challenging than playing video games? To write one!    ;-)   Given said that, when it comes to playing... I prefer simulation games that closely resemble reality.

I have programmed in many languages and EVERY SINGLE ONE was my favorite at the time; starting with assembly code, then Fortran, Basic, QuickBasic, Pascal, C,  Visual Basic (VB6) , VB.NET , C++, C# and the most recent (and my current favorite... believe it or not :-) is JAVA. Check my retirement project: ArchipelagoSim game written in Java and wrote my own game engine in OpenGL (JOGL) and published here in this site:  Actually I am LOOKING FOR HELP to continue development of this fun project! So.. contact me if you (or anyone reading this post) are interested. I'd like to take it to the next level, whatever that might be.

Thank you warpotato!  Hope you enjoy sailing in Archipelago.

Very nicely done! Are you using Lattice Boltzmann Method for this simulation or straight Navier Stokes? BTW: It works fine with my FireFox browser (WebGL?)

I would love to hear your comments about this version

(2 edits)

Some people may have trouble downloading or installing the APSetup because it is an executable and the APsetup exe extracts files and creates the necessary sub-folders in your Windows Documents folder;  Windows may complain that the EXE is 'unsafe' because it is not 'signed'. Well,  sorry about that but signing programs is an expensive step and I am not charging for this it is OK to override Windows warnings.  I am also including a ZIP file as an alternative way to download / install Archipelago.  If you still have problems let me know or if you prefer to send me an email (for anything) that is fine too: send your email to

I appreciate your feedback Lenny; let me know what is at the top of your wish list.

Could you please try the latest version (1.8) and let me know what you think of it? Thanks in advance!

This version if obsolete. Please download the latest version 1.8

Hi folks! I just released the latest version of Archipelago with many improvements including the addition of Canada's famous schooner: the BLUENOSE II

Check it out  at


...and a short video:

Glad you are enjoying Archipelago! Any special requests? This is what I have so far for Bluenose II  (Rigging is next).

Hey Canadian! Hope you are having fun sailing  with Archipelago. If you are running anything lower than version 1.74 you should upgrade. I am currently working on adding a sailboat that is very famous in Canada: the Bluenode II  Thanks for following!

I appreciate any feedback on this (Windows PC only) sailing game/simulator:

Specifically on: 

  • ease of install and use
  •  realism 
  • future potential

Hi sailors! If you are into simulation games try my free game here

And if you are into simulation games try sailing with

Thanks for your comments!

Interesting request! Thanks for that. As a matter of fact, when I started this project 1+ year ago I was in fact targeting 3 major platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac OS) but as the program got more complex I was forced to choose;  so I went with Windows, which is my preferred OS at home. Right now I am using DLL's (libraries) that only work with Windows. I suppose in the future, depending upon more requests, I could revisit this strategy. Thanks again for your post.

Please let me know what you think

Version 1.72 adds night time sky (stars and moon light)