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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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haha thanks! I'm still waiting to hear about a bear overload crash. One day...

Loved all the details in your world! Having everything take place in a single room is great scope. Plus, all those doodles are *chef's kiss*. Nice work!

Appreciate it! The DSD tune was the first thing that Blep made and, yeah, it's a bop.

The only solution is to get more bears, clearly.

Thanks for the compliments :) Hoo hoo hee hee! 

Such a fun take on all the characters! And while I'll probably have your game's song stuck in my head for the rest of the week, "I'm champin' at the bit!" will never leave my lexicon. 

Dannnnnng really nice job! The optional DSD fight was fantastic. I almost got stuck on the Primeval Mask fight but figured it out eventually! 10/10 vibes, this game was just such a pleasant experience from beginning to end.

Playing this game is like an interactive art exhibit. Or rather it's like the feeling of sneaking through abandoned buildings, subways, or houses, and being so overwhelmed by the sense of mystery and underlying melancholy that it's beautiful in its own way. Or maybe not, I don't know lol all I know was that I was absolutely puzzled from beginning to end, but my brain lit up at every innocuous (and sometimes devious) detail. When I found out touching the paint cans changed my painting color I felt like I had uncovered some ancient, forbidden clue.. and yet I still found myself no closer to fully understanding what I was experiencing. It's that enigma and atmosphere that kept me glued to this. 

I'm glad you teamed up with Blepasaur on this, too. His tunes just made your worlds seem that much more ethereal. Thanks so much for this experience.

Phewww there were a few times I thought the AI had me, but I pulled through in the end. To pile onto what everyone has already said: your game has fantastic art and music, and is just a solid presentation all around. My favorite card art: Reuzerat. There's just something about that pose.

Thanks! He's also extra satisfying to smash

Thanks so much for those kind words! The specific worlds question you'll have to ask littlekittenbit about, though I believe one is Sin City. 

Based on the updates I've seen from other games, a toggle-dash would be perfectly acceptable change! Seeing as it relates more to accessibility than, say, adding more content, it makes sense to add it in.

I have to agree with everyone else that this game needs a sprint toggle because for a long game it can get really painful for me. Some type of special mouse cursor icon to indicate where you're aiming would have been helpful to me. It's so easy to just not see a normal mouse cursor in the middle of battle. That aside this was such a wonderful entry! The music and art just worked so well together. Charming to the max! And, I'm not sure how many endings there are, but the one I got was really sweet. I'm glad I finally got to meet Kevin, too.

omg those end cutscenes makes this game. I think Primeval Mask's might have been my favorite? That aside, I would main Solveig. She's the Voldo of the game.

Oh, but I would be sure to credit Kyle, littlekittenbit, and Barrelbot for usage of their art!

Thanks, AFB! There is, indeed, an objective outside of the main game!

Hoo boy yea that's a weird one. Thanks for pointing that out! I'll just take down the HTML5 version since I didn't get a chance to thoroughly test it.

I played this in a pitch black room at night and it just made everything feel that much more immersive. I really dig this game's mechanic and how you presented it visually. The unseen beast lurking on the other side of the wall was such an inspired choice. Also, the fact that Seraphina shakes her head when you use her power is a nice detail. Great work as usual!

You already know how much I like your game, but I'mma post here just to reiterate it! Loved it and the new artwork!

No spoilers but there was a certain moment in this game in which I was shocked and delighted. Really great job, from the mechanics to the cutscenes! I *was* hoping there was a secret for destroying all the pots, but the DSD ending makes up for it. Also, poor Big George. That little guy had so much heart.

Your game had me yelling at these little guys trying their hardest to catch up to pop fly.. just like the real thing, baby! I'm glad someone made a sports game, it must have taken a lot of work getting that AI to function. One little bug I ran into was that after I beat the game I tried to paly it again but it loaded the final cutscene instead. Not a big deal to have to close the game and reopen it, but I thought you should know!

I looooove the art! It's got such vibes. And I have to second Barrelbot in saying the ending was great. Nice work on this weird game!

I was tickled when I found out that my jumping was making the guitar play. It's a really nice touch that plays into the game's chilled out vibes. I really liked the progression and additions of skills, although the last puzzle had me stumped for a while! (I got it eventually.) I also thought the surrounding metanarrative was a fun choice.  Great job all around!


I was curious so see how far people went before the game broke. On behalf of the team: thanks for the kind words :)

You got me grinding lovebots!.. but I suppose that always was their purpose, right? 

Real fun game! A few of the lines got an audible guffaw out of me. The sprite work was spot on, too.


That DSD lore is THICC. Great vibes in this game and I'll never say no to a zipline!

That sword traversal felt great! I liked how you used the mechanic for traversal, combat, and puzzles. Cool use of a game jam to play around with a single gameplay idea!

lol thanks! We didn't intend on being a source of pain for Kyle, but if it brought chat amusement then it's all worth it.

It's kinda crazy how intuitive the controls felt after only a few minutes of playing. I'm not going to lie - I played the DSD level soooo many times just to beat him. There was a real sense of tension as I felt my racer falling to pieces as I blasted my way to the finish line.. and then the massive sense of relief when I finally made it. Well, anyway, what I'm saying is that I really enjoyed your game! 

I'm absolute trash at rhythm games so thanks for taking out the penalty for mashing the buttons! It let me experience your amazing game fully. Seriously, this was such a unique experience and the fact you made all this in a month is stunning. Thanks for sharing it with us!!

Two last points: I know you said you weren't hot on the Zaggadash fight but I appreciated it! On the other hand, I think you did my boy Aldius dirty. He's just an innocent, lovely old man!

Thanks! That means a lot to me coming from your team! Dungeon of Alexandria was a major inspiration for how we wanted to approach the game jam this year.

My first time getting to live in an AFB world. Such a treat. Thanks for the weird experience :)

Getting to the end of the game was so worth it. I got my very own robot party :)

Oh, nice! FriendlyCosmonaut does great stuff.

I know you didn't finish making the game, but thanks a ton for uploading regardless. All the art was so friggin charming I loved it! The movement felt pretty good too, especially with the inclusion of a stopping animation for Jebb. As someone who also used Gamemaker, how did you handle the dialogue boxes?

Thanks! Glad you got through to the end!

It took me a while to find the green key, but that's only because I wasn't being observant enough! When I saw a vital detail in the level design it all made sense. Nice work! I love your character sprites, too.

Good to know! I had fun playing it!

I tried the "destroy enemy" thing but I guess he wasn't the last enemy I hit. I'll jump back in and give the game another run!

Reading the comments here, I'd agree: this is a weeeeird experimental game! I'm not exactly sure I knew what was going on but I was still compelled to keep searching and figuring things out. It was cool to stumble into the secret area, too. I've got a question, though: after winning the dice games against the skelly and ghost I get teleported to the final room. Is that supposed to happen?