Group 7:
Some of the visuals of the items were pretty nice. One improvement we would suggest is, despawn the items after a certain period of time. Also, there's no UI when playing and the gameplay is very overwhelming at times
Group 7:
It's really interesting to have immortality and try to find a way to die. One improvement would be have some description of some of the UI stuff. I had gotten a poison at one point but had no idea what it did. It's very interesting though. We'll have to go back into it and play it fully later
Group 7:
Overall, the style of the game is good. One thing we did not like was that you couldn't move and jump at the same time. Also, what did the "power up" do, exactly? The description mentions a power up but we didn't see anything happening. We would suggest giving the character the ability to move and jump at the same time. Also, be more clear on exactly what the power up does. We've noticed that there was nothing stopping us from falling off the map so maybe fix that too
Group 7:
There was no explanation for what the controls where. We had to figure out that shift was sprint. Also, if you held up, you'd basically become a bouncy ball.
The game was pretty fun to play, despite having to figure out what the control were. The controls were very responsive and fluid
One suggestion would be, for the jump affecting ability, have it not accumulate and be able to jump off the map
Group 7:
I really like look of the game. The double jump is a bit extreme. My only suggestion at this time is to make the double jump less extreme. Also, the box being destroyed by the spikes is weird. It would be nice if you could put the box on the spikes and jump on the box to get to other spots of the map
Group 7:
I like it. The like the design of the game, especially the moving background. I think this is a pretty well made game. One suggestion I would like to see is, rather than dying immediately, I'd like to see some sort of health bar or health system. Deduct from the player's health when hitting an enemy and only die when the HP goes to 0.
Group 7:
I like the overall look of the game. I like that you got the enemies to move back and forth and how you incorporated a way for the player to die. One problem I found was, the player seemed a bit light when jumping. Like jumping on the moon kind of light. Also, there was no explanation that stated what the bar under the health bar was and that it had to be not empty in order for you to attack.
I would suggest making the jumping a little heavier, where they aren't jumping like they are on the moon. Also, either make the attack bigger or the area for the attack to take affect bigger. You had to make the character get dangerously close to the enemy in order to attack