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A member registered Nov 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey! Thank you a lot! :) 

Cool character desing! Purple palette is perfect for this scene.

Character and scene are perfect, but i think the companion need to be more detailed! 

Amazing work! I love the glass reflection :)

The little dude is amazing, nice work on character design!

Thanks a lot! :) 

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Hey! Freaking nice! I love scene composition/color palette and the dialog is *chef kiss"!

Nice character design and animations! I love the squishy face!

Hello! Thank you a lot! Any idea for a new potion? 

wow thanks for playing and for finish it! ♡ Yes we probably must do a "how it works" level but at the start the objective was to create something high challenging  and pleasant to watch! 

Hey thanks for the review! Hope you can finish so you can upload your score!

Hey thanks for playing! The game as only one route and it's signed with green point to understand where you need to go! What do you mean with confusing? 

:D Hope you can finish that to sign your highscore!

hey! Niceee! Only 1 over mine! 311!

Fun and addictive gameplay! i really love the movement system!

My friend, that part is possibly the hardest part of the game! You have no idea how many times I have tried to repeat it but there are various ways to overcome it!

Currently there are 5 checkpoints and you can upload your score at the end of the run! Hope you can make it!

Hey thank you so much for playing the game! We don't believe in curves and we created the game with the vision of making it difficult right from the start! But once you understand how to do the first part it's almost an autorun and that first part we consider it a tutorial to understand the various basic things!

Hey thanks for try it out! We developed this game in order to be a lot difficult! What checkpoint did you arrive at?

This game is very hard so i don't know if you handle to finish :P

Hey! thank you for playing! Yes, the spike curve is a bit difficult eheh, but did you manage to finish the first checkpoint?  ;-D

I love the gameplay and the combined theme of this classic game has been superbly adapted! I will definitely play it again!

Nice gameplay! Music and art style are on point! 

hey! Thanks for the review!

Nice puzzle game! Love this kind of puzzle and use of limitation is great!

The sound is pretty good! I dont' like too much the pixel art is seems to be a bunch of different style all togheter. The ending is so cute and you implemented the limitation in a cool way!

Good work!

Hey! Hope you can give a check to my submission!

Good twist to pong, loves the feeling and the retro style! Maybe not so original but quite enjoyable!

Thanks for the review! Hope you can play again in the future!

Just click in the right order the potion! 

Very good vibes and presentation!

hey thanks for the review! Hope we can make at lear 10 more level for the end of the week!

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Hey if you wanna try out!

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Hey we added, 4 extra level if you wanna test it out! 

Hey! If you wanna try it! We just uploaded a new version with some extra level! 

Thanks for the review! As soon as we have time we will add all the most lavish sounds eheh... the game is still pretty easy.

Hey, thanks for the rating! The game was done in just 15 hours between design / programming / graphic. In the next few days we will get our hands on the final polish and we are currently looking for a soundrack! 


Soundtrack fit perfect!

The game is still buggy and only 6 levels are ready but still it seems to give good vibes!

I want your opinion!