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A member registered Jun 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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Very neat! Had a fun time with this.

Absolutely allowed to post stuff anywhere - should probably have made this clearer.

Initially I was planning on keeping it secret, but on second thought, that’s probably a bad idea. Wouldn’t want a situation where someone clearly couldn’t win but kept grinding away without knowing. When I receive the first submission, I’ll make something publicly available for reference.

False positive, not sure of anything in there that would raise a flag, though.

Oh, the file is only written when all levels are cleared.

On Linux it’s .local/share/godot/app_userdata/Y2ROLL

yeah windows does that, it’s nothing

Which Windows? Does the console open? It crashes on Windows if it can’t reach a console, and the crash you described sounds reminiscent of that. It should automatically open, but if not, try running it from cmd.

What platform are you on? 2nd time I’ve heard of a crash.

First I’ve heard of a crash - what platform are you on?

Could try downloading love and running the .love directly?

Way simpler honestly, it’s all just menus and stats. I guess it is very UI heavy and folk don’t tend to enjoy working on UI, that’s probably it.

Impets have been giving a lot of people trouble, a re-balance is probably needed.

I’m surprised there aren’t more simple RPGs in game jams, to be honest; they’re very scalable for scope.

Wow, this is real neat!

Wonderful art, but had a bug where going underwater would just display a grey screen. Using Firefox on Linux, if that helps.

Neat little dungeon crawler!

Hit a bug where I went to alt+tab and then this menu came up, and I couldn’t figure out how to exit it - hopefully an easy fix. image.png

Thank you! These are all custom tiles, yeah!

Starting over from the start was just a cheeky way to increase runtime for the jam - in an expanded version you’d be able to restart a map.

Wasn’t sure what to do with the orb even after I found the stone circle, and soon after I beached myself and died by the fisherman, but really liked the atmosphere in this.

I liked the idea, but like everyone else, got stuck at the PAPA jump (which as far as I can tell is a leap of faith?), and cut the experience shorter than it otherwise could’ve been.

Fun game! Got 146! image.png

Did come across a bug where 3-didget score pop-ups with multiple wider characters would cause it to linebreak and look awkward - purely cosmetic and should be an easy fix though.

Attack range was next possible thing to be worked on, but ran out of time.

With enemies unable to move, giving the player Arbalesters can get tricky to balance, as without putting enemy Arbalesters everywhere it would allow the player to just sit back and safely pick off enemy units. They were taken off of the final map for this reason, but with enough time to properly craft maps (and add some extra mechanics to give units different properties), this could be alleviated.

Greetings fellow Linux beardie! There’s Makefile rules in the src for generating AppImages, but I’m on NixOS and had issues getting those to run on non-NixOS machines.

Until I get around to fixing my build workflow, easiest steps for Linux is to either run the .love with the love2d from your package manager, or run the Windows version in Wine.

These are just shaders to emulate PS1 rendering quirks, actually running Godot on PS1 hardware would be a very different project (and probably impossible).

Yeah, these shaders are not designed to play nice with lighting. For best results, keep lighting as static as humanly possible.

This is normal, try adding more edge loops to your mesh - polycounts were often a little higher than you’d expect to accommodate this.

If you want to disable it completely, comment out this line:

Game concept is very unique and really works to the strength of lisps! Shame there’s not a full loop or dedicated levels, but keep working on this! Would make a great programming puzzle game.

Brutally hard, but fun!

Managed to get to wave 5.

Error I get when trying to run the .love:

Error: main.lua:1: module 'fun' not found:
        no field package.preload['fun']
        no 'fun' in LOVE game directories.
        no file 'fun' in LOVE paths.
        no file './fun.lua'
        no file '/nix/store/g1p9296iz8hl66z60spqq23464jnhx6j-luajit-2.1.1693350652/share/luajit-2.1/fun.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/fun.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/fun/init.lua'
        no file '/nix/store/g1p9296iz8hl66z60spqq23464jnhx6j-luajit-2.1.1693350652/share/lua/5.1/fun.lua'
        no file '/nix/store/g1p9296iz8hl66z60spqq23464jnhx6j-luajit-2.1.1693350652/share/lua/5.1/fun/init.lua'
        no file './'
        no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'
        no file '/nix/store/g1p9296iz8hl66z60spqq23464jnhx6j-luajit-2.1.1693350652/lib/lua/5.1/'
        no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'
stack traceback:
        [love "boot.lua"]:352: in function <[love "boot.lua"]:348>
        [C]: in function 'require'
        main.lua:1: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'require'
        [love "boot.lua"]:323: in function <[love "boot.lua"]:126>
        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
        [love "boot.lua"]:362: in function <[love "boot.lua"]:355>
        [C]: in function 'xpcall'

Really like the original song! Do you have other music elsewhere?

Really like the art and music in this one!

for 4.0:

Any chance of a Linux build? I get graphical errors when running in Lutris.

Roles are not equal in time contribution, and this was a project on the side. Keep comments like this to yourself, maybe.

Any chance of exporting a Linux build?

Game crashes on start-up for me with wine.

For an existing project, copy-pasting the shaders and setting up the materials yourself using the demo as a reference.

For a completely new project, copy-paste the project itself and start making changes from there.

Don’t forget to include the license info in whatever it is you make.

There is no full thing, this is a standalone project styled as a demo disc.

Nice stuff! Really enjoyed playing through this.

It’s all on the GitHub, check the older commits

Hi, that feature is enabled in the itch settings; if there’s an issue, however, Ko-fi is available:

IIRC it was accurate dithering that led to moving it to a post process effect rather than object-level (had issues dithering between colours, and didn’t play nicely with transparency).

Wasn’t overly happy with cutting per-object dithering, but it was a relatively obscure hardware feature to begin with (so far you’re the first person to bring it up). Hopefully we’ll be able to get it back in 4.0 by rendering to a buffer to mask dithering, AFAIK that should do the job.

Keyboard controls are listed in-game under “Controls” on the main menu.