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Everything is taken care of down to the smallest details, from the main menu to the game itself. Beautiful graphics design. 3D assets and animations are very good!

Great job :)

You have developed the mechanics in a original way! I hope the giraffe at the end of the game doesn't have a stiff neck ahaha

Many thanks! We did our best :)

Levels are a bit difficult and there are some problem with collission. But we are going to fix it!

Another thing we noticed is a missing tutorial. That would help you to understand how to overcome obstacles in the right way. For now you can find some hints in the game's description.

Hope you'll give to our game another chance when we'll upload a fixed version :)

Thank you ! :)
What do you mean with "not good level design"? Can you be more specific so we can improve it?

Storytelling, art, graphics, sound & music are amazing! It's a perfect cozy game. It's really easy to understand and know what to do. Good job :)

Easy to undestand and fun to paly! I was especting to find also the pink slime. I was so curious to see how the mechanics would changed. Hope you'll share an update with more levels! :)

We have to implement a tutoria to explain how to use stats.

Little Goblin want you to know that he likes and approve your comment expecially for the flower crown part so he is doing a flower crown to thank you! :)

Thank you for answering me :)

Fun and stressful at the same time ahahaha!

Unfortunately you can't rate this game on a scale of 1 to 7. That's a shame!

The art style and the game's page are so cool! The game has this chilled vibes I liked.

I would make the game more difficult and challenging as the time goes on. 

Thank you! :)

Ahahaha! I'm happy that make you laugh and you enjoyed our game :)

We want to make the initial tutorial more complete. We explained how to move, but not how to use the different shapes.

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed! :)

Many thanks! :)

Is there something didn't enjoy you because was tricky to understand or to end the level?

Thank you so much! :)
It's more "solve the puzzle", so choosing the right stats to complete the level.

Which controls were difficult to get used to? So we can solve the problem! :)

I love the art and sounds! :)

You should add a tutorial to know where to pick up receipe and how to use  fire and ice and other stuff.

I like that you have to change her size frequentely in the level and to move the bookcase around. Even if the mechanics aren't a lot the game is well done and really fun to play. Less is more! :) 

The gameplay is to understand. Graphics and drawing are amazing, I love this kind of style! The elements are so cute. I would add also other elements.
Good job :)

I like the setting and that the main character is a scale! Nice escape room! :)
I would adjust some collision because the character go through objects sometimes and the movement of the camera is too fast in my opinion. I would add another music when you go in the rooms where the enemy go back and forth so you know there is a danger. Use some sounds effect for the enemy and the main character (steps sound, a sound  when the enemy step on the main characters, etc...) and some backgroun noises.

You should explain in game how the mechanics works.
The art style is nice! :)

The art style is very cute and you developed the theme in an original way. The story is short but it has all the majour point you need to make it work, so good job!

It was tricky write on the keyboard. I often press other letters ahahaha. Anyway I like the concept!

The mechanic is very interesting and well integrated with the worldbuilding! :)

Simple but well execute and enjoyable. You did a great work! :)

We have to fix some bugs and do some stuff better!
I'm glad you like the page and you enjoyed the game, thanks :)

Many thanks! :)
We are palnning to add a tutorial to explain how to use the different stats to overcome obstacles and to fix some bugs, so it'll be more fun and easy to play.

We have to implement a tutorial to make more clear how to use the different stats.

Happy to know you enjoyed! :)

Thank you very much for the feedbacks. These suggestions allow us to improve our game. I hope you will come back to play it when we release the new version :)

We'll fix it to make it more clear. Thank you for your feedback :)

I agree! 
Thank you :)

Ahahaha our Little Goblin can floating. We'll fix it! :)

Were you able to complete the game or was it too difficult?

The atmosphere and the art style is very cool. Would be nice to have something else to eat besides humans and some animals and to have other "powers" as you get bigger. All of this would made the game even more interesting.

It's impressive that you made it in 48h and I didn't find any problems while I was playing! Good job! :)

The concept is very interesting. Even if you have only four movements it's not easy and immediate to complete the puzzle. You have to think how to place the notes according to the movement of the duck. It's not so obvious when the diffcult is increased with the double notes and new movements of the platform.

The interation at the beggining of the game with the letter is interesting and original. I loved it.

Sometimes there are some bugs. Sometimes it was difficult to catch the notes. It can happen that when the drawer closes the notes fall out and you can't play. You have to exit and reopen the game. This happened to me twice.

The game is very enjoyable! :)

Thank you! :)
Was it difficult to finish the game? 

The art style is awesome. I like that you have to fight with a brush, it's very original. The design of the impostore syndrome is very cool! Nice concept :)

The perfect game for a Ghibli Studio fan. I would spent hours on play this cozy game. It's so fun!! I love it. Soot mites' sound and animations are so cute. Thank you for doing this game :3

Few mechanics, well execute and fun to play. I didn't find any bug. The sound of the ghost when it dies it's fun. The gost is really cute btw :3

The way you integrated the theme with the concept you thought of is very original and not so obvious. The drawings and graphics are very nice. You did an amazing job! :)  I loved it, even if reading the instruction while I was playing kinda ruined the gaming experience and that's a shame because it has a lot of pontential.

It would be great if the game was finished and integrated with some storytelling (some cinematics at the beginning of each level to have context and better understanding on what is happening and what the player has to do). This would also help to empathize much more with the character.

We have to write in game "press R to stasrt the level again" so people know how to refresh the page and retry. Some people got stuck at the first level because they don't know the command.  We'll fix it!

We want to explain better in game how you can use weight, strenght, speed and jump to overcome obstacles. They are not always so obvious.

Thank you for you answer, you are very kind! :)

Yeah it is a known bug we didn't have the time to fix it :( . Press R so you can start the level again.

If you notice other issues let us know.

Thank you so much for your feedback! :)

I had difficulty understanding how to use the potion. At first I thought you could only use it by pressing the mouse button, but then I realized that you have to keep pressing and choose the direction and then release the button.I found tricky to do some levels I don't know if I'm not so clever or if there are some bugs.

The way you showed graphically the area where you can bounce is very creative in my opinion. Is it honey?

Anyway it was fun to play. I love the main character. Cats are always adorable!

We are glad to have given you the game you have been waiting for! Yes, our goblin is very funny, and let me tell you, cute too :)

What are the things you liked the most and the things you liked the least (or you found annoying/ difficult)?