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Nameless Studio

A member registered May 05, 2015 · View creator page →

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Escaped Plague is a game about a soldier, infected by a strange disease that turns people in monsters, that is trying to stay human and defend a town from the fully turned monsters. He built a robot to turning him back to human is he loses control. We use a mixed 2D-3D graphics and a 3D camera on the shoulder with a melee fighting system! Try to beat the horde and post the higher round you reached!

Download it here:

Made for Ludum Dare 49

We're already working on some refinements and bug fixing. The tutorial was cut out at the end of the jam for an error (as you can see on the "This is a test script" on How To Play)

And yes, Poppos are murderous machines

Nice game but I didn't understand how to avoid the cat. The art is nice and the soundtrack is enjoyable. Would love a downloadable version

Very, very fun but it became a rage game. Looking forward for Cat Mario with superpowers

Nice graphics and horror athmosphere. I'd love to see how my choises impact on the non player character (basically, how much he trust me)

Really fun and ragy game; I didn't last too much, but the artstyle was great and the animations so fluid. I really enjoyed playing this!!

Very simple and fun game, but too much repetitive imho

Quite fun game, even if I didn't understand how the game fit the theme

Nice art style and graphics. The game was a bit confusing. I didn't see how this game fits the theme

I had fun tho I didn't understand what I was ment to do actually...

LOVED THIS GAME, I had a lot of fun, and at the third run I got the tactic to finally win! Enjoyed so much!

Very nice rage game! I had a lot of fun playing it!

Very nice presentation and idea! Not that much intuitive, I had to loose a game to find out what I had to do. I would also have liked a pause button, that would have helped me so much haha!!