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A member registered Aug 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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I keep coming back to this game :D Beat my highscore today


This little game is incredibly addictive! :D Graphics, SFX and overall presentation feel very slick and polished.

One minor thing that confused me on my first run is that friends that are alive after all enemies are killed can not be collected. I understand that this is probably done because of balancing reasons but it felt a bit weird and illogical.

Otherwise, this game is a gem. I can see myself playing it whenever I have a few minutes to spare.

This is amazing. Might try it out later.


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Hey Loubitek, I feel your comment deserves a really long reply, alas, I am not very good with words :> so a short one has to suffice.

It makes me really happy that you had such a blast playing the game. I agree with all of your points!

I have started a Trello board where I collect everyone's suggestions. Maybe I will make it public. I definitely want to continue development on this game.

As for not being able to place bulidings after the bombardment... that actually was a bug! But I decided to keep it included because it added an additional challenge :D

Thanks for the feedback. I will polish the game up a bit after the game jam is over.

Very nice. It's pretty polished, I like it.

Cool puzzle game =)

All points noted =) Thanks for playing

Thanks for the feedback. I think I will work  on the game a bit after the jam is over.

The real machine right here :)

We'll see... :^)

The one true Amazon™ simulator.

10/10 would Prime™ again.

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Thanks for the valuable feedback, it's really appreciated! Yeah I noticed the misplacement issue myself today when I watched a friend play it haha. Crazy how you can miss the most obvious problems when you are the one making the game.

There are a lot of balancing issues right now. I think I'll polish the version up a bit after the jam but won't add tons of content.

The sheer scope is very impressive! The ship movement is very satisfying!

Very impressive. A faithful recreation of early 90s shooters :D

Nice one! The controls feel responsive and the music is super chilled out =) I haven't made it to the end yet but I'll try. *thumbs up*

Must have been wave #3 then :D

Yeah the difficulty is really punishing at the moment. Maybe I'll tweak it a bit after the Jam is over.

I'll make sure to try your game when I get home!

thank you for giving it a try! How far did you get?

Cool little toy =)

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Very atmospheric! Well done. You got my ratings! =)