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A member registered May 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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On your game's page -> on top right, below your profile pic and name, there would be a button saying "submission to Brackeys jam". Your ratings would be there BUT not right now, it takes a while to show after rating period is over.

Just excellent! Graphics, theme, concept.

Great work!

Just excellent! Graphics, theme, concept.

Great work!

I loved the graphics, very eye catching. Story was interesting as well

Awesome game! Great graphics!

Really cool concept, great art!

Over all awesome work.

Atmospheric and immersive, it kept me hooked. Great work!

It was too much fun. I have nothing negative to say, the character animations were funny :D

Had fun playing.

Sound effect when enemy fire bullets would be nice

Over all. Nice work!

The intro was awesome. The character was funny. I enjoyed playing it!

Hope its worth your time :D

Here is mine -

will be playing yours soon. Thank you :D

Thank you for playing :D

I will be playing yours in a while :D

(1 edit)

Thanx for playing and thanx for such a helpful feedback.

Very useful advice. I specially like the 'Aiming with mouse suggestion'. Damn why did i not think of it before :D

I will be playing yours in a while :D

Thanks :D. Rated yours :D

Really cool idea, player has to remember what on the other half of the screen and then make moves accordingly.

Great Job!

Thanks :D. Rated yours :D

Thanks :D. Rated yours :D

I loved it, dorky animation, music was on point, art also looked great.

Awesome game!

Good clean art. Very calming music and sound, nice take on the theme.

May be you could make the 'hair dryer' point towards the balloon automatically rather than having to control it with mouse scroll, but its fine.

Great Job!

Nice art, nice audio.

controls gave me a little bit trouble.

Apart form that, great job!

Great mechanic for a puzzle. Graphics were awesome, music and audio were on point.

I can't really think of any complaints.

Great job.

Funny concept. Nice pixel art

Some funny sounds would go well with it. 

Great job!

Great concept, nice funny vibe, levels had clever puzzles.

Overall great game!

Thanx for playing :D 

I'm planning on removing the T mechanic as its quite hard to execute for a lot of players, or may be I can make an easier puzzle with it.

Thanks for your feedback, I playing yours right now :D

Thanks :D. Rated yours :D

Thanks for playing my game :D

The thing about T rewind is the more speed object has when the button is released the more speed the object will gain. The player has to utilize this speed to get up. However I am finding out that its quite difficult for lot of people because it is at maximum speed when its just about near the ground. That makes it a mechanic requiring sharp reflexes. Honestly I am thinking of removing that mechanic and just keeping rewind mechanic in the post game-jam version.

Again, thanks for playing and for the feedback!

I keep coming back to this game because its too much fun!

Graphics are so good. A nice back ground music would suit the game very well. Very clever puzzles. Great game over all!

Music was on point, Great art and good concept. But a bit too hard. Over all great job!

Excellent game, Only thing I would suggest is to not have cooldown on dash(but allow only one dash after each jump) it adds time when the player is standing there doing nothing waiting for cooldown to be over. Other than that nice graphics, good controls, great concept as well. Thumbs up!

This is one of the best concepts in the jam, well done! Almost looks like a finished/polished game. Can do incredibly well on ios and android app stores. Great job over all!

Thanks :D. Rated yours :D

Great work, nice idea. One suggestion I would give is to make tree colliders smaller so its more forgiving to the player and player doesn't get frustrated because hes stuck again and again.

Over all. great job!

Thanks :D. Rated yours :D

(2 edits)

1st of all, congratulations on completing your first game jam. Making a game within 7 days is an achievement on its own.

There were some some problems-

1. Jump was some times unresponsive

Solution: This is how I implemented jump in my game -

2. Character  gets stuck in walls

Solution: instead of using a box collider use some other collider with rounded edges, If you necessarily need it to be in shape of square then use polygon collider instead and slightly round the edges of the collider. Also its a good idea to have less friction on the player

3. Character movement was little slow.

Solution: Here is a video that shows how to make movement snappy :

4. Camera moving suddenly.

Solution: I am guessing that either you have put the camera as a child of the player or you have a script that sets the transform of the camera equal to position of a empty game object that is child of the player. The way I would do it is I would have a script on the camera that moves the transform of the camera to the position of a empty game object that is child of the player BUT make it move slowly using the Mathf.lerp function.

Over all great job on the game. It is so much better than my first Jam game :D

PRO TIP: if you are spamming, don't have such a recognizable profile picture, just let it be the yellow toad LOL. BTW, I don't support spamming, I'm just saying you know :D

I need ratings and honest feedback because I am expanding my game. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Drop your feedback and ratings on the game's jam submission page and I'll play and drop constructive feedback and rating on your game.

Game's jam submission page -

Really good art style and graphics, I think your game can do incredibly well if you put it on apple app store and android store