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hey fun fact, today I made a playable demo after scrapping the dev logs, because I'm an unpredictable perfectionist. BUT if you want to KNOW, I've made a demo public that can grant a concept of what I am making. It's hard to phrase. It's really an experience. It's really a game. It's really something determined by gameplay. There's more to come.
I'm working on video games, same as others on this website.
So, I'm a bit burned out and rushing through things that leads to frustration. But I'm taking a step back and trying to relax. My goal is to have my first video game done by the end of this month. (This time last year I was nowhere near as on point as I am right now I just suck at pacing myself) hyuk hyuk hyuk
Well, it's a fun game that my PC can run. Except, I got stuck. Maybe it's due to inexperience in the genre, but I couldn't make sense of the unknown tasks that prompt after attaining the beaver critter.
Apart from that, everything works fine. The critters are cute. I care for them. The game makes good on the promise of a peaceful setting with a relaxing environment. The UI is simple. The music. The settings. It all works really well together. It sticks out from the rest of the games on the site. Solid.
Focus. Concentrate. Never compare yourself.
Basic advice really. Don't rush.
" Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. "
When you know exactly what you want to write, all you need to do afterwards is perfect it. Make decisions and don't doubt yourself. Question yourself but never doubt it. Work to solve the questions you make for yourself. They're all creative decisions, after all.
I feel that. It's like the brain gets clogged and nothing can manifest. It's a constant threat that looms in the background. But taking some time-off is sound advice. Take a walk, exercise, cook, clean, listen to music, dance-anything! In order to direct attention away from what your brain is constantly clamoring for.
TLDR: Make your intention clear.
welp, that's the trade-off with creative and commercial success. Sometimes there's a sweet spot between what you want to say and what others want to hear. But most of the time...it's a treacherous forest. But worry not for there is people who you can engage with, game jams, groups, channels, all sorts of people in places living loving and learning.
Well, I ALMOST beat the game.
I ran into some frame-rate issues, but I think that's because of my current hardware. As is, the game was a lot of fun. I thought the music and environments kept me totally immersed. Being a gun threw me off though, I was not expecting that! Something else unexpected I DID enjoy a lot was the gun's kickback. It felt really responsive and switching between weapons was seamless.
MAYBE toning down the difficulty would help. I can't count how many times, I was fighting off enemies like a hungry dog for the extra ammo and health.
Overall, magnificent work.
Hey this game is super relaxing and fun!
I was immediately caught off guard by the music which is really soothing and disarming.
I settled for a sorrow faced, t shirt wearing, boots wearing, leaflet type stick figure.
And I can kind of guess that there's a mermaid somewhere in the mix of combinations, but the rest are hard to tell.
I'll be nice if you'll be nice to me.
Despite most people's immediate concern, I don't in fact hold an automatic prejudice or reserve pre-conceived notions of people that are unlike me. If you want to get to know me better, I would advise you be the most yourself possible. Given TOS and other circumstances I'm sure we can abide by.
That being said, I tend to be really up front about a lot of things.
I hope.
don't plead.
Let's make games
live our dreams.