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Ludus Pax Studio

A member registered Jul 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey everyone! I just wanted to showcase some of the coverage that Rise of the Village Hero has received to give people an idea of what the game is like! Here are some of the videos! 

Cemetery Gate: 

Leniasiren : 

Her video coverage!


Call me Gollum:

Joel Durant: 

My own coverage devlogs and tutorials and short videos:

Thank you for watching the videos or checking out my game! 

HI there,

Thank you very much for downloading our game as well as playing it and especially we appreciate the feedback. 

I am not sure why the frame would be low but we can certainly look to test it. However before the upload the test came back with quite a high frame rate from our side. But we can investigate that further thank you.

Volume can be looked into for sure as well as SFX are all coming into it. 

Dialogue HUD and overall UI will probably continue to be improved. Thank you so much for all the feedback. 

Have a great day and thank you for playing our game.

Team at Ludus Pax Studios


First of all thank you very much for playing our game we really appreciate it! 

We would love if you could give us a follow and also keep in touch with the page here as we will keep updating the game! 

Tell us in a few words what were your thoughts on our game? We appreciate the feedback.

Wow sounds epic I shall be attempting that again real soon. What a fun game honestly. Keep up the good dev work.

Thank you for everyone replies I shall attempt to do another couple of videos tomorrow and try and get through as many games as I possible can. If you game is an extremely horror game (I know sounds funny since we made a horror game as well) or if your game is on mobile,  i wont be able to record game footage of it as I get very scared of horror games and secondly I dont have a way to record mobile . But other than that I shall try and get through the list thank you to everyone for posting here . What an awesome community. Make sure to go out and try other games as well and especially low rated games and give them a few votes makes all the devs super happy to see their game tried out :) 

Hey great game thank you! This was really fun and enjoyed it a lot. Great work for a week!

Really great game had a lot of fun with it. Completed everything except the retirement plan :) 

Hey there played your game and recorded it. Its really impressive for a game jam and especially for a week. Good job! I like turn based strategy games. 

Thank you very much for trying our game. We are very happy that you were scared :) thats what we were aiming for. We never made a horror game before and also one of us (referring to me ) is genuinely terrified of horror games so making this was an adventure and a challenge to test :)  I will attempt to you play your game tomorrow. I have a YT channel and I will make sure to add your game to the video first impressions :) Have a great week!

Sounds intriguing. Thank you for sharing will give your game a try next week at some point.

It is a very nice community. I shall give your game a go :) even our game is horror and I been struggling to test it and try it. So will do my best with your game as well :) 

Hey there thank you for sharing your game. I will be checking out your game and your plans sound epic. Big goals :) 

Best of luck.

Ok thanks for sharing.

Wow I love Subnautica though also equally scared of it :) Will try it out thank you for sharing.

Will check it out thank you for sharing!

Wow sounds like a challenging game! I am going to try it out thank you for sharing :) 

Will try it out thanks.

Sounds epic! Will give it a try thank you for sharing.

I will thank you. I shall check out your game next week.

Sounds like a really big team. I look forward to trying out your game thank you for sharing.

Hey there ,

That sounds great I shall check your game next week as I checked the first 5 responses or so in my last video!  I will be trying to get through all of these responses before the 8th day when the game jam finally closes off. Thank you for sharing and I wish you well with your game dev work.

Hey thank you for sharing unfortunately i have no way to record mobile games so I wont be able to do that but my able to try it out and give you some feedback if you like.

Really great and ambitious project for a game jam . I like the story and game-play mechanics. Quite different and new. I didn't get too far but i really enjoyed the game.

Played your game loved the mechanics and the overall art. Didn't get very far into the game but really cool take on the theme and concept for game. 

Hello! There played your game it was a lot of fun but I couldn't really get very far because I couldn't use the switcher for some reason. Great job though on the art and game mechanics.

(1 edit)

Really great game and very ambitious for the project. I had a lot of fun playing the game thank you . Although I got stuck in the room was not able to exit it even by pressing F. But perhaps it was just me.

Really cool game had a lot of fun playing your game and particularly enjoy the mechanics and the graphics. Really ambitious for a game jam :) . I cant wait to see what else you will do with the game in the future.

Hey I played your game and it was a lot of fun . I didn't get into the game very far but I will try and play it some more later. It was definitely a lot of fun and will share my video later on your page. 

Thank you for the awesome comment! Appreciate that you played our game.

Sounds epic will check it out for sure and add it to my video thank you again for sharing it with me.

Will check it out thanks.

Wow big plans will check out the game for sure and let you know once I release my video on my game dev supporting yt channel. Thank you for sharing.

I will check it out and make sure to leave feedback and add it to my video first impression thank you for sharing.

Wow sounds awesome I shall give your game a go and add it to the list of first impressions thank you for replying.

Awesome thank you for sharing I will check the Quest game you made for the jam and will add it to my list of first impressions . I do usually for every game jam i partake choose a few games and add it to the first impression list :) Will let you know when that is available. 

I played our game and I can say I am very scared still :D This is such an awesome game we made and I couldn't be prouder but still it was hard to test and to play this game again now :) 

I played our own game as a first impression! 

If you would like me to play your game leave a comment here just telling me a little about the game, your team and if you got any future plans for the game. Thank you to the organizers and this awesome community here.

Thank you very much for playing our game. Its not without its minuses the submission for sure but we had a lot of fun making our first ever first person horror. Thank you for all the kind words. We are very glad you liked it.