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A member registered Feb 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi, nice game!

Hi, nice game!

I forgot this: link

My game is inspired by the idea of generative language. You can create entities (enemies) with different effect by combining different words.

For example:

combining "HP+" and "Self" makes an entity that increases its own HP by 1;

combining "HP+" and "You" makes an entity that increases your HP by 1;

combining "HP+" and "Room" and "Entity" makes an entity that increases by 1 the HP of any other entity in the room this entity is.

Hope it will make sense to you!

I'm looking forward to playing your game. Bye and have a nice day.

Hey this was very good, the pixel art, the challenge... Nice!

Wow you actually played this shitty janky  thing. I'm sorry for the frustration it caused. This game is supposed to disappear :) , nobody has to waste his time on this garbage. By the way, thank you for playing!

Among the games in this jam, I think this is the one with the most "soul". It has a particular, definite atmosphere, that one can easily remember or recognize. Good job man, I envy you a little bit :)

Man, the polish is real. I'm surprised at what people can do in such a short amount of time.

yoooo clever mechanics! you guys are smart!

the gandhi we all remember and love

Wow thanks. Yeah you are right, using the arrow key wasn't the best


Thank you for playing my game and for your observations, Matt.

Thank you for playing my game. I know, the design  is bad.

Yeah, my computer sucks.

I got it, thanks!

When I shot the first enemy, it crashed.

Sorry for the silly question, but I don't know how to attack.

By the way, I like your pixel art, very colorful and... I envy you for that a little bit.

The animations of Red Pepper nose are very good. I like the graphics in general.

I think you are very good at drawing.

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Liked it! Nice work guys.

When you die, just spam A. The cursor is automatically set on "continue".

(1 edit)

Yes, there are two endings, one if you bring the seven daughters back to the king and one if they marry the Devil's Son.

You can save jumping on a purple flower, by the way, sorry, I know it was not very clear... yeah I could have done that better.

Thank you for playing it by the way! I appreciate it a lot!