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A member registered Nov 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello! And yes of course, everyone is welcome to join, regardless of experience. Everyone began with no experience and there is no shame in it!

You should join our discord serverif you haven't already... there you could introduce yourself and team up with others!  And/or you can choose a low-code or no-code game engine like these examples (in no particular order):

bitsy, bipsi & friends (2D)

“~ a little engine for little games, worlds, and stories ~”

construct 3 (2D, web)

 uses events & pre-made behaviour systems

gamemaker (2D)

has drag & drop behaviours kinda similar to construct. it also has the benefit of having pretty much every functionality you need built into it

Great to hear. Soon there will be more cheese

It was a strange experience for me too. My body was merely a vessel, converting the divine vision granted to me into a web-playable experience. I actually really enjoyed working on it and am already working on improvements and more content, maybe even get a steam release down the line if the project grows bigger, so stay tuned!

Thank you for playing again!

This was the first thing I saw when I woke up and you gave me a good laugh to start the day, thank you for your lovely comment!

The golden path between cheese and parasite is a narrow one I admit. TBH I was just making nibbling cheese on my own and then realised godot wild jam was going on so just submitted it to see what happens, so you are totally valid in your assumption of my cheese pungence.

I'm glad the game has left an impression on you! I hope therapy will be enough.

See you next jam!

Thank you for playing! One friend put it as it made them feel like "an old rat exploring their enrichment enclosure" and I think that sums it up quite well. I really enjoyed making nibbling cheese 1, so it is highly likely that there will be a fuller game very soon. I'm still working on the game and have updated the main menu as well as added a new feature: you can now choose your cheese colour:

update of everything i've added until then will go live when the rating perioid ends :3ImageImage

lovely art style! quite ambitious idea, if there was more time I'm sure it would have been a smoother experience. the UX has some flaws like having to click back and forth so many times, but it was an interesting game with interesting visuals!

I like the concept of jumping between hosts while also fighting the oncoming enemies. The 1-2 buttons to attack is a really weird design choice as It is a very unusual and uncomfortable move to make while also trying to use WASD and mouse... could it have been left and right click on a mouse instead? I feel like I'm missing something, but a great first participation!

interesting parasite-based turn based strategy. unfortunately it is a very hostile experience. The font is barely legible and the UI hopping around with no clear marking of what is interactible and what isn't making the gameplay really rocky. I'm not sure how the actions I'm taking affect the world (like the parasites, what buffs / debuffs do I get from them?)

Pretty cool concept though! I'd love to try it again if there is ever a post-jam update adressing the issues

interesting parasite-based turn based strategy. unfortunately it is a very hostile experience. The font is barely legible and the UI hopping around with no clear marking of what is interactible and what isn't making the gameplay really rocky. I'm not sure how the actions I'm taking affect the world (like the parasites, what buffs / debuffs do I get from them?)

Pretty cool concept though! I'd love to try it again if there is ever a post-jam update adressing the issues

Interesting concept! I was a bit confused on how I interact with the world, but got the grips later on. It's a bit weird as we humans contribute to these disasters happening so...

short & a bit confusing experience about correctly handling the eggs we harvest from a flesh wall. Really interesting concept! I had a little trouble with the controls and encountered a bug where an egg was stuck to my hand and I couldn't get rid of it :o It reminds me of Mike Klubnika's games with the camera angle switches and the crunchy claustrophibic environment

nibbling cheese 2 Q4 2024 steam release...

Thank you for trying it out! Glad to hear you enjoyed it :3 I hear your concerns about the theme and have updated the theme elaboration bit to include existential parasitism.

Thank you! Yeah that could be one way to further develop it! I'm planning on revisiting this & buzkruz (a drunk driving endless runner also made in godot for one button jam) when I have better knowledge of godot, so I can polish them up and add some cool stuff :3

Thank you! Maybe the real game was all the clock cup gun magazine bullets we played with along the way

also "plexsoup" is an amazing name :3

It definitely isn't a conventional game (half because I wanted to do something weird, and half because I don't know how to implement conventional game things in godot yet :p) but thank you!

Hello, and thank you for your kind words! I really appriciate it and it motivates me to learn more and participate again next time :3

I wanted more to happen but I only had about 8-10 hours to work on the project, and I'm very new to Godot and still haven't figured out collision detection. I initially wanted it so that you can load and shoot the gun and it would have been a speedrun-type of game with the clock on the table, but here we are! It was fun to make, hope you enjoy playing with clock cup gun magazine bullet :3

the percieved violence is no more

great voice acting, the background music mixing was a bit too loud on ms5 speakers but it was great to see the behind the scenes, and of course the isop0dyssey marketing bit was great too. 10/10

the joverness levels are beyond me. Very simple mechanics, unfortunately it was a bit buggy when I tried playing it but i think it added to the experience of having to cut wood and make a bridge to the end of time. this was lovely

i love the idea and the fact that you can never truly succeed. just like xamk its all an illusion

i love the idea and the fact that you can never truly succeed. just like xamk its all an illusion

i couldn't escape. very realistic as i am a xamk student stranded here

Thank  you so much for playing! We all appreciate it that you took some time out of your day to play our little crow game :3 

I'm their partner and I think they did a pretty good job

Hello, thank you! That's so cool, I'm looking into making a small terrarium for the lil goobers soon. I'm actually working on a video game with a couple friends where you play as a tongue louse... it's a pretty absurd game about these parasitic isopods having the ability to ride & race these fishes in underground street races on the seabed city! I'll make an page for it too at some point but currently you can find the page on steam:

a great addition to the souls-like genre. 10/10

The art and the concept is really cool! I loved the environment and the characters, although I got a bit lost on what to actually do to progress in the game. The ambience fed into the mood and immersion, well done!