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Mitch Coote

A member registered Jan 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback! I definitely feel like the balance could be improved so if you fail a jump you don't have to start the whole room over again.

This looks soo impressive. Unfortunately once I got to the gameplay section the game ground to a halt and I seemingly lost all control of the character. I tried restarting but it did not improve (and it would be nice to be able to skip the intro scenes faster). Maybe a desktop build could be a option?

Wow this was great! I liked that it was simple enough to grok but the puzzles always had a bit of a challenge. I really liked the art and vibe of the game too.

OOoo it's always nice to see someone play your game live. Here's mine:

Ahh right, I must have got stuck because I needed to think some more 😅

Very funny and very unexpected. Somebody needs to stop the spread of aberration desease :D.

Interesting puzzle mechanic that I think you could use to create all sorts of interesting levels. I think it would have been good to get a it more handholding at the start to help understand the mechanic.

I kind of got stuck on what felt like invisible collision at times and I wasn't sure why. I think I could have used a bit more guidance about where to go initially.

I must be a boomer, I don't really understand cookie clickers :D

(1 edit)

The minimal art style was nice, helped with the chill fishing vibe :D

Who doesn't love burritos?

The gameplay idea was interesting. I think I might be stuck cause my keyboard doesn't have a num0 key :D

The music and ambience felt good. I think one thing you could improve would be keeping a consistent pixel size for the artwork. For example the characters had more fine detail while the environment had bigger blocky pixels.

I found it to be quite difficult, but very unique!

The vibe was really cool and creepy. I liked the visual glitches and artefacts that occured.

When I plugged the trojan my browser tab crashed the first time I played, was pretty funny and went with the theme.

A fun spin on an existing game! it was cool by the end of the round you could see just how much you had strayed from the base game with each choice you made (distorting the screen was a horrible choice on my part :D). Music was really calming too.

Great work!

Simple concept but I really liked the way it was presented. The music was great.

The level names giving a hint to the solution was also a nice touch. Though I must admit I was pretty bad at the game :D.

I liked the cute art and kitty :D.

I think it could have been improved with some sounds and music.

What an interesting concept!

Some of the assembly coding stuff flew over my head a bit but it was a really neat idea.

Thank you for the feedback :D. Celeste was definitely an inspiration for various aspects, especially the tileset sizing.

I think one thing that would improve the game is to have the game elements (like the basket and the apple dropper) to be skinned more in the style of the background. Basically just sticking more to one style.

It'd also be nice to have a game over screen so you could take a moment to look at your score before trying again. Right now you're thrown right back into it.

I'll check yours out soon! Here's mine:


I really like the art style, low res 3D is cool.

I wish there was an option to change mouse sensitivity. Minor note but in the intro you have written "quite" but I think you mean "quiet".

Always happy to get more eyes on my game :D


Ooooh, I'm always down for free ratings. Here's mine

I can't seem to get your game to work in the browser

I really loved the visual style and theming. Controls felt good and aiming was easy. Only thing I would have liked was some improved AI, it often felt like they weren't reacting to gun fire and stayed in place.

Nice work!

Thank you for the kind words and feedback. One thing I'll definitely look to add is key rebinding so the player can choose whatever they want.

Thank you for playing and thank you for the feedback!

The vibe at the start was so creepy. Nice

Thanks for playing!

Really cool idea and execution!

My only feedback would be to have some more visual readability. There were a few times where I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do next, for example I didn't realise the ability button was down the bottom right. Another example would be differentiating the enemy pieces from your own.

I love the presentation, it feels pretty unique. I found some of the puzzles quite challenging, but when I finally figured it out it felt good. If it was a full release I'd probably want a slower ramp up in difficulty.

I thought it was very creative, gave me backrooms vibes.

Here's mine

I'll play yours when I'm off work, thanks!

So the echo records the player's motions then plays them back from the player's current location. Thanks for playing!