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A member registered Jul 23, 2018

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Kinda like a rough crystal. There are a lot of great ideas. Graphics are great, and the gameplay idea is really nice. But it lacks a little tutorial of some sort, a timer/turn counter and maybe more diversity in the level design to become the polished crystal itself. However, for a game jam prototype this is really great (and a bit difficult !). 

Would be fun to expand the game a bit outside of the jam to see the possibilities :D

(1 edit)

Yeah well...I hope it's in everyone's mind that all the games of the jam were made in 3 days ! Which makes your gameplay quite impressive. You can't focus on every aspects of a game with so little time !

To be totally honest, I was to tired when I tried your game to focus correctly on the dialogues, but it seemed quite nice ! 

A nice tribute to the old adventure games, with linked items. Liked it ! Classic but effective way to treat the subject. Characters are funny... It worked ! :D

GG !

(Recognized some sprites from pokemon & zelda :DDD)

One font is not included in the package (VL Gothic font), so the game insta-crashes. It's sad. Seems like an interesting game, and I would like to try it !

Isn't there a problem ? I can't pass the tutorial. Tried every buttons. Seems like a great game tho ! Would love to try it !

I'm not a fan of tactical RPG, but it's really great you managed to code it in RPG Maker, with an AI. 

Problem is the second fight is waaaaay too long... And the graphics doesn't match together wich make it kinda strange.

GG anyway for this !!! Gameplay is really well done ! :)

J'aurais tellement aimé en voir plus ! Graphiquement très original, je suis excessivement intéressé par le gameplay, et ai très hâte d'en voir plus, il y a moyen que ce soit vraiment cool !

Façon extrêmement originale d’interpréter le thème, j'espère y voir une suite !

Je me suis bien amusé sur ce jeu. Les personnages sont plutôt bien écrits, l'histoire est assez rigolote... On veut en voir plus !!! :D

Bravo pour ce jeu, vivement la suite ?

Tellement étrange. J'ai pas tout compris, j'étais après la rencontre avec Bibi & Isabelle, impossible de comprendre où je devais aller (Peut être qu'il n'y avait simplement pas encore de suite), mais c'était quand même une expérience assez rigolote.

Bravo :)

PS : Mon dieu, ces musiques xD

Wtf I just played. I thought I was going to play an RPG-Maker thing and ended up with a plateformer with wall jumps ?! Incredible ! I was really amazed.

Wall jump was a little hard to make, and rigid, but I really had fun playing this anyways. Characters and graphics are really great ! GGs !!!

Great game. Beautiful graphics and nice story. Liked the zombie-shooter like gamplay part. Would love to see it longer. Really loved it ! :) GG making all of this in only 3 days ! :o

I experienced two minor bugs. In the little house of the park, at 13:06, you can go out of bound near the widow. In the zombie part, it's kinda strange to fire when you press the button to pass the dialogs.

Seems it could be a great game, but I had lots of crashes. I like the graphics and the gameplay, but the objectives are not really clear.

Great game anyway with only 3 days to do it ! :)